How to update a crack if I have dll but I'm not owner or uploader of the crack?

Hi! So someone fixed a crack and I wanted to update it but I'm not the publisher. Is there a way to update it?
It is NullCore version 2020.
Comments: 3 Views: 2 746


  1. chater123
    25 February 2021 21:30
    can u just give it to me on discord? pl#8202

  2. RussianAirplane
    RussianAirplane · rus#9999
    20 December 2020 21:25
    You cannot update .dll, you have to have Source for the cheat.

  3. Realtimeout
    30 November 2020 12:02
    i'd recommend to publish it instead since the publisher probably dropped the cheat.

New Comments
argariel argariel

new update bro :( we need new cfg plz... thnx!

MsAshheart MsAshheart

I think it's because the game is now on 2.0.2

firefox3665 firefox3665

Please update the offsets.

zuhu zuhu

Cs allraidy had a anticheat. it's still VAC, they think VAC will now have 3.0 in all servers instead of some.
which maybe so but from people's test is mostly more to detect more obvious cheaters/aimbots.

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