PLEASE DONATE Script - Fake Donations, Art Paster
- Developer: Alexcirer, CF-Trail, DreadzHub
- Status:
- Updated: 24.02.25
- Current version: 1.4.4
Simple GUI script for the game Pls Donate with which you can use fake donations. This script works on a mobile device, is controlled very simply and will understand even a novice, you just need to specify the nickname of the player, specify the required number of coins and the user will supposedly receive a donation. The script is suitable for fun, for example, to play your friends.
PLEASE DONATE is one of the best games in the world of Roblox on the theme of donations, large online and clear features. Many players use scripts to have fun with friends and that's why we have posted these scripts for you, so you can surprise your friends and have fun.
Script PLS DONATE Mobile - AutoThank, Anti Afk
getgenv().autoThank = true --u can change this
msgsTable = {
"master oogway thanks u",-- u can change this
"fr fr omg ty",--u can change this
"me when the impostor donated, thanks",--u can change this
"lets goo dude thanks"--u can change this
game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Raised.Changed:Connect(function()--don't change
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(msgsTable[math.random(0, #msgsTable)], "all")
end)--u can't change this
local VirtualUser= game:GetService("VirtualUser")
end)--u can't change this
Get Script PLEASE DONATE - Art Paster
Get Script Pls Donate - Fake Donations Pastebin
Get Pls Donate Script Auto Farm GUI No Key
Free Download PLEASE DONATE Script - Fake Donations, Art Paster
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