FRONTLINES Roblox Hack - ESP (Tracers, Boxes, Rainbow)

  • Developer: AisukiHubVX2
  • Status:
  • Updated: 10.11.24
  • Current version: 2.0

I'm surprised that we haven't published any hacks on the popular FPS game called FRONTLINES on our website yet. Today we finally found a great hack for you that has ESP (Boxes, Tracers and Rainbow) function. It gives you an advantage over the opponents, to be more exact: the enemy is circled in a square, and you see this square through walls or other obstacles.

Frontlines was launched in the metaclass universe in 2020. Developer Maximilian sought to provide players with a realistic FPS game. The game soon became a cult hit, with an average daily player count of 2-3k. As of February 2023, more than four million people had visited Frontlines.

With its shooting techniques and team interactions, the gameplay may remind fans of the iconic Call of Duty first-person shooter franchise. In addition to various gameplay modes, players can also improve their playable characters and earn XP to upgrade their profiles. Cheat for FRONTLINES you can download for free from our website, for its use you will not be banned, we personally checked.

Get Script ESP for Roblox FRONTLINES Pastebin

Script ESP for Roblox FRONTLINES Pastebin


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Comments: 3 Views: 7 588


  1. willten420
    21 March 2023 22:32

    is it working i cant get to work this thing

  2. Plopisaweeb
    26 February 2023 22:18

    how to use?

    1. Fender
      Fender · Vanced#2806
      28 February 2023 15:34

New Comments
SinoisSilence SinoisSilence

the maker decided to make a premium version after having everything free for everyone. got greedy. shame really

PlayerXY PlayerXY

Where is this offsets.json, it is in the csgo files? I didnt find it

sogasn13 sogasn13

Does everyone open the cheat page on GitHub? I try to open it and it says that it was not found or that such a page does not exist. 😐