Naruto Menu - GTA: Online

  • Developer: The CheatSquad Team
  • Status:
  • Updated: 01.12.20
  • Current version: v1.5

A new working cheat without a ban on GTA V Online called Naruto Menu. A unique cheat with good functionality and easy management through the menu, which you can open right during the online game. It has all the necessary functions for a dominant game, as well as special troll functions.

WORKING GTA V Online 1.52 Mod Menu 17/11/2020 - NO BAN!

Managing the hack on GTA 5 Online:
Open menu [F5]
Navigation [Num2/8/4/6] and on the arrows
Selecting [Enter] and [Num 5]
Back/Close on [Num 0] and [Backspace]

Free Download Naruto Menu - GTA: Online

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Comments: 79 Views: 21 789


  1. Zeu Cs
    22 November 2020 19:51
    fiveM de lucru

  2. Anuel AA
    22 November 2020 07:51
    add aimbot     

  3. _R7st0_
    Real Cheater
    22 November 2020 01:09
    please add back animations and model changer

    1. _R7st0_
      Real Cheater
      22 November 2020 17:19
      sorry i am blind xD

      1. shuhabbilalala
        25 November 2020 17:01
        how did you type it tho

  4. Tonda4
    21 November 2020 22:55
    If i play with this mod every time he drop game like 10 minutes on online

  5. ototronik
    21 November 2020 12:52
    How can i delete the files ? I can't do this. It's says everytime you don't have permisson of delete this file. Or something like that.

  6. Jero420p
    21 November 2020 02:54
    update 1.4 came out

    1. Jero420p
      21 November 2020 02:55
      update it pls,still has a bug of 5 million

      1. Lelohere123
        21 November 2020 10:07
        for me it's work i think i have to  update lol

    2. Jero420p
      25 November 2020 17:31
      new update 1 5

  7. GraxBy
    Real Cheater
    20 November 2020 15:50
    Windows literally said this is a coinminer lmao

    1. Skrega
      21 November 2020 02:03
      and windows is full of bloatware and data collection software but it doesnt tell you that does it? windows antivirus is bs just dont listen to it.

      1. GraxBy
        Real Cheater
        21 November 2020 22:21
        btw so did virustotal

        1. KenankillerYT
          29 November 2020 01:44
          thats because cheats modifie game files which is a virus move so thats why anti viruses do that so next time you do a little research and dont add stupid commed some people are gona believe

  8. BrutalReflux
    20 November 2020 14:41
    uhh i got the hack downloaded in an notepad does anyone know how do i use it cuz it is just bunch of script written on the notepad

    1. Skrega
      21 November 2020 02:03
      i think you got the wrong file my man

  9. netqher
    netqher · Net#0001
    19 November 2020 01:23
    it dosent let me open the menu with F5

    1. Skrega
      21 November 2020 02:04
      try other buttons, eg. f4, f6, *, etc.

  10. gamepredator2
    19 November 2020 00:58
    i thought this was a virus cuz a bunch of windows kept popping up plz dont do that next time i thought this was a real virus and i screwed up my pc

    1. privado
      19 November 2020 16:41
      you shouldn't be browsing on a hack website then.
      i sometimes feel like some of you are using the computer for the first time..

  11. _R7st0_
    Real Cheater
    18 November 2020 16:27
    good menu i recommend it

  12. qwas
    18 November 2020 15:58
    Did anyone try the stealth money?

    1. Thesofthard_96
      18 November 2020 16:07
      I did, kept doing it until i got 300mil

      1. BUR17K
        21 November 2020 10:51
        nasıl yapılıyor ?

    2. idavidGod4life
      19 November 2020 21:57
      yes its very good i got 200m

  13. kagchigga
    17 November 2020 23:51
    does it work

    1. Thesofthard_96
      18 November 2020 16:08
      yep, it works fine + it's a real good mod menu, i recommend this one or kiddions. Btw don't use the stealth option, ur probably gonna get banned for using it.