SCP: Roleplay Script: Esp Players, Fullbright, Infinite Jump

  • Developer: CandyLean#2645
  • Status:
  • Updated: 05.10.23
  • Current version: 1.0

More than a year has passed since we last published a script on the roblox game SCP: Roleplay. Obviously, that script is no longer working as the game has been updated dozens of times since then. But do not be discouraged, for fans of this wonderful game we found a new cool script called LEAN-SCP, from the author CandyLean#2645. The script has a cool graphical interface, how it looks like you can see on the screenshot. Among its features are Esp Players, Fullbright, Infinite Jump, Hitbox Expander, Fast Pickup Items, Spoof Username, Fake Delay Items and others. Fans of SCP: Roleplay we recommend this script, it will give you new features that will make you better, it is available for free on our website.


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Stonelight Stonelight

I have DirectX error who pop when I launch the game with new cheat saying the Streamline folder is probably present and I need to remove it ??

nedisperdiss nedisperdiss

Meanwhile negative 16 like on your Account

mysticdragonwolff89 mysticdragonwolff89

I'm surprised there's no godmode or multi-strike damage.  Highly suggest for next release