Nami Hub | Rivals Mobile Script - ESP

  • Developer: NamiHub
  • Status:
  • Updated: 12.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0

rivals roblox script esp

On this page you can get free Nami Hub script with ESP function for Rivals game from Roblox universe. Using this simple and interesting script with a convenient GUI you will be able to activate such a function as ESP. With ESP function you will be able to see enemies through any textures on the map, for example it can be walls, doors, boxes, etc. You will also be able to customize ESP to your liking, for example you can enable ESP Line, ESP Box, ESP Names, ESP Color, ESP Box and other additional features in the Misc tab.

This is currently the best free script with the only ESP function for the RIVALS game. The developer is proven and known in the world for creating scripts for the game Roblox. You will not get a ban for using this script. Tested in the mobile version of the game Roblox - works perfectly!

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