Phasmophobia cheats?

Hello everyone Please tell me if there will be a section with hacks for the game Phasmophobia? It is now very popular and I have seen that many people play it with cheats.
Comments: 3 Views: 3 277


  1. KATE
    KATE · Brother#4367
    21 October 2020 15:01
    It will be ready by Friday.
    I'm not home at the moment. worried

    1. zaxmin
      20 February 2021 03:00
      hoy es viernes :')

  2. zaxmin
    20 February 2021 03:00
    cala homosexuales no me deja Escribir algo bronceado corto asi que te pongo otra cosa mas :)

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.

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