SEOwnedDE - aimbot, visuals, hvh

  • Developer: spook953/Lak3 (fix by LeiKugo)
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.10.24
  • Current version: x64 support

SEOwnedDE - aimbot, visuals, hvh

The network has a new working cheat SEOwned TF2 Hack on the old popular online game Team Fortress 2. This is a unique cheat that is supported by the developer and is constantly being improved. It has all the well-known and necessary functions with which you will have more gaming opportunities.

With this SEOwned hack on TF2, you can see all the game items and players through the walls. Thanks to aimbot settings, your shooting will be the best on the game server and thus you will be able to occupy exclusively top positions in the game table. Additionally, the developer added various tools, such as: automatic jump, medal flip, HVH mode, and much more.

Start-up instructions:

You need to download any working injector from our website

Launch the game

Make an injection hack into the game

Open the menu in the game by pressing the INSERT key


- Added x64 Support (fix by LeiKugo)

Tested for Xenos Injector and it works.

Free Download SEOwnedDE - aimbot, visuals, hvh

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  1. home rennre
    28 February 2023 15:31

    How do I open the cheat menu pls help. I injected it

    1. MrVenomPL
      9 March 2023 00:34


  2. home rennre
    28 February 2023 15:04

    Does this work with config

  3. Bogger
    26 February 2023 15:14

    it just crashes for me when i get in a match

    1. MrVenomPL
      26 February 2023 16:57

      if you have mods then remove them and see if it works or try with a different injector/method of injection

  4. PPOO236
    22 February 2023 19:51

    GHinjector Is it safe ?

    1. MrVenomPL
      26 February 2023 16:56

      rather yes ?

      1. PPOO236
        27 February 2023 15:30

        Safe for now, played with it for a week,good hack

  5. PPOO236
    22 February 2023 19:18

    GHinjector Is it safe? 

  6. Korkyccz
    18 February 2023 13:54

    how does the "auto rocket jump" work??

    1. Supereg
      27 April 2023 18:32

      press mouse2

  7. T0astyyUm
    15 February 2023 09:22

    MrVenom, is the Auto-Strafe "Directional" broken? BEFORE the Christmas update the auto-strafe "Directional" was perfectly fine UNTIL the Christmas update have released. The Auto-strafe "Directional" is now broken. Could you fix it? Reply to me ASAP.  👁️‍🗨️

    1. MrVenomPL
      15 February 2023 15:12

      don't know why it doesn't work, in another cheat it works perfectly and the auto strafe code is the same

  8. danielcool25
    9 February 2023 16:30

    I have a problem with triggerbot or aimbot sometimes not working until I change class around. I use "Simple Cheat Injector for CSGO and TF2 "

  9. ButtMann
    7 February 2023 20:45

    hmm do u have a best CFG for it pls?

  10. camaradebaci122342323
    31 January 2023 05:04

    the cheat is not working, crash in the inject

    1. MrVenomPL
      31 January 2023 19:56

      for me it works without a problem, check with another injector or make sure you have the latest version of the cheat

  11. karakoc
    25 January 2023 22:05

    The game has been updated, the cheat is not working

    1. MrVenomPL
      26 January 2023 14:32

      there was no update to the game lol, it doesn't work it's only 2/3 functions

  12. Tf_Gamer
    20 January 2023 21:14


    Unfortunately, recently, while using the hack, the game crashes.

    This happens after 5 minutes of playing with the hack.

    Please fix it.


    1. MrVenomPL
      21 January 2023 16:20

      It works for me without any problem, download a new version of the cheat or try with another injector

      1. prouppaquev
        21 January 2023 16:43

        我的电脑是Windows 11,登录游戏就闪退

  13. YasserRabhi
    20 January 2023 00:14

    Hey when i dowlond the file idk what to do next tell me pls

    1. MrVenomPL
      20 January 2023 17:55

      download the injector and use it to inject the .dll file into the game process

  14. T0astyyUm
    19 January 2023 12:47

    Hey, MrVenomPL. The melee aimbot cause the game crash itself. Unchecking Predict Swing and Range Check help me to not crash the game but now I have to click my mouse to attack (The aiming works but the hit doesn't work.). So could you fix the bug?

    1. MrVenomPL
      19 January 2023 16:07

      Download the dll again, the problem with melee was fixed some time ago.

  15. mr dick head
    12 January 2023 09:20

    i like being asshole

  16. Kézkrém12
    7 January 2023 12:32

    Everything is perfect exept the triggerbot autostab doesnt work for me now. Is there a fix for that or will it be fixed?

    edit: I redownloaded the cheat and everything is working now

  17. ABasicCheater
    7 January 2023 06:18
    why cant i click the download button

  18. Szymon2143
    6 January 2023 18:23

    Script dont work pls update it 

  19. robucx
    6 January 2023 16:06

    why when i use melee my game crash

    please fix

    1. MrVenomPL
      6 January 2023 19:11

      download new version

      1. Cheat Worker
        8 January 2023 15:47

        May have something to do with the 5 Jan update unfortunately

    2. DemonEye
      6 January 2023 20:06

      Disable range check.

      It worked for me.

  20. DemonEye
    6 January 2023 13:02

    If you guys crashing on using this,

    try uncheck "range check" in melee settings.

    It works for me.

    I don't know why this cause crashing game.

  21. luiszj100
    6 January 2023 11:40

    i cant see the little green box for projectiles with sniper huntsman, soilder and demoman follows the players instead the little green box there's a fix about that?

  22. trusnex
    6 January 2023 09:57

    Can you put the web o social media of developers?

  23. T0astyyUm
    6 January 2023 06:29

    Every time I inject the cheat while in the match it just close the TF2, but when I open it again I'm still in the match. I even did inject before I joining any matches. Could you tell me how to fix this?

    I only use "Simple Cheat Injector for CSGO and TF2" (For 3 months)

    Does it have something to do with Connection, Match, Region?

    1. Szymon2143
      6 January 2023 12:44

      Same problem but i dont know how to fix this. Valve make update to game file so it can make sense if they make some kind of wall to stop scripts to work like that 

  24. Moonshiner404
    5 January 2023 21:14

    Would you add support for the dragon's fury?  🙃 pretty please?

  25. Hoocame
    5 January 2023 13:55

    Does not work. Crashes when entering any server. I tried to change the injector. Nothing is working. An update is required

  26. Cheat Worker
    4 January 2023 16:43

    Projectiles such as rockets and more importantly stickies no longer seem to glow to indicate that they are there, could you look into this?

    1. MrVenomPL
      4 January 2023 19:47

      with me it works normally, you have misconfigured the glow or something got off during the game

      1. Cheat Worker
        5 January 2023 06:21

        Strange. Glow for projectiles is configured under Visuals -> Glow -> World -> Projectiles right? 

        1. MrVenomPL
          5 January 2023 18:57

          yes, maybe glow scale you have set to low and you can barely see the projectiles or just something broke during the game, the magic of free cheats or tf2 magic x)

          1. Szymon2143
            6 January 2023 12:45

            When injecting cheat game is crashing on any type of game. Not only me have that problem. This cheat is broken 

  27. NyxBW
    3 January 2023 21:42

    i need injector pls

  28. RoxxaneWolf
    3 January 2023 09:04

    any good injectors i should use ?

  29. newworld3016
    2 January 2023 17:44

    not work anymore need update

    1. MrVenomPL
      2 January 2023 19:59

      bro yesterday I checked and had only one crash while injecting and everything worked, write what is not working or what is happening

      1. newworld3016
        2 January 2023 22:32

        crash all the time when in game

        1. MrVenomPL
          3 January 2023 19:16

          I played for 1h today and there was no problem, change the injector or injection method

  30. Moonshiner404
    1 January 2023 22:48

    does not seem to work with Dragons Fury