Crab Game Free Cheat - FastPunch, Gravity, Jump, GodMode, Teleport, PunchPeople

  • Developer: BackCode
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.01.22
  • Current version: 2.0

Free External cheat on Crab Game with FastPunch, Gravity, Jump, GodMode, Teleport, PunchPeople and others functions is available on our website. This is a great cheat for the Crab Game game, which any player of this game can handle. There is very good functionality, convenient control of functions through the GUI menu and the ability to quickly run a cheat without extraneous programs, such as injectors or cheat tables.

Crab Game Free Cheat

I personally like this hack, you launch it in one click and enjoy an easy game. There are functions for teleporting to any point on the map, functions for fast running or high jumping, as well as God mode for passing through walls, flying around the map and much more. I advise you to download!

How to use External Cheat for Crab Game:

  1. Open the game
  2. Open the cheat when you are in the main menu

Free Download Crab Game Free Cheat - FastPunch, Gravity, Jump, GodMode, Teleport, PunchPeople

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Comments: 35 Views: 45 808


  1. FlopperTvOnYt
    15 April 2024 21:18

    best crab game cheat

  2. Goochi
    16 September 2023 21:02

    It works like meh its good but not even 5/10 score but ig its the only one that works so just use it till it gets a update or a new one

  3. homitacaforte
    14 April 2023 09:58

    use the game in windowed mode

  4. mrman69
    21 January 2023 21:29

    it dose not work  ☹️ 

  5. FrancolepoD
    14 December 2022 22:37

    kinda bad its rly hard to turn on hacks as the mouse doesn't work properly

  6. Jo1n3r
    17 November 2022 00:21

    what is the password for the files

    1. eftokyo
      21 December 2022 19:17

      pass: 123

  7. lago224
    16 June 2022 01:50

    bery pija el chit

  8. Le_beast__
    Le_beast__ · Le_Beast__#2829
    5 May 2022 21:34

    used to work but now it just says failed to launch 

    pls fix this

    1. quanmanss
      19 September 2022 08:06

      too later xd

  9. Cheats3495
    Cheats3495 · Psykopaten#3365
    30 April 2022 14:17

    Good Cheat  👌 Realy Like it

  10. balls24
    21 March 2022 22:17

    this hack is trash it doesnt even open properly 

  11. shehrebtyte
    19 March 2022 13:49

    idk if it works ima try it

  12. frncs
    8 March 2022 10:39

    hhacks god

  13. Sakimp
    5 March 2022 17:23

    how do i open cheat menu??

    1. Le_beast__2
      Le_beast__2 · Le_Beast__#2829
      30 May 2022 10:58


    2. Parhamtr88
      29 December 2023 19:35

      Hold ALT then press f4

  14. Blazeolmo
    22 February 2022 00:52

    how the fuck do you open this? what button? PLEASE SPECIFY

    1. Blazeolmo
      29 March 2022 14:42
      nvm you just launch as admin

  15. jester1
    19 February 2022 21:49

    please fix the punch people bug

  16. thebestboy
    17 February 2022 00:49


    edit: nvm yall just have to run as admin

  17. thebestboy
    16 February 2022 22:35

    the god mode doesnt work

  18. Demurator
    10 February 2022 02:08

    You cant open the cheat

  19. qPeste
    23 January 2022 15:09

    the cheat doesn't open

    1. Jyakku
      31 January 2022 03:51
      make sure ur not in fullscreen, go to windowed

      1. Blazeolmo
        22 February 2022 00:52
        AND THEN????? WHAT BUTTON???

        1. quanmanss
          19 September 2022 08:08

          insert and your brain

  20. luka1232
    Real Cheater
    luka1232 · luc3k#9901
    16 January 2022 11:34

    works great, really good for trolling

  21. HarwotakReal
    Real Cheater
    HarwotakReal · Harwotak#0001
    8 January 2022 22:25

    The zip file cannot open

    1. Anonnimde
      4 February 2022 21:00
      turn off av

    2. maskout15
      20 February 2022 04:33
      unzip it with 7zip

  22. Deta
    Deta · Deta#8598
    20 December 2021 17:07

    Review about the functions and the cheat itself : 

    Fast Punch - It's slightly funny when you're punching without any cooldown and people accusing you of using auto-clicker and arguing with you and you just ignore.


    Blink - It's not that useful how dev says, "send players to the moon", toggle it and touch the players with your body, then go away and untoggle it. The player that u touched will be sent to the moon.''. Dani patched it on December 9th, it's not working and I don't understand why it's one of the features.

    The next 3, Gravity, Perma Slide and Infinite Jump are just good, I don't nothing to talk about them, but the the Gravity feature time could be longer.


    GodMode and Knockback - Average.

    Punch People - Does not work properly, please fix or remove.

    Save Position and TP - Are just to make fun with others like you're in bottom of KOTH and you insta-teleport to the top and with some features of cheat, you can sustain the Hill and be the leader of the game.

    Break Glasses - is just sad and unfunny but it's working and it's a feature, so... try it out.

    Splot TP - makes my head hurt because it's 0% smooth but works, and also, you can be kicked off the match and I don't recommend at all.


    Fullbright - Only works in 'Lights out' which map is Dorm, and it's a Peek-a-Boo moment just because you can see everybody and with a op weapon you can kill almost the whole server. 

    Chat Spammer - It's bad when you're simply chatting and when you send the message you need to close the chat box that can steal a few seconds of important game.


    Menu and Visuals : You need to minimize the game to see the menu and you only can change features when you're on Menu (game) and the visual of the menu(cheat) could be better.

    Cheat approved by me.

    That's all.


    1. maskout15
      20 February 2022 04:45
      how do i close the cheat after opening it?

      how do i close the cheat after opening it?

      1. quanmanss
        19 September 2022 08:09

        task manager

  23. RudolfWolf345
    12 December 2021 16:36

    Not working

New Comments
WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

INFO from 17.02.2025:

I Released a full new update and also work on a complete overhaul with new GUI and stuff like that. Stay tuned :)

menishot menishot

Is it possible to change the resolution