[MSHUB] PLS DONATE Script - Auto Thank, Webhook & More

  • Developer: mstudio45
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.09.23
  • Current version: 1.0

Publish on cheater.fun new working script on roblox game PLS DONATE, the game itself is quite popular and I'm sure that on our site there are players who visit this place. In this script such features: Auto Thank, Auto Change Goal, Auto Claim Stand, Rainbow Text, Chat Settings, Webhook and others. Fans of this game are recommended to use this script, it greatly facilitates and improves your game. The game PLS DONATE was released in 2022 - it is the first roblox mode in which each player can earn money by selling items created by him. All you have to do is create a cool item, design a gamepass and put it up for sale with a creative and catchy name. There are some very rich players in the game who buy up literally anything they want and don't look at the price. With the help of script for PLS DONATE the process of creating things will become much easier and more fun.


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goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?