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Ninja Legends Scripts and Hacks - Auto Farm

- Added Ninja Legends Script Pastebin - Auto Farm, NoClip, Infinite Jump, WalkSpeed

Super League Soccer Mobile Script - AutoFarm, Inf Stamina

- updated script

Roblox Creatures Of Sonaria Script GUI - Auto Farm & More

- Added Script Amazon's X Sonaria Script - Finish UGC Quest

New Comments
argariel argariel

new update bro :( we need new cfg plz... thnx!

MsAshheart MsAshheart

I think it's because the game is now on 2.0.2

firefox3665 firefox3665

Please update the offsets.

zuhu zuhu

Cs allraidy had a anticheat. it's still VAC, they think VAC will now have 3.0 in all servers instead of some.
which maybe so but from people's test is mostly more to detect more obvious cheaters/aimbots.