best inventory changer for csgo ?

Hi tell me best inventory changer for csgo ?  🤨
Comments: 2 Views: 3 798


  1. oksander
    15 July 2021 13:29

    We have a lot to choose, every inventory changer is almost the same. we have inventory changers alone - for example zeer changer

    and we have inventory changers from cheats just like osiris whitch is free but has a lot of missing settings - no seed, no stattrack
    the good side of osiris inv changer is that you can add stickers and sticker capsules to your inventory and that is not possible in other inv changers, inv changer from paid cheats like neverlose are very good but you shouldnt buy neverlose just for inv changer. if u dont love skins just like me and u dont need seeds or stattracks the best inv changer whitch is also free would be osiris one, im sure it will be updated and it will have all options tho so yeah. the best is probably osiris one. Never buy lethality one because its fucking pasted <3.

  2. oksander
    6 July 2021 20:28

    We have a lot to choose, every inventory changer is almost the same. we have inventory changers alone - for example zeer changer

    and we have inventory changers from cheats just like osiris whitch is free but has a lot of missing settings - no seed, no stattrack
    the good side of osiris inv changer is that you can add stickers and sticker capsules to your inventory and that is not possible in other inv changers, inv changer from paid cheats like neverlose are very good but you shouldnt buy neverlose just for inv changer. if u dont love skins just like me and u dont need seeds or stattracks the best inv changer whitch is also free would be osiris one, im sure it will be updated and it will have all options tho so yeah. the best is probably osiris one. Never buy lethality one because its fucking pasted <3.

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