Onetap V3 Crack Crashing After Dying.

i crash after i die with otcv3
This Only Happens When I Have AntiAim On And Im Spining
anyone have a fix?
Comments: 24 Views: 14 719


  1. Rdnrhm
    Real Cheater
    14 September 2021 21:55
    i think its a bug in otc it doesnt crash when there is 1 person but if im going against 4 people it crashes it might be a problem with the resolver or antiaim?

  2. sebica2
    7 April 2021 18:26
    this cheats is so good but very detectable.

  3. wasseww
    22 March 2021 02:53
    svcheats1 god lol

  4. LjubaGrom
    21 March 2021 23:24
    why wont detect configs?

  5. Dunkyhax64
    Real Cheater
    15 March 2021 21:48
    dont die then  sunglasses 

    1. Rdnrhm
      Real Cheater
      17 March 2021 16:37
      svcheats 1

  6. Perro Peludo
    14 March 2021 23:50
    the solution csgo in window works for me

  7. H0pPerCz
    Real Cheater
    12 March 2021 23:25
    Same here  rage 

  8. TheRealChickc
    10 March 2021 16:07
    its detected btw alr ( should )

    1. Rdnrhm
      Real Cheater
      13 March 2021 10:37
      it is not detected ive been using for long time but i was legit hackng

  9. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
    Real Cheater
    10 March 2021 14:44
    old dll . use the official vmped dll

    1. Rdnrhm
      Real Cheater
      12 March 2021 11:25
      Can You Send A Link To That?

    2. Priyomdip
      17 March 2021 18:47
      vmped one just crashes when u get in a game

  10. yescheats_V.2
    Real Cheater
    yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
    10 March 2021 11:25
    yea upgrade ur pc or laptop

    1. Rdnrhm
      Real Cheater
      12 March 2021 11:24
      my laptop is not the best but it gives like 100 fps ik thats not alot but i can use any other cheat without crash

      1. yescheats_V.2
        Real Cheater
        yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
        12 March 2021 16:23
        do u get like 20 fps when ur close to an enemy or bout to shoot them?

        1. Rdnrhm
          Real Cheater
          12 March 2021 18:19
          no the lowest i get is like 60

          1. yescheats_V.2
            Real Cheater
            yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
            13 March 2021 19:44
            idk upgrading should work

            1. abodozpasha
              Real Cheater
              abodozpasha · Cheetos#7889
              15 March 2021 02:23
              bot, have an outdated dll, get the updated one from Exloader or BetaLoader, or just search on github, and stop trash talking to people, you fuking retard.

              1. Rdnrhm
                Real Cheater
                17 August 2021 22:20
                you idiot i use exloader it still crashes

  11. AlexEzz21
    10 March 2021 08:48
    outdated dll

    1. muymuy
      Real Cheater
      10 March 2021 11:11
      pls give me thee updated dll

      1. liujiang71352
        15 May 2021 08:18
        i have the updated dll

  12. muymuy
    Real Cheater
    10 March 2021 08:00
    yea bro samee

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