BetaLoader - (The Best CS:GO Loader) The most undetected loader with VAC Bypasser.

  • Developer: BETA
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.04.21
  • Current version: [4/4/2021]
Hey, looking for a loader that combines every cheat in one loader.
So BetaLoader will be the best choice for you
And it is so simple to use, open the loader and CSGO then inject.

How to use?

Simply open the loader then CSGO and click on the cheat you want to inject

I have a dll and I want to inject it, is it possible?

Yes, it is possible and it can inject and cheat

  • Inject cheats buttons
  • Run CSGO button
  • Custom injector (works with all cheats and undetected)
  • VAC bypasser
  • Linkvertise bypassed
  • Discord Rich presence
  • All cheats you can imagine
  • More soon...

    if you have any suggestions or errors make sure to DM me (BETA#3717) 

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    Free Download BetaLoader - (The Best CS:GO Loader) The most undetected loader with VAC Bypasser.

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    Comments: 445 Views: 182 395


    1. tsätitsepi
      14 December 2020 03:39
      crashing every time when i inject otc v3

    2. qury
      qury · qury#0001
      13 December 2020 23:26
      i played 10 wingmans and 2 mm's on otc v3 with this loader, no vac. I recommend this loader :D

    3. hello_guys
      13 December 2020 20:29
      man my windows protecter says dont run and i dont run 
      Is this a virus?

      1. Albuht
        14 December 2020 04:14
        are have the retard?

        1. Lochlan
          14 December 2020 18:49
          this is true

        2. 8g3khv
          16 December 2020 03:17
          Don't call someone a retard if you are going to reply saying "are have retard"

      2. bakakaadha
        16 December 2020 10:10
        no is not a virus. I used 3 day and nothing.Its a god  injector btw srry for my bad english

    4. crfcd
      13 December 2020 16:06
      also the linkvertise exe thing is kind of like an adware for me but idk be careful

      1. hello_guys
        13 December 2020 20:35
        ok man but i have proces hacker i inject osiris and i press insert and nothin happens
        i want a hack in csgo :)

    5. Kyow_csgo
      12 December 2020 21:26
      Guys, stop trash-talking about the loader.

      This could be the most undetectable injector ever, becouse it have VAC Bypass and also have in the loader some undetected cheats that is kinda awesome (also they'll add more soon).
      I know because i use it and i played with OTCv3 that btw is detectable and i used VAC Bypass, guess what, nothing happened (i mean i didn't get banned or overwatched) even if i HVH'ed on the MatchMaking.

      Steps to install the BetaLoader:

      1. Download it from here:

      2. Download the linkvertise Download Manager Software from their website (it contain the loader) 3. When you're in the setup, click NEXT then DECLINE the offer
      4. Wait it for download... 
      5. And you're DONE! The file can be found in Downloads on your PC

      1. _Dilaw__XQ
        _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
        13 December 2020 09:13
        Beta Loader Is The Best At The Moment 100%

        1. reyallenxd
          14 December 2020 12:00
          nah it's obv csghost

          1. SykoSwe
            SykoSwe · Syko#3541
            14 January 2021 17:22
            does it have inbuilt hacks? lmao

            1. Pajhhhs
              29 January 2021 08:32
              good point, csghost is 2nd best

              1. skyer
                25 February 2021 17:33
                CsGhost is detected,you'll get fast ban.I'm using SazInjector.

                1. Rdnrhm
                  Real Cheater
                  9 March 2021 17:10
                  Saz Is Worse Than CSGHOST

            2. DanielAndAll
              Real Cheater
              DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
              26 February 2021 04:41
              yes, but make sure you have Visual studios and N++ installed

          2. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
            Real Cheater
            13 February 2021 12:43
            That dosen't have ALL cracks/hacks free that are SAFE and WORKING.

            1. Rysky
              24 February 2021 13:40
              Then you use the Injector option to chose your desired cheat which might not be in the menu yet.

        2. nihat123
          14 December 2020 16:55
          haw can you run it mine wont run

          1. i_Dunno_but123
            17 February 2021 20:19
            turn off fricking antivirus or it wont load

          2. Luciquad
            Luciquad · Luciquad#3216
            13 March 2021 15:06
            use madloader

            1. yescheats_V.2
              Real Cheater
              yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
              15 March 2021 19:17
              its bad, betaloader better

            2. trimm
              trimm · HiTTA#2104
              25 March 2021 18:51
              u mean the worst loader ever?

        3. Pinkked
          Real Cheater
          Pinkked · roby#4580
          28 December 2020 07:02
          Ye this is the best free injector right now!

          1. Luciquad
            Luciquad · Luciquad#3216
            13 March 2021 15:06
            The best now is the mad loader

            1. yescheats_V.2
              Real Cheater
              yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
              15 March 2021 19:17
              no fuck off betaloader best

        4. babagibi
          2 January 2021 21:22
          virüs var nasıl iyi olabilir?

          1. UrtaresOS
            Real Cheater
            13 February 2021 14:23
            aynen kanka kesin

            1. tsubasaoozora
              15 February 2021 05:23
              aga şuan en iyi free injector ne

              1. Luciquad
                Luciquad · Luciquad#3216
                13 March 2021 15:07
                madloader en iyisi

                1. yescheats_V.2
                  Real Cheater
                  yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
                  15 March 2021 19:18
                  madloader not good

                  madloader not good

                  madloader not good

        5. doorcamper98
          16 March 2021 02:34

        6. sebihackerul
          18 March 2021 18:08

      2. xKeksMunsterx1337
        17 December 2020 17:49
        BetaLoader dont work , crashed all the time ..

        1. WolfHvH_ujfh8fyjkme474tjkh75
          Real Cheater
          21 December 2020 19:15
          redownload it. it works fine

      3. Mlekoboczek
        18 December 2020 03:04
        linkvertise add-ons is a scam it steals ur personal data!

        1. iran army
          18 December 2020 05:38
          just delete it after download

        2. yescheats_V.2
          Real Cheater
          yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
          2 January 2021 22:14
          use a bypasser, a popular one is universal bypass

        3. BigManFlixy
          21 January 2021 06:10
          nah it dont ur just mad cause urs wont work

          1. GraxBy
            Real Cheater
            26 January 2021 20:23
            lmao, actually when you even open the downloaded .exe malwarebytes delets it, bqus it is adware

            1. yescheats_V.2
              Real Cheater
              yescheats_V.2 · hotzz#0001
              15 March 2021 18:27
              it is an adware and why u use malwarebytes when ur using cheats that thing wont let u download anything

        4. fuc
          27 January 2021 23:26
          Just hit decline on the offers or ads or whatever DONT hit accept it will download a virus on your computer.

      4. Badjo0903
        22 December 2020 17:34
        te loader don't work for me 

        1. fafgafafafafa
          25 December 2020 04:48
          same its fake asf

          1. SykoSwe
            SykoSwe · Syko#3541
            14 January 2021 17:23
            how is it fake wtf lol

            1. i_Dunno_but123
              17 February 2021 20:22
              exactly how it is fake it is real only kids say this is fake..

      5. gigelcaci
        26 December 2020 00:36
        yes betaloader is a great injector more like BEST

      6. JackFromHell
        27 December 2020 01:59
        So it has all the free cheat's dlls?

      7. Dodilica1
        30 December 2020 18:36
        I cannot download it :( I don't know why but from linkvertise it just won't let me if I don't have a premium account

      8. h6xa
        Real Cheater
        h6xa · h6xa#6666
        22 January 2021 23:19
        instead use linkvertise bypasser

      9. Gamerul_Nelson_1
        25 January 2021 20:06
        Esti roman asai?

        1. llluca
          20 February 2021 23:45
          da e virus frate?

      10. SamurajVBA
        11 February 2021 16:11
        I mean the linkvertiser is kinda untrusted coz some AV detect it as bitcoin miner stuff

      11. DoggyMaster_Second
        1 March 2021 20:29
        Good injector i recommend it :thumbs_up:

      12. Petrica cercel 111
        12 March 2021 20:13
        sorry but the linkvertise is not working do you know why?

      13. Triq
        Real Cheater
        22 March 2021 15:24
        adware :/. Dont unlike that reply its true, I mean linkvertise is adware + betaloader anytimes opens ur browser and invite you to discord
        THA FUQ

      14. oznni234
        Real Cheater
        25 March 2021 15:55
        yeah if the link dosen't work is because the browser dosen't give you the permision to enter on the linkvertise link so use tor browser because with tor browser you can enter and on dark web to so use just tor browser its so good

    6. Russiax
      12 December 2020 21:20
      It is the Best Loader i ever used it has every option you need
      Rep to Beta
      keep up the good work
      if have bugs or erros just report it to his Discord not these comments

    7. skylarks
      12 December 2020 21:13
      still old version :(

    8. hakkibulut
      12 December 2020 15:10
      whats is this man. going to open stupid website

      dont try to download it guys its not wroking. mother fu*ker software maker opening backdoor in your pc

      1. PeapakCZ
        12 December 2020 16:26
        Wtf its working for me normally.

    9. luckylight
      12 December 2020 11:57
      I've update beta loader but it still says "This is an old version of BetaLoader. Do you want to update it?"

    10. Stefyyyy_13
      12 December 2020 08:59
      It still says "This is an old version of BetaLoader. Do you want to update it?"

      me tooo

      1. Kyow_csgo
        12 December 2020 21:10
        Update it then, will redirect you to the linkvertise where you need to download the downloader software from their website.

    11. ken89
      12 December 2020 07:17
      It still says "This is an old version of BetaLoader. Do you want to update it?"

    12. strk
      10 December 2020 18:26
      is this save?

      is this injector safe?

      1. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        12 December 2020 03:40
        Yes sir, it is

    13. skysv
      10 December 2020 14:50
      cmon, do a update

      1. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        12 December 2020 03:41
        there you go buddy ;)

        1. ken89
          12 December 2020 07:11
          It still says "This is an old version of BetaLoader. Do you want to update it?"

    14. ValfridisGood
      8 December 2020 17:46
      does not do anything if i try to open it?

    15. shani41
      Real Cheater
      8 December 2020 17:32

    16. Dr0p_shot
      7 December 2020 15:55
      that still working?

    17. bruh6969420
      7 December 2020 06:48
      wait, are all of the cheats embedded into thhis?

    18. kamer33
      6 December 2020 18:09
      omg nice good loader man !

    19. SuperSayanin
      6 December 2020 13:47
      Still undetected ?

      1. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        12 December 2020 03:44
        Yes, on version it is fully undetected with the new CSGO update!

    20. darkgaming832
      5 December 2020 21:11
      should remove detected cheats

      1. almirant
        Real Cheater
        7 December 2020 22:50
        shouldnt some cheats are hvh cheats and they are detected cuz of that

    21. kelleguard
      5 December 2020 15:21
      bypass et 0x0000007b diye hata alıyorum

    22. critcsgo
      5 December 2020 12:41
      It says to me that vcruntime140.dll not found and some other error , how I fix

      1. FoxSumo
        5 December 2020 13:17
        download vcruntime140.dll can you see on youtube how to download

      2. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        5 December 2020 18:57
        Download Visual VCRuntime
        install 64 and 32

    23. josue ochoa
      5 December 2020 06:09
      not open, please update or help!

    24. Crentzu
      Real Cheater
      5 December 2020 02:17
      Best Free Cheats Here!! Gud men

    25. TheDarkSmok11
      4 December 2020 15:18
      Please Update 

    26. Loke1
      4 December 2020 13:12
      Not working 

    27. Catruna Eduard George
      4 December 2020 13:11
      Why is not opening?

    28. hahaoppa123
      4 December 2020 12:04
      the best one ever.. keep tryin brh

    29. yoshisaac94
      3 December 2020 23:57
      can the VAC bypass VAC ban me even if I not running a cheat?

      I don't wanna get banned on my main please!

      1. Miau1229
        Real Cheater
        Miau1229 · ianveig29#8181
        4 December 2020 01:40
        I think No. but you shouldn't use it in your main, even if they are "undetectable"

      2. goboust
        5 December 2020 07:39
        don't cheat then

    30. Dievaz144
      3 December 2020 22:02
      dosent open when i launch

      dosent open when i launch, can anybody tell me how to check if i got a rat

      1. Mp.Online
        Real Cheater
        Mp.Online · Mp.Online#3720
        5 December 2020 16:05
        this is not a rat bro just stop anti-virus and it will open