Blade Ball Speedy Hack - Best Auto Parry, God Spam

  • Developer: Adeli
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.03.24
  • Current version: 1.3

Blade Ball Speedy Hack - Best Auto Parry, God Spam

On this page you can get free Speedy Hack for the game Blade Ball on the Roblox platform. Speedy is a universal hack with popular scripts Auto Parry, God Spam, God Spam v2, GodDetect. Using these simple functions you can easily interact with the game in automatic mode and thus faster pump your character. The control is very simple, turning scripts on and off is done through the GUI, which you can open right during the game. Speedy Hack does not require a key and additional actions for its activation, you just need to copy the code and paste it into the game.

Blade Ball Speedy Script

 .____                  ________ ___.    _____                           __                
 |    |    __ _______   \_____  \\_ |___/ ____\_ __  ______ ____ _____ _/  |_  ___________ 
 |    |   |  |  \__  \   /   |   \| __ \   __\  |  \/  ___// ___\\__  \\   __\/  _ \_  __ \
 |    |___|  |  // __ \_/    |    \ \_\ \  | |  |  /\___ \\  \___ / __ \|  | (  <_> )  | \/
 |_______ \____/(____  /\_______  /___  /__| |____//____  >\___  >____  /__|  \____/|__|   
         \/          \/         \/    \/                \/     \/     \/                   
          \_Welcome to   (Alpha 0.9.21) ~  Much Love, Ferib 


local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30)if (v1(v30,2)==79) then local v84=0;while true do if (v84==0) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";end end else local v85=0;local v86;while true do if (v85==0) then v86=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v97=0;local v98;while true do if (v97==1) then return v98;end if (v97==0) then v98=v5(v86,v19);v19=nil;v97=1;end end else return v86;end break;end end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v87=(v31/(2^(v32-(2 -1))))%((5 -3)^(((v33-(1 -0)) -(v32-((1 + 1) -1))) + (620 -(555 + 64)))) ;return v87-(v87%(932 -(857 + 74))) ;else local v88=2^(v32-(569 -(58 + 309 + 201))) ;return (((v31%(v88 + v88))>=v88) and 1) or (927 -(214 + 713)) ;end end local function v21()local v34=877 -(282 + 595) ;local v35;while true do if (v34==(1637 -((2588 -(68 + 997)) + 114))) then v35=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 + 0 ;v34=1;end if (v34==((1271 -(226 + 1044)) -0)) then return v35;end end end local function v22()local v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (8 -6) );v18=v18 + (119 -(32 + 85)) ;return (v37 * (251 + 5)) + v36 ;end local function v23()local v38=0 + 0 ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;while true do if (v38==0) then v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + ((704 + 256) -(892 + 65)) );v18=v18 + (9 -5) ;v38=1 -0 ;end if (v38==(1 -(0 -0))) then return (v42 * (16777566 -(87 + 263))) + (v41 * (65716 -(67 + 113))) + (v40 * 256) + v39 ;end end end local function v24()local v43=0 + 0 ;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v43==1) then v46=3 -2 ;v47=(v20(v45,953 -(802 + 150) ,20) * ((5 -3)^(57 -25))) + v44 ;v43=2 + 0 ;end if (v43==(1000 -((2401 -(998 + 488)) + 82))) then if (v48==0) then if (v47==(0 -0)) then return v49 * (0 + 0) ;else v48=1 -0 ;v46=(378 + 809) -(1069 + 118) ;end elseif (v48==(4643 -(2126 + 470))) then return ((v47==(0 -(772 -(201 + 571)))) and (v49 * ((1 + 0)/(0 -0)))) or (v49 * NaN) ;end return v8(v49,v48-(1015 + 8) ) * (v46 + (v47/(2^(843 -(368 + (1561 -(116 + 1022))))))) ;end if ((0 -(0 -0))==v43) then v44=v23();v45=v23();v43=19 -(10 + 8) ;end if (v43==(7 -5)) then v48=v20(v45,21,473 -(416 + 26) );v49=((v20(v45,102 -70 )==(1 + 0)) and  -(1 -0)) or (439 -(145 + 293)) ;v43=433 -(44 + 386) ;end end end local function v25(v50)local v51;if  not v50 then v50=v23();if (v50==(0 + 0)) then return "";end end v51=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v50) -1 );v18=v18 + v50 ;local v52={};for v68=3 -2 , #v51 do v52[v68]=v2(v1(v3(v51,v68,v68)));end return v6(v52);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28()local v53=0;local v54;local v55;local v56;local v57;local v58;local v59;local v60;local v61;while true do if (2==v53) then v58=nil;v59=nil;v53=3;end if ((4 -1)~=v53) then else v60=nil;v61=nil;v53=11 -7 ;end if (v53~=(1701 -(1419 + 281))) then else v56=nil;v57=nil;v53=2 -0 ;end if (0==v53) then v54=74 -(71 + 3) ;v55=nil;v53=1;end if (v53==4) then while true do if (v54==3) then v61=nil;while true do local v99=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v99==(2 -1)) then if ((0 -0)==v55) then local v104=0;while true do if (v104==(243 -(187 + 54))) then v55=1;break;end if ((780 -(162 + 618))==v104) then v56={};v57={};v104=1;end if (v104==(1 + 0)) then v58={};v59={v56,v57,nil,v58};v104=2;end end end break;end if (v99~=0) then else if (v55==(2 + 0)) then for v139=1 -0 ,v23() do local v140=0;local v141;local v142;local v143;local v144;while true do if (v140~=(0 -0)) then else v141=0 + 0 ;v142=nil;v140=1637 -(1373 + 263) ;end if ((1001 -(451 + 549))~=v140) then else v143=nil;v144=nil;v140=2;end if (v140~=(1 + 1)) then else while true do if (v141~=(1 -0)) then else v144=nil;while true do if (v142~=(0 -0)) then else local v189=0;while true do if (v189~=(1384 -(746 + 638))) then else local v191=0;while true do if (1~=v191) then else v189=1;break;end if (0==v191) then v143=0;v144=nil;v191=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v189==(1 -0)) then v142=1;break;end end end if (v142~=(342 -(218 + 123))) then else while true do if (0~=v143) then else v144=v21();if (v20(v144,1,1)~=0) then else local v196=0;local v197;local v198;local v199;local v200;while true do if (v196==0) then v197=0;v198=nil;v196=1;end if (v196~=1) then else local v201=1581 -(1535 + 46) ;while true do if (v201~=(0 + 0)) then else v199=nil;v200=nil;v201=1 + 0 ;end if (v201~=1) then else v196=2;break;end end end if (v196~=2) then else while true do if (v197~=2) then else if (v20(v199,561 -(306 + 254) ,1 + 0 )==(1 -0)) then v200[2]=v61[v200[1469 -(899 + 568) ]];end if (v20(v199,2,2 + 0 )~=1) then else v200[3]=v61[v200[7 -4 ]];end v197=606 -(268 + 335) ;end if ((293 -(60 + 230))~=v197) then else if (v20(v199,575 -(426 + 146) ,3)==1) then v200[4]=v61[v200[1 + 3 ]];end v56[v139]=v200;break;end if (v197~=(1456 -(282 + 1174))) then else local v203=811 -(569 + 242) ;while true do if ((2 -1)~=v203) then else v197=1 + 0 ;break;end if (0==v203) then local v211=1024 -(706 + 318) ;while true do if (v211==0) then v198=v20(v144,1253 -(721 + 530) ,1274 -(945 + 326) );v199=v20(v144,9 -5 ,6 + 0 );v211=701 -(271 + 429) ;end if (v211~=(1 + 0)) then else v203=1501 -(1408 + 92) ;break;end end end end end if (v197~=1) then else local v204=1086 -(461 + 625) ;while true do if (v204~=0) then else v200={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v198==(1171 -(418 + 753))) then local v212=0 + 0 ;local v213;local v214;local v215;while true do if (v212~=0) then else v213=0 + 0 ;v214=nil;v212=1 + 0 ;end if (v212==(1 + 0)) then v215=nil;while true do if (v213~=1) then else while true do if (v214==(529 -(406 + 123))) then v215=1769 -(1749 + 20) ;while true do if (v215~=(0 + 0)) then else v200[1325 -(1249 + 73) ]=v22();v200[2 + 2 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v213~=(1145 -(466 + 679))) then else local v218=0 -0 ;while true do if (v218==1) then v213=1;break;end if (v218~=0) then else v214=0;v215=nil;v218=1;end end end end break;end end elseif (v198==(2 -1)) then v200[1903 -(106 + 1794) ]=v23();elseif (v198==2) then v200[1 + 2 ]=v23() -((1 + 1)^(46 -30)) ;elseif (v198~=(7 -4)) then else local v219=114 -(4 + 110) ;local v220;local v221;local v222;while true do if (v219~=0) then else v220=584 -(57 + 527) ;v221=nil;v219=1428 -(41 + 1386) ;end if (v219~=1) then else v222=nil;while true do if (v220==1) then while true do if (v221~=(103 -(17 + 86))) then else v222=0;while true do if (v222==(0 + 0)) then v200[3]=v23() -(2^(35 -19)) ;v200[11 -7 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v220~=0) then else v221=166 -(122 + 44) ;v222=nil;v220=1;end end break;end end end v204=1 -0 ;end if (v204~=(3 -2)) then else v197=2 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end break;end if (v141==(0 + 0)) then local v188=0 -0 ;while true do if (v188~=(66 -(30 + 35))) then else v141=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v188~=0) then else v142=0;v143=nil;v188=1;end end end end break;end end end for v145=1258 -(1043 + 214) ,v23() do v57[v145-1 ]=v28();end return v59;end if (v55==(3 -2)) then local v105=1212 -(323 + 889) ;while true do if (2==v105) then v55=2;break;end if (v105==(0 -0)) then v60=v23();v61={};v105=581 -(361 + 219) ;end if (1~=v105) then else for v177=321 -(53 + 267) ,v60 do local v178=0 + 0 ;local v179;local v180;local v181;local v182;while true do if ((414 -(15 + 398))~=v178) then else v181=nil;v182=nil;v178=2;end if (v178==0) then v179=982 -(18 + 964) ;v180=nil;v178=1;end if (v178~=2) then else while true do if (v179~=1) then else v182=nil;while true do if (v180==(0 -0)) then local v192=0;local v193;local v194;while true do if (v192~=(0 + 0)) then else v193=0 + 0 ;v194=nil;v192=851 -(20 + 830) ;end if (v192~=1) then else while true do if (v193==(0 + 0)) then v194=0;while true do if (v194~=(126 -(116 + 10))) then else v181=v21();v182=nil;v194=1 + 0 ;end if (v194~=1) then else v180=1;break;end end break;end end break;end end end if (v180==1) then if (v181==(739 -(542 + 196))) then v182=v21()~=(0 -0) ;elseif (v181==(1 + 1)) then v182=v24();elseif (v181==(2 + 1)) then v182=v25();end v61[v177]=v182;break;end end break;end if (v179~=(0 + 0)) then else local v190=0 -0 ;while true do if (v190~=0) then else v180=0;v181=nil;v190=1;end if (1==v190) then v179=2 -1 ;break;end end end end break;end end end v59[1554 -(1126 + 425) ]=v21();v105=407 -(118 + 287) ;end end end v99=3 -2 ;end end end break;end if (v54~=1) then else v57=nil;v58=nil;v54=1123 -(118 + 1003) ;end if (v54==2) then local v96=0 -0 ;while true do if (v96==1) then v54=3;break;end if ((377 -(142 + 235))==v96) then v59=nil;v60=nil;v96=1;end end end if (v54==0) then v55=0 -0 ;v56=nil;v54=1;end end break;end end end local function v29(v62,v63,v64)local v65=v62[1];local v66=v62[2];local v67=v62[3];return function(...)local v70=v65;local v71=v66;local v72=v67;local v73=v27;local v74=1;local v75= -1;local v76={};local v77={...};local v78=v12("#",...) -1 ;local v79={};local v80={};for v89=0,v78 do if (v89>=v72) then v76[v89-v72 ]=v77[v89 + 1 ];else v80[v89]=v77[v89 + 1 ];end end local v81=(v78-v72) + 1 ;local v82;local v83;while true do v82=v70[v74];v83=v82[1];if (v83<=13) then if (v83<=6) then if (v83<=2) then if (v83<=0) then local v100=v82[2];v80[v100]=v80[v100]();elseif (v83>1) then if (v80[v82[2]]==v82[4]) then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end else v80[v82[2]]=v82[3];end elseif (v83<=4) then if (v83==3) then v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];else local v110=v82[2];local v111,v112=v73(v80[v110](v13(v80,v110 + 1 ,v82[3])));v75=(v112 + v110) -1 ;local v113=0;for v147=v110,v75 do local v148=0;while true do if (v148==0) then v113=v113 + 1 ;v80[v147]=v111[v113];break;end end end end elseif (v83==5) then v80[v82[2]]=v80[v82[3]];else local v116=0;local v117;local v118;local v119;local v120;while true do if (v116==1) then v75=(v119 + v117) -1 ;v120=0;v116=2;end if (v116==2) then for v185=v117,v75 do v120=v120 + 1 ;v80[v185]=v118[v120];end break;end if (v116==0) then v117=v82[2];v118,v119=v73(v80[v117](v13(v80,v117 + 1 ,v82[3])));v116=1;end end end elseif (v83<=9) then if (v83<=7) then v74=v82[3];elseif (v83>8) then if (v82[2]==v80[v82[4]]) then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end else v74=v82[3];end elseif (v83<=11) then if (v83>10) then v80[v82[2]]();else v80[v82[2]]=v82[3];end elseif (v83>12) then if (v80[v82[2]]==v82[4]) then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end else v80[v82[2]]();end elseif (v83<=20) then if (v83<=16) then if (v83<=14) then local v103=v82[2];v80[v103](v13(v80,v103 + 1 ,v82[3]));elseif (v83==15) then if ((v82[3]=="_ENV") or (v82[3]=="getfenv")) then v80[v82[2]]=v64;else v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];end else local v124=0;local v125;while true do if (v124==0) then v125=v82[2];v80[v125](v13(v80,v125 + 1 ,v82[3]));break;end end end elseif (v83<=18) then if (v83==17) then if ((v82[3]=="_ENV") or (v82[3]=="getfenv")) then v80[v82[2]]=v64;else v80[v82[2]]=v64[v82[3]];end else local v126=0;local v127;local v128;while true do if (v126==1) then v80[v127 + 1 ]=v128;v80[v127]=v128[v82[4]];break;end if (v126==0) then v127=v82[2];v128=v80[v82[3]];v126=1;end end end elseif (v83==19) then local v129=v82[2];v80[v129]=v80[v129]();else local v131=v82[2];v80[v131]=v80[v131](v13(v80,v131 + 1 ,v75));end elseif (v83<=23) then if (v83<=21) then if (v82[2]==v80[v82[4]]) then v74=v74 + 1 ;else v74=v82[3];end elseif (v83>22) then do return;end else for v149=v82[2],v82[3] do v80[v149]=nil;end end elseif (v83<=25) then if (v83>24) then local v134=0;local v135;while true do if (0==v134) then v135=v82[2];v80[v135]=v80[v135](v13(v80,v135 + 1 ,v75));break;end end else local v136=0;local v137;local v138;while true do if (v136==1) then v80[v137 + 1 ]=v138;v80[v137]=v138[v82[4]];break;end if (0==v136) then v137=v82[2];v138=v80[v82[3]];v136=1;end end end elseif (v83==26) then for v151=v82[2],v82[3] do v80[v151]=nil;end else do return;end end v74=v74 + 1 ;end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end v15("LOL!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",v9(),...); 

Free Download Blade Ball Speedy Hack - Best Auto Parry, God Spam

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WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work


Guys its easy just simple step

step 1 - Downlaod visual studio code

step 2 - install the python extension in the studio

step 3 - run both and in debbuging mode

its easy i hope it helps

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

INFO from 17.02.2025:

I Released a full new update and also work on a complete overhaul with new GUI and stuff like that. Stay tuned :)