Need to inject this script to valorant

Hey , I got a ssl key dump that I need to inject into valorant in order to get Some APIs 
Anyone knows/got a way to do this without getting banned ? 
(PS:I'm ready to pay)
Comments: 3 Views: 3 165


  1. narutoirado
    narutoirado · takizinmkr#0114
    9 July 2021 05:14

    try using saz injector

  2. dude4456
    14 June 2021 10:47

    use process hacker


  3. sheeshboi
    12 June 2021 15:25

    I can say it but pay first


New Comments
johnsonmarc johnsonmarc

I find this hard to believe, without the correct setup, yimmenu is detected and you'd need to disable battleeye to use it, easily desync kicked within ten minutes. Yim hasn't truly been working like before since the update...

minervarrxrx minervarrxrx

guys use in powershell with admin rights

pip install keyboard numpy mss pywin32

wNekiRo wNekiRo

yes you can, i used this mod menu a day ago and it worked like a charm but is based on local save so everything you get like money are not kept in their database so is much more like a temporary thing

wNekiRo wNekiRo

It has an battle eye bypass but tbh is just for fun, everything you get like money, level, businesses, cars are saved only on your game saves and that's all, nothing remains and yeah, you can play online with it safely

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