NinjaCS - [New Generation] CS2 Injector [VAC Bypass, Green Trust Factor, Stealth Injection & more]

Added behavior check for game crash after a dll is loaded within the game. Minor/Typo Changes on Texts Code improvements

New Comments
reconph13 reconph13



Es gibt schon neuere Versionen , such mit google.

zuhu zuhu

well its just a offset dumper you than.
when u have cs2 running.
start the dumper.
than it should put files into a output folder than.
open the offsets.json file in both the output folder and the folder the cheat is in.
than change the number of the one in the cheat folder with the ones of the output folder.

ElRameh ElRameh

how is it done? I didn't understand

Stacikk Stacikk

how do i make it appear? I see normal roblox (im using bluestacks btw)