Valorant | TriggerBot, RCS

  • Developer: obscxrxd, cocaine666
  • Status:
  • Updated: 09.04.21
  • Current version: 09/04/2021
In the network, I found a good cheat with the functions of TriggerBot and RCS on the popular online game VALORANT. By downloading this cheat, you will be able to use more game features in the game Valorant, improve your accuracy and efficiency.

  • TriggerBot a function that automatically shoots at a player who is caught in the crosshair. It has the following functions and parameters: Key (TriggerKey, Active Key) - a key that activates TriggerBot when pressed.
  • RCS - Recoil Control System. There is compensation on both the X-axis and the Y-axis. Usually, the degree of control is expressed as a percentage (from 0% to 100%). 

Free Download Valorant | TriggerBot, RCS

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  1. Forrester7
    19 May 2021 16:07

    hOw To USE


  2. chchchan
    18 May 2021 21:23

    only dll file?


  3. zaeaza55
    9 May 2021 23:57
    Quote: pigit5437
    is it safe to use? 
    i mean i see the cheat but i didnt load yet because im afraid of a ban , 
    Could someone give me a valorant spoofer?

    bro they banned me even when i have never used a cheat so it doesn't matter


  4. דניאל
    9 May 2021 16:27

    VLTBT - obscxrxd - 0 at 0
    [*] checking for ghub driver...
    [-] failed to open ghub macro driver
    [*] modify presets
    [vlp] modify preset :
    [#] Modify X amount (0-99): 10
    [#] Modify Y amount (0-99): 10
    [#] Modify D amount (0-250): 20
    [#] Modify R amount (0-5): 1
    [vlp]preset set
    I was like this, but it didn't work? do you know how to make it function what is lacking? after
    [vlp] preset set

    1. dickeah21313
      9 June 2021 15:18

      1. darkthegoat.
        22 June 2021 03:07
        huh im confused pls explain

        1. zyclone
          22 June 2021 10:13
          yeah me too idk what he means by that.

  5. kamer33
    5 May 2021 13:47

    RCS Config ?

  6. Djalfacht_04
    5 May 2021 11:37



    1. triezz
      7 May 2021 14:49
      the password is 123

  7. stev26
    Real Cheater
    5 May 2021 02:22

    its work? no ban?

  8. A4r0n
    30 April 2021 16:08

    How to use this? when i open the cheat i press f9 and that's only it nothing happens in the game

    1. astospace
      21 May 2021 11:31
      use fn+f9 or ctrl+f9

  9. KantutanIsLife
    30 April 2021 13:24

    How to use this? when i open the cheat i press f9 and that's only it nothing happens in the game

    1. Giorgiooooooo
      7 May 2021 01:07

  10. jokerslover08
    30 April 2021 07:35

    thank you


    1. badaquarium
      30 April 2021 12:21
      is it still working

  11. sk_delpan19
    29 April 2021 19:20

    Update the cheat please its malfunctioning after new update 

  12. Morral
    28 April 2021 19:30

    Не работает лол


  13. RblxPlayer
    27 April 2021 16:25

    VcRuntime140.dll missing ;/


  14. Onebabbb
    26 April 2021 16:25

    Do you close the cheat while playing?



  15. pigit5437
    25 April 2021 21:40
    is it safe to use? 
    i mean i see the cheat but i didnt load yet because im afraid of a ban , 
    Could someone give me a valorant spoofer?

  16. buycards
    25 April 2021 16:46
    is this safe and how do i use it?

    1. TheSlowBro
      26 April 2021 19:46
      i have been using this website for a while now if the mod hack or dll says undetected if safe if it says use at your own risk there is a probability of getting ban

  17. ADN2007
    25 April 2021 10:32
    So i think you need a logitech mouse for this 

    1. SkittlzKaboom
      27 April 2021 02:12
      it literally said you don't need it read it next time please

  18. Zabi
    25 April 2021 03:19
    Nice no dowload button is working

  19. adoxx
    24 April 2021 10:25
    If you add the valorant spoofer you can use it, no spoofer.

  20. eneslow1
    23 April 2021 16:10
    Trigger bot not working ?

  21. GL17
    22 April 2021 04:09
    fire thanks

  22. hackerforfree
    21 April 2021 19:49
    failed to open ghub macro driver :/

    1. dickeah21313
      9 June 2021 15:19
      you idiot dumbass

  23. Dantistas21
    20 April 2021 02:49
    what meens VK_SHIFT ?

    1. GRAMM
      21 April 2021 05:54
      right shift

  24. classified30
    18 April 2021 08:34
    still work??

  25. alflow
    17 April 2021 18:02
    Quote: luukjansen12
    if you've spent a lot of time on this game you do not need cheats right? nub
    then what the fuck are you doing on this site :)) ?

  26. Einarmk
    Einarmk · Einar#8391
    17 April 2021 03:49
    u will get an ip ban do not use this xD

    1. stitches_
      18 April 2021 00:32
      lol get a bypass smh

  27. perkays2
    16 April 2021 21:59
    dont use u get hardware ban. u cant play again valorant on your pc

    1. 6MaYa9
      17 April 2021 02:12
      90 days only.

      1. RogueRodeo
        19 April 2021 19:58
        lol no its permanent

        1. Ulvin
          21 April 2021 23:12
          1st temporarly banned after permanently

  28. hckubes
    16 April 2021 10:48
    hello, is the cheat safe? i mean, isnt it full with viruses and wont i get banned ? 

    i spend a lot of time to valorant, and i dont want to get ip or hardware banned

    1. kimmy3692
      16 April 2021 14:54
      yeah that's what i was wondering too

    2. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      18 April 2021 00:01
      Nothing on this website has a virus

  29. Haniya Rajpoot
    15 April 2021 19:18
    Guys, on my channel, there is a new cheat of 2021, I advise you to watch

    1. timboyfer
      20 April 2021 09:18
      that shit is virus

  30. fingeshman
    15 April 2021 18:05
    dm for valorant paid cheat Phoneix#6742

    1. mcdo
      21 April 2021 21:27
      How much? Maizonise #5183

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3