BetaLoader - (The Best CS:GO Loader) The most undetected loader with VAC Bypasser.

  • Developer: BETA
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.04.21
  • Current version: [4/4/2021]
Hey, looking for a loader that combines every cheat in one loader.
So BetaLoader will be the best choice for you
And it is so simple to use, open the loader and CSGO then inject.

How to use?

Simply open the loader then CSGO and click on the cheat you want to inject

I have a dll and I want to inject it, is it possible?

Yes, it is possible and it can inject and cheat

  • Inject cheats buttons
  • Run CSGO button
  • Custom injector (works with all cheats and undetected)
  • VAC bypasser
  • Linkvertise bypassed
  • Discord Rich presence
  • All cheats you can imagine
  • More soon...

    if you have any suggestions or errors make sure to DM me (BETA#3717) 

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    Free Download BetaLoader - (The Best CS:GO Loader) The most undetected loader with VAC Bypasser.

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    Comments: 445 Views: 182 357


    1. tys
      12 October 2021 02:56

      ty for loader


    2. xukic
      16 June 2021 20:51

      is the best loader (rat and btc miner) is so good usell?

    3. kyawzinatsteam
      14 June 2021 19:00

      Beta Loader is nothing but a rat BTC miner and the worse part is that it's detected. You will get VAC ban even using VAC bypass. Never use it.

    4. CagriBeyHD
      Real Cheater
      6 June 2021 01:02

      yes is a rat 

      1. urek
        urek · Urek #0161
        8 June 2021 01:57
        It got cracked you can look at the source...

    5. kinez9999
      30 May 2021 22:23

      Best Rat and BTC miner of 2021 year

    6. kyawzinatsteam
      26 May 2021 11:03

      Don't use this injector. It's a scam and it will mine BTC through your PC.

      And it's detected too. I just banned from VAC, not from overwatch.

      Really garbage piece of sh*t!

      They delete their discord link and now it's invalid! Cowards! And run like a rat!

      1. shurtug
        26 May 2021 20:19
        Didn’t get vac banned on any of my accounts lol. Probably you just didn’t manage to use the vac bypass correctly

    7. shani41
      Real Cheater
      23 May 2021 14:28

      please update it was my best loader plz update it

      1. kyawzinatsteam
        26 May 2021 11:04
        My best loader for what? BTC miner?
        And it's detected even with VAC bypass. Good luck with it pal.

      2. kyawzinatsteam
        26 May 2021 11:07
        My best loader for what? BTC miner?
        It's just a scam and got detected.

      3. CagriBeyHD
        Real Cheater
        6 June 2021 01:12
        dont use beta loader its just a virus btc mining and rat

    8. fcdtuiwafdvduqvd
      19 May 2021 01:42

      cum nstalez


    9. vaskepaas1
      Real Cheater
      vaskepaas1 · Xghost12S#0001
      14 May 2021 22:27

      Don't Use ITS DETECTED 


      Can use DarkSpy

    10. HackerIsfUn123
      Real Cheater
      8 May 2021 07:47

      1 sit nn dog beta loader the most shittest btc miner and the premium got detected get fucked cunt 

      i just buy the premium version and its btc LOOL AND GOT DETECTED XDD

    11. Teijer
      6 May 2021 14:45

      Hey guys, after some time betaloader got cracked, "it isnt anymore since new update" but it got proven that it isnt a rat nor BTC miner, so I wil just tell you not to worry about it, the source code of the old version is public, so you can basically check yourself, Virustotal was giving False positives, now ask me why, Here is why, The protection is the one giving false positives, as I said earlier you can just find the Public source somewhere, and you can check yourself

      1. VacAccount
        7 May 2021 13:33
        do you know why their discord link is invalid?

      2. Teijer
        7 May 2021 23:19
        Its here

      3. kyawzinatsteam
        26 May 2021 11:06
        Never use this loader. It's just a scam. I just banned from VAC, not from overwatch.
        It's detected even with VAC bypass.

        1. shurtug
          26 May 2021 20:17
          Probably ur just unable to really use the vac bypass lol

          1. kyawzinatsteam
            14 June 2021 17:29
            LoL. It's detected and get VAC not overwatch! I used VAC bypass for sure and still detected and moreover, it's just a BTC miner. If you are OK with it, then good luck to you. But we won't use it ever again.

    12. arminsheikhy
      6 May 2021 02:21


    13. mr.a.m.s
      22 April 2021 10:44
      Quote: ImBETA
      It’s not
      You can check by yourself
      shut nn 

      Quote: Exploiterzxcasd
      VacBan is shit, don't listen to them, they are scamming since karnival exists (their ooold project) they are known for being scammers!

      • Registration date: 28 March 2021 03:44 
      • this says everything

      Quote: cuderola
      the beta loader has been exposed as a BTC miner recently.

      to anyone wondering if is true beta ran away and deleted all his discord server. i recommend deleting all related to the beta loader, and also reset your pc. i will be doing that as well. 

      i trusted the guy, and he backstabbed me, he only shows you shouldn't trust anyone in the HVH community. 
      i already had my suspicions after he got mad at darkspy for "copying him".
      again don't trust anyone and reset your pc. 

      yep i exposed him for scamming me then i proved that loader is BTC miner and rat and also a Token logger as well so ye

      1. xzu
        2 May 2021 12:23
        ive been using it like everyday and nothing happened to me....... wat u mean man.... my cpu dont even go over 14%...

        1. kyawzinatsteam
          14 June 2021 17:31

          Then good luck with it pal. You will get VAC in sooner future because it's now detected!

    14. Andrei222929
      16 April 2021 07:15
      Is dedected?

      1. Mr. Retardio Polez
        16 April 2021 15:17
        it got proven to be a btc miner dont download

    15. futpizdemulte
      16 April 2021 00:13
      where is button download?

    16. Mlekoboczek
      14 April 2021 16:29
      Quote: Sneap.
      Don't download, it's bitcoin miner, Beta deleted his discord group.. My pc found AGENT TESLA TROJAN lmao

      damn Elon Musk is mining bitcoins didnt know about that

    17. cs_master
      11 April 2021 11:39
      hello thanks for the bitcoin mine , I apreciate it.

    18. Sneap.
      Sneap. · Sneap.#3123
      9 April 2021 09:57
      Don't download, it's bitcoin miner, Beta deleted his discord group.. My pc found AGENT TESLA TROJAN lmao

      1. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        9 April 2021 11:52
        It’s not
        You can check by yourself

        1. pepejil
          9 April 2021 23:28
          Hi, Im premium user. Can you send me direct download link?

        2. Sneap.
          Sneap. · Sneap.#3123
          11 April 2021 19:21
          Man, it is btc miner or rat... the new update has +5mb lol.

          1. radusarbu15
            15 April 2021 11:18
            Someone added this program in visual code and it connects ur PC to 2 mining servers using ur GPU power up to 55%. Don't download.

    19. nedeee
      8 April 2021 15:58
      man wtf thats not detected

    20. Mityorka1
      7 April 2021 15:40


    21. Exploiterzxcasd
      Exploiterzxcasd · d.Andrei#7651
      7 April 2021 13:58
      VacBan is shit, don't listen to them, they are scamming since karnival exists (their ooold project) they are known for being scammers!

    22. leskaaa
      leskaaa · 'leska#2030
      7 April 2021 00:20
      btcloader gobrrr

    23. jeasus1
      5 April 2021 23:18
      hahahahahah btc minerrrr

    24. nanosense12
      5 April 2021 02:01
      Quote: bynick

      yes sir

    25. bynick
      5 April 2021 01:08

    26. cuderola
      Real Cheater
      4 April 2021 19:59
      the beta loader has been exposed as a BTC miner recently.

      to anyone wondering if is true beta ran away and deleted all his discord server. i recommend deleting all related to the beta loader, and also reset your pc. i will be doing that as well. 

      i trusted the guy, and he backstabbed me, he only shows you shouldn't trust anyone in the HVH community. 
      i already had my suspicions after he got mad at darkspy for "copying him".
      again don't trust anyone and reset your pc. 


      1. ImBETA
        ImBETA · BETA#0530
        8 April 2021 13:21
        I didn't run away!
        Someone reported the discord server and it got deleted

        You can join the new one

        1. pepejil
          9 April 2021 23:29
          Can you send me discord link?

      2. Pitcoin
        10 April 2021 00:46
        cu de rola , nice nick

    27. ZHIMHD
      4 April 2021 12:44
      where is the discord? why got the discord deleted??

      1. xxhackerboixx
        Real Cheater
        5 April 2021 22:05
        cause they got caught giving rats and bitcoin miners to there user

    28. IgN0rE
      3 April 2021 20:00

    29. manhmct301
      Real Cheater
      3 April 2021 18:33
      I wont tell a BTC Miner is cool and good to use lmfao

    30. TodorGucci
      3 April 2021 18:21
      discord invite code it s invalid, i can t create account at betaloader bc i don t have license key and redirecting to discord server doesn t work, pls fix it

      discord channel invite, doesn t work, it s invalid