Need to inject this script to valorant

Hey , I got a ssl key dump that I need to inject into valorant in order to get Some APIs 
Anyone knows/got a way to do this without getting banned ? 
(PS:I'm ready to pay)
Comments: 3 Views: 3 229


  1. narutoirado
    narutoirado · takizinmkr#0114
    9 July 2021 05:14

    try using saz injector

  2. dude4456
    14 June 2021 10:47

    use process hacker


  3. sheeshboi
    12 June 2021 15:25

    I can say it but pay first


New Comments
Stonelight Stonelight

I have DirectX error who pop when I launch the game with new cheat saying the Streamline folder is probably present and I need to remove it ??

nedisperdiss nedisperdiss

Meanwhile negative 16 like on your Account

mysticdragonwolff89 mysticdragonwolff89

I'm surprised there's no godmode or multi-strike damage.  Highly suggest for next release

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