AntiVAC | Windows Kernel Based VAC Bypass

  • Developer: WeepingAngel
  • Status:
  • Updated: 10.11.22
  • Current version: 1.2

AntiVAC | Windows Kernel Based VAC Bypass

What is AntiVAC?

AntiVAC is a Windows Kernel Based Bypass for Valve AntiCheat (VAC).

After Loading into Steam Process, Steam load a wrong Kernel what helps to make EVERY VAC cheat Undetected!

It is Nearly Impossible to get VAC Auto Banned for cheating, with using this Bypass!



F: Is AntiVAC Safe to Use?

A: Yes of Corse! Its Nearly Impossible to get AUtoVAC Banned, But there are a small Risk!

F: The .dll is Deleted by my AntiVirus?

A: Yes this is normal because Injectin and Replacemants. Its Still Safe to use :)

F: What is WER?

A. WER stands for Windows Extension Runtime. This is a Modified Tool to Connect and Run AntiVAC and load it to the Driver

F: Is The Bypass Still active if i Restart my PC?

A: No! The Bypass get Deloaded everytime steam Starts in Online Mode!

Detection Status (Based ony My Informations):

Steam - VAC: Undetected!

Apex - BAC/EAC, VAC: Use at own Risk! (0xc4f5 and 0cx555 + VAC Jammed by AntiVAC) 

Fortnite - EAC: Detected! (Game dosnt start if Driver is loaded!)

FiveM - VAC: Use at own Risk!

R6 Siege - BAC, VAC: Use at own Risk! (0xc4f5 and 0cx555 + VAC Jammed by AntiVAC) 

Valorant - Vanguard: Detected! (based on User Reports)

ARK - VAC, BAC: Use at own Risk!  (0xc4f5 and 0cx555 + VAC Jammed by AntiVAC) 

Counter Strike 2 - VAC, VAC2: Tests Ongoing!

To add more game write me a dm on discord:

_𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌𝕬𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑 IV_#5915

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Comments: 13 Views: 33 929


  1. oguzhangemma
    29 January 2023 01:35

    How can i clean it from my computer?

    1. WeepingAngel
      WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
      30 December 2023 19:02

      Just restart your PC and delete all Files ^°

  2. snowz
    18 December 2022 22:41

    this has to be one of the most useless programs ive seen on here in awhile, half of these options are pointless and dont change anything. Stop trying to add more than what you need. I wouldnt recommend using this and would say to either buy a cheat or use csghost .

    1. WeepingAngel
      WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
      20 December 2022 02:40

      This VAC Bypass, bypasses Every VAC Protected game and detection. It also blocks some Anticheats like Vanguard, EAC and some other (but thats only based on what user of my Bypass reported me).

      This Bypass is nearly Undetectable and its quit impossible to get VAC banned

  3. TofanOtniel112
    12 December 2022 20:36

    Does it decrease trust factor?

    or it depends on what cheat I use

    1. WeepingAngel
      WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
      13 December 2022 01:53

      From my Knowledge No.

      But there is a risk

  4. ogboy234
    30 November 2022 19:23

    is that good for main account?

  5. Rofus
    12 November 2022 21:25

    does this work on apex

    1. WeepingAngel
      WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
      14 November 2022 21:55

      I just tested it on VAC. Apex use BattelEye and EAC. Some of this Modules also get Jammed but i dont tested it, so there is a big Ban risk. Use at your own Risk on Apex

  6. phenomenonhard214
    11 November 2022 17:46

    Can't find "steam.exe". Check if the name is correct and try again.

    1. WeepingAngel
      WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
      11 November 2022 21:19

      Have you Launched steam?

      You need to be in the window where steam Says that you can Connect to offline mode!

      I work on a update with new driver stuff

      1. steam4331
        11 November 2022 21:56

        can we get the source?

        1. WeepingAngel
          WeepingAngel · weepingangeliv
          14 November 2022 21:56

          I dont realy know. but maybe i make it Open Source

New Comments
Dtoxchuck Dtoxchuck

Is this cheat even safe to install? I'm getting this warning.

firefox3665 firefox3665

Does this cheat by pass faceit?

Stonelight Stonelight

I thought of it now but have a cheat to hit the tree and not have to do it for each one would be super useful in fact

ShirouDxdz ShirouDxdz

20/1/2025 still works, but when starting it kills almost all the fps