Unturned HWID BAN Spoofer

Hello guys!
I got banned in Unturned bcs i had Cheat files from over 1 year in my unturned folder now i got permanently banned... Can someone help me with that?
Comments: 2 Views: 8 479


  1. AKuHAK
    31 August 2021 20:50
    What means "permanently banned"? You can create new acc.
    This shit happened to me

  2. DJRedCheaterFun
    29 August 2021 07:25

    The thing i did was scan my unturned files because i don't think steam will hwid ban you because i had the same thing happen so i scanned the files and it fixed it :3

    Verify the integrity game the files from the steam properties on unturned to see if its fixed :3

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