[TF2 HACK 2020] melancholy - Aimbot, ESP, BunnyHop

  • Developer: MrVenomPL
  • Status:
  • Updated: 20.01.22
  • Current version: 20/01/2021

New free code for Team Fortress 2, which you can download from our website. A very convenient hack that you can use pleasantly. The whole code is configured through a compact menu (called with the INSERT [INS] key). There are three main functions, namely a working Aimbot, with which your weapon fires accurately and directly at the target, the ESP function highlights your enemies with a bright color so you can see them through the textures on the map, and the BunnyHop function for fast map movement with fast jump. You will need any injector to make it work.

Free Download [TF2 HACK 2020] melancholy - Aimbot, ESP, BunnyHop

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  1. italianbro99
    7 January 2021 00:29
    detected on some community servers

    1. MrVenomPL
      7 January 2021 01:36
      if you use too obvious settings it will detect that, cheat has no anti smac function

      1. italianbro99
        8 January 2021 02:34
        the moment i hit the activation key, it instant permabanned me. i was on the server probably 10 seconds

  2. gfdgfdgdf
    4 January 2021 11:11
    vac ban after 1 hour

    1. MrVenomPL
      4 January 2021 16:09
      It would be nice if you gave more information, for example, which injector you used ?

      1. Mark claps u
        13 January 2021 20:05
        does it still work? also what injector is recommended

        1. MrVenomPL
          13 January 2021 20:26
          yes it work, use gh injector 2.5

      2. carlos12347258369
        16 January 2021 06:37
        si funciona el hack solo es que tienes que descargarte un vac bypasss busca en you tube bypass para tf2 tendra publicidad pero al menos el hack sera mas indetectable pero si quieren ser hacker pero no se pongan sniper pe ya que los botaran mas rapido del server pe weon el programador tomara ve estos comentarios y lo desaniman para que actualize el hack pongan comentarios que den animo pe y lo podria aactualizar incluso podria superar al a lmaobox que tienes que comprarlo para que el vac no te detecte solo que lamaobox te da los items y eso que mejor es que el hack no paresca sospechoso para los demas jugadores pe ademas desarrollador solo le falta a tu hack un auto shot ya que tienes que presionar shif pero al disparar el hack apunta a otro jugador al disparar y eso lo ase mas facil de saber que el usuario usa cheats ya me paso eso me banearon dos cuentas pero ya me di cuenta que no tienes que jugar de sniper si no como demoman o soldier pyro spy esas clases recomiendo mas que todo utilisen al demoknight para que ni sospechas tengan de que usan cheats pero el desarrollador abandono este proyecto porque esta trabajando en nudesware beta ya este hack si se actualizo ya puedes ver a las sentris ya que antes no se podia el desarrollador creo que se fue por el proyecto de nudesware beta ya dice el nombre que es el mismo que que tiene melancholy les paso el link para el vac vypass le quite la publicidad yo mismo https://sharemods.com/vx29l454kd9r/Vac_bypass2.rar.html

        solo agan click hasta que les saldra nuevas pestañas pero las cierran ok hata que ya estan en tercera parte ponen el que dice free pero si tienen dinero pueden poner el premiun bueno desactivan el antivirus como todo hack y van a descargas pra mantenerlo en archivos peligrosos y ya esta solo lo extraen y ponen el que dice vac bypass no presionen el dll no sean pendejos y ya esta pero no instalen lo que les pide solo onmitanlo y cuando ya les cargue el vac bypass solo presionan en aceptar y ya el vac esta desabilitado y ponen sus cheats pero les recomiendo xenos injector funciona pa todos los juegos solo seleccionan hl2 y injectan el hack y ya esta indetectable el hack ya pueden chitear pero vac bypass no les funcionara con los reports de hacker y bueno digan adios a su cuenta por eso digo utilizen las clases que les dije pero no pongan proyectile prediccion ya que us personaje no sem movera cuando dispara si tienen activado el silent ya que les parecera sospechoso a los demas jugadores gracioas por su atencion soy peruano pero este mensaje esta en ingles disculpen las faltas ortograficas esque mi teclado esta un poco mal pe traduscanlo con el traductor de google que les traduce todo y creditos al creador que el hack es muy bueno solo que el ato backstab no funciona eso podras arreglarlo pls desarrollador cshacked buen hack el nudeswarebeta lo actualizaste pero te olvidaste de este hack y hasta luego descarguen el vac bypass

  3. ricka6666
    Real Cheater
    ricka6666 · Zirty_#7100
    1 January 2021 20:18
    Cheat is good.

  4. alivedaking
    29 December 2020 15:26
    doesnt even work ingame

  5. dark_tlx
    Real Cheater
    27 December 2020 03:21
    Cheat is good, I use it and I am satisfied and I must say that the menu is very convenient🙂🙂

  6. budulinas
    Real Cheater
    budulinas · bash#7941
    25 December 2020 21:15
    and after 5 months still top cheat for tf2 undetect

  7. 3456rtegdfg
    16 December 2020 19:42
    what good injector

  8. dominic11111
    15 December 2020 15:41
    Is it Process hacker 2 a good injector for this hack?

    1. Mr.
      Real Cheater
      4 February 2021 23:09
      yes is use..

    14 December 2020 19:00
    Oops wrong cheat sorry comment edit.

  10. ezezez
    13 December 2020 00:48
    What injector should i use, i dont get baned but it is saying removed by te system.

    1. MrVenomPL
      13 December 2020 02:26
      people see that you cheat and kick you out of the game

  11. critcsgo
    7 December 2020 11:02
    Got banned after 3 hours of playing but idc it was other acc and it was funny the time it was , Use it on other acc not on ur main, were not in csgo were anti virus is poopoo but in tf2 vac op.

    1. MrVenomPL
      7 December 2020 11:37
      maybe you could give more information, for example what injector you used 

    2. ppap1
      7 December 2020 17:07
      im still using not banned  kissing_heart 

  12. Killershadowtwo
    5 December 2020 05:01
    how long with this last me a day a week? a year? just want to know how good it is at being "Undetected"

    1. Adonis2007
      Real Cheater
      13 December 2020 00:52
      it will last a lifetime as long as you get the latest version

  13. bruhbruhbruh
    4 December 2020 14:28
    One of the best cheats for tf2 out here smile . If you can't get it to work please read the instructions again.

  14. matas12
    2 December 2020 23:38
    can someone help me 'all tf2 cheats dont work for me

    1. MrVenomPL
      2 December 2020 23:44
      Let's start by downloading the necessary libraries,search on google WINPGK and VC Redist Installer

    2. apexlegends123321
      5 December 2020 09:50
      you have to get an injector for the dll ones

      ! pazzy#8934

  15. ebarn300
    30 November 2020 07:01

    1. Geiles_lauchli
      30 November 2020 12:04
      the insert key turn off num lock to open it

  16. mom01
    29 November 2020 17:46

    1. MrVenomPL
      30 November 2020 00:24
      why should it be outdate ?

      1. mom01
        30 November 2020 17:58
        cus it dosnt work with any available injectors 
        cmr saz etc.

        same thing with nudesware

        1. MrVenomPL
          1 December 2020 10:22
          do you have libraries installed?

          1. mom01
            1 December 2020 17:41

            1. MrVenomPL
              1 December 2020 23:07
              bruh,search on google WINPGK and VC Redist Installer

              1. mom01
                5 December 2020 12:11
                Jep Fixedd thx

  17. FaZeWolfyBoy
    FaZeWolfyBoy · 44D3N#0162
    28 November 2020 00:34
    Where do I inject the dll file

    1. MrVenomPL
      28 November 2020 21:44
      in the hl2.exe process

  18. Schattenläufer
    28 November 2020 00:17
    got banned after 1 day.. i think i played too obvious. But i played just man vs machine

    1. MrVenomPL
      28 November 2020 21:07
      how you play does not affect your ban, change the injector and you will not get a bans

  19. Bowlbo
    25 November 2020 04:10
    What is the best tf2 injector? Im not familiar with tf2 cheating

    1. fire_night123
      Real Cheater
      26 November 2020 01:51
      i would suggest using gh injector 2.5
      https: //i.imgur.com/Gzg0omt.png
      with them settings
      or using saz which you can find on this site under the injectors tab

      1. Echofine
        16 December 2020 12:13
        imma fix that link https://i.imgur.com/Gzg0omt.png there, you put a space between the : and //, just fixing it.

  20. mom01
    23 November 2020 19:53
    50hours in no ban and no kicks good to go for another 50h+
    Great Cheat

    1. fire_night123
      Real Cheater
      24 November 2020 03:36
      i have 400+ hours using venoms cheats and no ban but 1 kick

  21. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    23 November 2020 11:07
    what does the correction method do, what's the difference between them and what's best for legit for method and smoothing method

  22. Bagricek007
    22 November 2020 15:49
    VAC Banned after 98.5 hours of using this :D
    https://ctrlv.cz/NMpq Here is proof :) Thanks for perfect cheat :)

    1. MrVenomPL
      22 November 2020 17:13
      maybe you could give more information, for example what injector you used ??????.

      1. mom01
        23 November 2020 22:15
        Hello MrVenom what injector do you recommend 

    2. fire_night123
      Real Cheater
      23 November 2020 02:59
      1 what injector did you use and what settings
      2 where you rage hacking and what servers were you playing on

    3. Meemz21
      Real Cheater
      23 November 2020 13:12
      i got banned too i had 168 hrs and thx for this dogshit of a cheat

      1. fire_night123
        Real Cheater
        24 November 2020 16:38
        if you could add prove of what cheat you where using and your ban plus what injector where you using

    4. Echofine
      23 November 2020 13:32
      It works 1 year for me without ban

    5. Bowlbo
      25 November 2020 04:04
      If you cheat, your gonna get banned. Its just the hard truth. Some cheats it might be harder to get banned but you will get banned eventually 

  23. gamingtime
    22 November 2020 00:17
    the "silent aim" isn't silent aim. it's just made to trick you into believing it's silent aim. maybe i had the fov too high but when i watched a demo playback of me playing with silent aim i literally saw myself perfectly tracking people.

    1. MrVenomPL
      22 November 2020 01:54
      you confuse silent aim with psilent
      edit: youtube.com/watch?v=R1NkSsi2LrI the first movie that came out to me, I should explain to you what a silent aim is.

  24. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    20 November 2020 04:24
    its not a bad cheat but the aimbot to me doesn't feel completely right i don't know what it is but when flicking to a target then letting the aimbot do it thing then let me flick past to make it more legit looking it looks somewhat jittery or buggy

    i would suggest using gh injector 2.5
    https: //i.imgur.com/Gzg0omt.png
    with them settings

  25. miokkoimmiok
    19 November 2020 17:27
    not bad cheat.

  26. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    19 November 2020 02:01
    what are some legit settings with 1-2 maybe 3 fov

    1. MrVenomPL
      19 November 2020 02:09
      to be a legit is no big fov and add smooth

      1. fire_night123
        Real Cheater
        19 November 2020 02:14
        well no shlt

  27. magma27k
    18 November 2020 21:36
    how do i save my config?

    1. MrVenomPL
      18 November 2020 23:09
      you can't //2short

  28. llllllIIIIllll
    18 November 2020 13:04
    got vaced xD idc it was alt account but i was raging i mean i had everything on xD

    1. fire_night123
      Real Cheater
      18 November 2020 13:35
      what injector where you using and dont tell people you where banned with no info

    2. Bagricek007
      22 November 2020 15:51
      Me aswell, but it was propably caused by injector. I was using Xenos for ages without problem and yesterday i used extreme injector and i got banned :)

      1. fire_night123
        Real Cheater
        27 November 2020 14:32
        dont use Xenos it has been detected for a long time use gh injector or saz

  29. relayzgod
    17 November 2020 06:15
    can someone tell me what process do i use

    1. baubaumm2
      17 November 2020 06:27

  30. baubaumm2
    16 November 2020 19:15
    I see the character moves fast, how do I turn it off?