Football Fusion 2 Script Menu TooColdHub

  • Developer: MarcusFF2
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.10.23
  • Current version: 1.0

A free Football Fusion 2 soccer game script is available for everyone! This is a simple but effective hack with which you will be able to activate all the useful features for beginners, such as Tracers, Hip Height, and many other features. Simply put, you will be able to track the movements of other players in real time, which will allow you to quickly adjust to the gameplay.

Football Fusion 2 was released in the world of Roblox in 2021, and today it is considered to be one of the best soccer games in which you will find team play and exciting tasks. Many players use scripts and hacks to achieve results in the game much faster.

Football Fusion 2 Script Menu TooColdHub

Football Fusion 2 Script Menu Pastebin 2023:

local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()

local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
    Name = "TooColdHub",
    LoadingTitle = "Full Verison",
    LoadingSubtitle = "by marcusbored",
    ConfigurationSaving = {
       Enabled = true,
       FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
       FileName = "Big Hub"
    Discord = {
       Enabled = false,
       Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
       RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
    KeySystem = true, -- Set this to true to use our key system
    KeySettings = {
       Title = "TooColdHub Key",
       Subtitle = "Key System",
       Note = "",
       FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
       SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
       GrabKeyFromSite = true, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
       Key = {""} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")

 local MainTab = Window:CreateTab("Home", nil) -- Title, Image
 local MainSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Main")

    Title = "Welcome to toocoldhub",
    Content = "welcome",
    Duration = 5,
    Image = nil,
    Actions = { -- Notification Buttons
       Ignore = {
          Name = "Okay!",
          Callback = function()
          print("The user tapped Okay!")

 local Button = MainTab:CreateButton({
    Name = "Preset MS",
    Callback = function()
        local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
        local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
        function magBall(ball)
           if ball and plr.Character then
               firetouchinterest(plr.Character["Left Arm"], ball, 0)
               firetouchinterest(plr.Character["Left Arm"], ball, 1)
           for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
               if v.Name == "Football" and v:IsA("BasePart") then
                   local mag = (plr.Character.Torso.Position - v.Position).Magnitude

 local Button = MainTab:CreateButton({
    Name = "Ball Tracers",
    Callback = function()
    -- Highlight the football in red

local football = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("Football")

if football then
    football.Material = game:GetService("MaterialService"):CreateMaterial("SmoothPlastic", {DiffuseColor =, 0, 0)})


--2 main

 local MainTab = Window:CreateTab("Player", nil) -- Title, Image
 local MainSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Main")

 local Slider = MainTab:CreateSlider({
    Name = "WalkSpeed",
    Range = {0, 300},
    Increment = 1,
    Suffix = "Speed",
    CurrentValue = 16,
    Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
    Callback = function(Value)
   game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Value)
 local Slider = MainTab:CreateSlider({
    Name = "JumpPower",
    Range = {0, 300},
    Increment = 1,
    Suffix = "JP",
    CurrentValue = 16,
    Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
    Callback = function(Value)
   game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = (Value)

 local Button = MainTab:CreateButton({
    Name = "Infinite Jump Toggle",
    Callback = function()
        --Toggles the infinite jump between on or off on every script run
 _G.infinjump = not _G.infinjump
 if _G.infinJumpStarted == nil then
     --Ensures this only runs once to save resources
     _G.infinJumpStarted = true
     --Notifies readiness
     game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title="TooColdHub"; Text="Infinite Jump Activated!"; Duration=5;})
     --The actual infinite jump
     local plr = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
     local m = plr:GetMouse()
         if _G.infinjump then
             if k:byte() == 32 then
             humanoid = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')

 local Slider = MainTab:CreateSlider({
    Name = "Hip Height",
    Range = {0, 50},
    Increment = 10,
    Suffix = "2",
    CurrentValue = 10,
    Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
    Callback = function(Value)
        game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = (Value)

 local MainTab = Window:CreateTab("Break Script", nil) -- Title, Image
 local MainSection = MainTab:CreateSection("Main")

 local Button = MainTab:CreateButton({
    Name = "Break Script",
    Callback = function()

Free Download Football Fusion 2 Script Menu TooColdHub

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WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work


Guys its easy just simple step

step 1 - Downlaod visual studio code

step 2 - install the python extension in the studio

step 3 - run both and in debbuging mode

its easy i hope it helps

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

INFO from 17.02.2025:

I Released a full new update and also work on a complete overhaul with new GUI and stuff like that. Stay tuned :)