ChristWare Among Us Cheat

  • Developer: IncoherentRage
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.20
  • Current version: 27/09/2020
ChristWare Among Us Cheat
A great cheat on Among Us that you can download from our website. This is a multi-functional cheat with good functionality, a game without a ban, and much more. The cheat was made in the style of IMGUI, which will appeal to many of our visitors. It has all the necessary features for a winning game. For example, there are such functions as: Force a meeting, NoClip, Mark imposters, Teleport, Kill any player, Kick any player, SpeedHack and much more. Simply put, with this hack, you will be a God in the game and will be able to do whatever you want.

Use this free solution now and dominate the game servers, surprise your friends and other random players.

Inject ChristWareAU.dll into Among Us.exe using your favorite injector (Recommend cmrinjector)
Make sure the cheat has successfully initialized in the console that spawns
Press [Delete] or [Del] in-game to pull up the menu 

Free Download ChristWare Among Us Cheat

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Comments: 117 Views: 48 039


  1. AmITheHaecker
    22 November 2020 21:27
    How To Install
    1. Download from mega
    2. Download among us from steamunlocked/Works/The/Best
    3.Download Extrema Injector V3
    4. Enjoy The Hack

  2. AliAr
    12 November 2020 17:17
    Why Crash ????????????!!!!  pls update 

  3. crabe
    3 November 2020 22:29
    the password doesn't work for me

  4. TheKiddingBoy
    Real Cheater
    TheKiddingBoy · TheElite#1198
    25 October 2020 22:23
    Nice update !

    1. Luky21689
      6 November 2020 14:33
      It doesn't crash for you?

  5. konya42
    Real Cheater
    14 October 2020 18:38
    Can anyone cheat for Transformice, please

  6. Rei Online
    7 October 2020 03:15
    Eu estou usando o injetor "cmrinjector " Mais não está funcionando, eu coloco tudo direitinho eu clico em delete, mais não acontece nada.

    1. lcg007xd
      20 November 2020 16:00
      tenta usar o auinjector ou o xennos64

  7. xBISucite
    5 October 2020 22:10

    1. hehehe1234E
      7 October 2020 00:10
      123 is the password

      1. crabe
        3 November 2020 22:28
        123 doesn't work as a password for me

  8. JackFromHell
    5 October 2020 21:04
    Only Among Us hack that I recommend.

  9. 5Sc0pe
    Real Cheater
    5 October 2020 20:02
    it doesnt work

  10. TheKiddingBoy
    Real Cheater
    TheKiddingBoy · TheElite#1198
    4 October 2020 16:23
    Is Detecteble Now

  11. S1NC3R
    1 October 2020 21:05
    is detecteble

  12. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    1 October 2020 10:17
    How to make it work i inject but nothing happened

    1. nomededoido
      2 October 2020 14:21
      HOW TO USE:
      Inject ChristWareAU.dll into Among Us.exe using your favorite injector (Recommend cmrinjector)
      Make sure the cheat has successfully initialized in the console that spawns
      Press [Delete] or [Del] in-game to pull up the menu

      just read the description

      1. 5Sc0pe
        Real Cheater
        5 October 2020 20:36
        dude its detected

  13. bex.
    30 September 2020 21:56
    very nice cheat bro

  14. ErenYour
    30 September 2020 20:48
    from where can i download?
    i don't see the download button

  15. alexsrl207
    30 September 2020 15:29
    um noclip key??

  16. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2020 11:42
    i inject but nothing happens

  17. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    30 September 2020 11:20
    which injector to use ?

  18. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    30 September 2020 04:12
    Why do they never updates cheats when not working?

    1. Mandess
      30 September 2020 09:28
      becous it is hard and updatas is very often. So they dont waset time and prepare the next updata

  19. Gabi_GG0
    29 September 2020 15:19
    Pressing delete crashes/closes my game.

  20. tudortudor
    29 September 2020 13:49
    it says i need a password and i cant take it out of the zipped folder or extract it to another so i can inject it, doesnt work for me

      29 September 2020 18:15
      the password is 123

    2. MrBigode
      30 September 2020 00:50
      bruh, the password is literrally on the download page!

  21. konya42
    Real Cheater
    29 September 2020 11:00
    please make a TRANSFORMİCE client hack

  22. la5ther
    29 September 2020 02:27
    check and updait plssss

  23. CobaltCobain
    28 September 2020 23:13
    only radar works

  24. com3n
    28 September 2020 21:28
    works perfectly and i like the theme

    1. imjustotaku
      29 September 2020 09:58
      you using the steam vesion cuz i got crash everytime i hit the (DEL)

  25. itsprbx
    28 September 2020 20:07
    how do i no clip

  26. saleh188
    28 September 2020 06:26
    just crashes my game whenever i inject i tried 2 injectors still got the same issue

    1. vadász
      Real Cheater
      vadász · atishh
      28 September 2020 19:17
      use saz injector its working for me

      1. Fiuri_SK
        Real Cheater
        Fiuri_SK · X1r3n#0094
        28 September 2020 23:05
        i use saz injector but when i press delete game crash

  27. vadász
    Real Cheater
    vadász · atishh
    27 September 2020 21:37
    how can i use noclip?

  28. PeterPark420
    27 September 2020 21:21
    What injector?

  29. Xandre_Gaming
    27 September 2020 20:23

    Force a meeting
    Mark imposters
    Reset disconnection ban time
    Spam chat, and force other players to spam
    Player list displaying imposters, crew members
    Murder all players instantly as imposter
    Instawin as imposter by the feature above
    Kill any player
    Teleport to any player
    Force a vote on any player
    Kick any player
    Instawin as crew by the two features above
    Close any or all doors, and keep them closed
    Repair systems (may be buggy)
    Sabotage systems (may be buggy)
    Change your color in game
    Cycle through colors, rainbow shift
    Modifiers for:
    Kill Distance,
    Kill Cooldown
    Make everybody rainbow colors
    Make everybody swap through clothes, hats

    well that was a fucking lie

  30. Казума
    27 September 2020 20:12

New Comments
goofily123 goofily123

play on windowed or windowed fullscreen

zefkun zefkun

Guys, the cheat is updated, at the description of the hack it says the last time it was updated was on 20 February 2025, but that date isn't updated but the cheat it is.

KinSantana KinSantana

TAB and F12 don't work. Any solutions for this ?

kokoshalienjaksemas kokoshalienjaksemas

if i extract it then the file not have anything what i should do ?