External Skinchanger - Skin Tweak

  • Developer: r41ny
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.09.21
  • Current version: v1.0

Hello dears! Many of you asked for a free working SkinChanger and it so happened that I accidentally found the same free SkinChanger from the famous developer of hacks r41ny, as the author calls it "External Skinchanger" - cheat with which you can absolutely free to change the appearance of weapons in CS:GO using any available premium skins of weapons in CS:GO. Cheat is very easy to use and configure, all you need is to run CS:GO, and then you will be able to change your skin to any of the provided menu.

skinchanger csgo free download

Hacking does not require other auxiliary programs such as an injector, because everything is ready here and protected from the VAC anti-cheat. You just need to run the cheat in two clicks and choose the skin for any weapon to your taste. The author claims that the hack will be updated and improved, both in terms of maintenance and protection

How to use:

  1. Launch CSGO
  2. Join the server
  3. Run SkinchangerCSGO.exe
  4. Select a weapon and a skin, press the "Apply Skin" key
  5. Wait until the beginning of the next round for the skin of your weapon to change

Free Download External Skinchanger - Skin Tweak

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Comments: 80 Views: 55 360


  1. Mr.
    Real Cheater
    13 September 2021 19:28
    Good Idea but shit skin changer

  2. 22Spudz
    9 September 2021 14:04
    Waste of time downloading it

  3. Alycia Grimes
    4 September 2021 12:20
    this fucking thing is literal dogshit. it sucks ass. my grandma would make a better skinchanger with parkinsons and a pot with some ingredients.

  4. branko keve mi
    13 April 2021 16:07
    remove wtf it sucks

  5. Yhak
    30 March 2021 22:47
    No matter what cheat I try to download, my pc says "destination can't be created" or something like that... What do I do?

  6. soseta69691
    25 January 2021 00:55
    remove ,trash

  7. cristibucidefer
    13 January 2021 21:11
    it's good to use it?

  8. Not Kadju
    Real Cheater
    28 December 2020 23:26
    Add knife changer, the skin changer is also kinda glitchy... You need to press a couple of times to load and ya know... But it's probably only me, am i?

    1. adviksingh
      25 January 2021 13:36
      same problem its probability beta

  9. CristianraducanU2009k
    23 December 2020 18:34
    not working trash ,

  10. danish789
    10 December 2020 03:03
    no knife sedly i m not gonna use it and   u r 80% fo cheats detected no point to try u r cheat if make a website upload good and updated undetected cheats rty

  11. puffdip
    9 December 2020 22:10
    not working.. its trash

  12. Imshezen
    8 December 2020 09:46
    All see or just i see ? ZD

    1. Person0z
      9 December 2020 01:26
      i think everyone but im not sure

      1. stilz_nato
        17 January 2021 16:41
        no its just u

    2. mario.tornada
      9 December 2020 15:18
      just you see

  13. batulxrd
    6 December 2020 16:00
    need knifes too please

  14. Benjamin Schrahböck
    5 December 2020 15:37
    How does it work, i need help pls

  15. pedro23
    Real Cheater
    5 December 2020 03:32
    Malisimo, Como Toda esta clase de trucos, SOLO VOS PODER VER LOS CAMBIOS DE PIEL Y ARMAS, EL RESTO NO LOS VE.

    1. vissualtor
      6 December 2020 03:04
      Es muy bueno, por eso es un external man, si quieres compra skins xd pero el skin changuer se basa en que tu nada mas lo uses

    2. joel frz
      8 December 2020 01:26
      Cuchame una cosa chinchulanga vos sos pelotudo o te dan con un fierro hirviendo? te estan dando cosas que valen mas de 1000$ usd para que las ves vos solo GRATIS y te quejas??

  16. BigDog
    4 December 2020 10:17
    Can you Please Add Operation Broken Fang Skins

    1. 0xDiablo
      6 December 2020 15:32
      They are already added check version.

  17. lucraft_
    4 December 2020 04:48
    Los Otros Jugadores tambien lo VEN?

  18. FossilOG
    Real Cheater
    FossilOG · baddieee#8061
    2 December 2020 16:44
    This is a really good external Skinchanger, but it has it's down part
    such as no "Knife Changer" and sometimes it's buggy
    and wont change the skin and you have to click a few times
    to able to work but overall It's a good Skinchanger and probably wont be patched
    anytime soon!

  19. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    2 December 2020 16:33
    nice exp Ez vac 

    1. h6xa
      Real Cheater
      h6xa · h6xa#6666
      6 December 2020 17:03
      aptal//too short//

    2 December 2020 14:34
    Hi it work for me, can you add knife changer please  smile 

  21. snipel
    2 December 2020 12:01
    JUST TRY ABCDEF*********

  22. baachkaiwnl
    2 December 2020 11:22
    is this detected someone tell me

    1. DanielAndAll
      Real Cheater
      DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
      2 December 2020 14:33
      no it is not............

  23. Triq
    Real Cheater
    2 December 2020 09:58
    Nice ! But can you do knife changer too ? :)

  24. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    1 December 2020 17:36
    for me it's not working

  25. DanielAndAll
    Real Cheater
    DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
    1 December 2020 15:54
    great cheat just missing knife changer. Props++

  26. Robin1234
    1 December 2020 15:46
    Working in faceit? 

      2 December 2020 15:23
      no bro facit anticheat can't let you inject hack i tried more than 10 hacks on facit but steal not working

      1. pilanobre
        3 December 2020 22:41
        Aimware works on faceit

  27. james102
    1 December 2020 14:51
    all of these hacks and still no one found a way to hack steam and UNVAC vaced accounts !!!

    1. DanielAndAll
      Real Cheater
      DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
      1 December 2020 15:28
      its been done but you have literally wipe your pc so not worth. Or be a cracked hacker and piss off gaben at the same time of un-vac

    2. Utman123
      2 December 2020 02:42
      gramornde amigo tenes razon pelotudo

  28. Ali3399
    Real Cheater
    1 December 2020 11:46
    can other people see our skins?

    1. Hackschnizzel
      1 December 2020 11:50
      No, i dont think they can see them

    2. Triq
      Real Cheater
      1 December 2020 14:04
      Why ? Its doesnt make sens because you dont have this in steam inv and if other peapole see bayonet m9 they go to ur inv and look u have or dont. xd 

  29. kaymayyy
    1 December 2020 09:55
    In what driver does it run?
    There was someskin changers in csgo that runs in kernel and hasaccess to ur all files :/

  30. reis buqa
    19 September 2020 15:59
    how is password

    1. fab554
      fab554 · HobbyCheating#7690
      1 December 2020 16:32
      There is literally no password needed.

    2. Utman123
      2 December 2020 02:43
      123 pelotudo

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.