Site design update

Hi all, this is KATE, owner of the cheater community CHEATER.FUN 👨‍💻 

Today we have redesigned our site and made it easier, more comfortable and faster. If you have found any bugs or problems, tell us about them in the comments.

In the near future there will be big changes on the site, as well as contests with cash prizes.

Follow the updates, so as not to miss the actual information. 

Thank you for being with us!

Comments: 42 Views: 50 874


  1. Shalkov3
    24 June 2022 19:02


  2. Stopboyz
    24 June 2022 18:49

    There is an option to change the design to a darker version, finally, hooray!

  3. kayoo
    24 June 2022 18:46

    like facebook :D

  4. Wumpus
    Real Cheater
    24 June 2022 18:43

    It looks great, I like it

  5. Tamasxd
    24 June 2022 18:42

    new design looks good

  6. zForside
    24 June 2022 18:39

    nice design  😀 

  7. Kadetka
    Real Cheater
    24 June 2022 18:38

    Good news!