Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG

  • Developer: Wa3Rix
  • Status:
  • Updated: 28.06.19
  • Current version: [28/06/2019]

Excellent Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG on CSGO which you can download for free from our website. This hack is fully working and has its own unique features. Cheat is reliable and has not yet been detected by the anti-cheat VAC, which gives You the opportunity to play with it on the official servers of VALVE and are not afraid of global blocking. The developer of this hack is the user Wa3Rix and according to him, the cheat is positioned as a full Legit hack, but now this is not enough and Everyone wants the Rage function, and here the author has highlighted the settings for the Rage function and You can configure them yourself and even compete on HVH servers.

As I mentioned in this software has all the functions under Legit game, as well as under Rage, but if the Rage function is not powerful enough, do not beat, repeat cheat exclusively for Legit game. A full list of features can Be found under the spoiler, and recommendations and CFG files in the main archive.


postal.vmp.dll - streamlined DLL
postal.dll - pure DLL
PostalShift.ttf - font needed for hood
Cord.ttf - weapon icons

For normal display, set the fonts and it is desirable to put the English language.
Included are 3 CFG Legit, Semi-Rage and Rage, and pretty badass only for example.
All these settings are in the folder postal_cheat it needs to throw in "Username" -> "My documents"


Free Download Postal Cheat - Multihack / Full legit / Rage + CFG

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Comments: 69 Views: 84 661


    13 March 2022 13:44

    postal.vmp.dll - streamlined DLL
    postal.dll - pure DLL
    PostalShift.ttf - font needed for hood
    Cord.ttf - weapon icons

    For normal display, set the fonts and it is desirable to put the English language.
    Included are 3 CFG Legit, Semi-Rage and Rage, and pretty badass only for example.
    All these settings are in the folder postal_cheat it needs to throw in "Username" -> "My documents 

  2. NickScoots
    4 September 2019 02:34
    how do you dowload this cheat

    1. Barnus132143345635
      8 September 2020 21:04
      i dont no

    2. Hacker12221312312
      4 July 2022 01:56

      It's very bad, if you want a good cheat download Panzoid or Oreo.

  3. r3dFoXx
    18 July 2019 13:13
    i love coc o.o

    1. Meemzz
      Real Cheater
      2 August 2021 14:57
      what does cooc tastig liek?

  4. smecherul06
    15 July 2019 15:09
    I entered in a match with bots and I got VAC banned. Fuck You 

    1. Imskyop
      18 July 2019 00:05
      Thats why you need to alt acc

    2. AndyingTV
      24 March 2022 17:43
      Like see the fucking title. It says DETECTED

  5. Jack2323
    12 July 2019 15:14
    How to download cfgs?

  6. 123avcxrt43
    10 July 2019 07:13
    Ok so I deleted the cheat fully, and verified the game. No matter what I do its there when I press ins. plz help

  7. annieeatcrap
    9 July 2019 17:22
    sorry but does anyone know what does streamlined dll mean?

  8. EmirSOTR
    4 July 2019 23:06
    How to download cfgs?

  9. TYCOON13
    Real Cheater
    3 July 2019 14:26
    fps drop, noone cares! Buy better pc/computer

    1. Goattish-
      19 July 2019 02:38
      shut the fuck up braindead nn fuck boy

  10. aralcsgo
    1 July 2019 17:58
    after 20 minutes cs go stopped working.pls fix it

  11. Twitchsav
    30 June 2019 09:52
    Its a nice hack but everytime I do metallic it turns off my csgo so people dont chose metallic

  12. Stago
    29 June 2019 21:08
    N1ce hack, and cool rage.

  13. deuced
    29 June 2019 21:07
    Hack might work but includes Trojan.. just in case!

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      3 July 2019 18:08
      That's because it's a cheat, it lets you do what you're not supposed to be able to do in a game so that's why the anti-virus detects it as a trojan

  14. elputohacker111
    29 June 2019 04:18
    good job nicee hack ! 

  15. Caigin
    29 June 2019 03:23
    good hack but the fps drop really makes it not worthwhile since sometimes it's almost unplayable.

    1. Veezy
      18 July 2019 16:56
      yeah same man i have a 2080 ti so i dont wanna hear that shit like "upgrade ur pc bla bla bla"
      but the cheat is amazing

  16. vokolik
    28 June 2019 22:01
    nice hack :)

  17. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    28 June 2019 21:44
    Umm i have 20 fps after injecting

    1. NotMarkus
      11 July 2019 14:56
      Maybe u is playing on the potato pizzeria laptop

  18. loljuxd
    28 June 2019 21:22
    Bruh... Fix FPS after Injecting

  19. Skymarek
    20 June 2019 15:06
    please give me dll

  20. Isli19
    12 May 2019 15:46
    someone gimme an injector link

    1. eelimake
      Real Cheater
      14 May 2019 14:14
      go to unjectors section

      1. DragonSlayer148
        Real Cheater
        28 June 2019 21:37
        you mean injectors, right...

  21. SoyGoty
    Real Cheater
    9 May 2019 04:52
    If I only use wallhack, will I detect it the same or not? since I do not need aim

    1. SoyGoty
      Real Cheater
      9 May 2019 20:59
      good, I only answer my question. No, do not hesitate to use only wall and mics, do not rage and if they do use the RC and the trigerbot.

      1. thalinhtet
        29 June 2019 19:45
        Whether you use aim only or aim + wall or use all features, it will not affect the detection by VAC. However, for overwatch, the more obvious you are, the more likely you are to get banned.

  22. xtinct76
    Real Cheater
    8 May 2019 18:21
    Bad cheat in my opinion

  23. asfıuhasıgasg
    8 May 2019 17:57

  24. GodSenpai
    29 April 2019 04:55
    Vac valve anti-cheat detected

  25. Nika
    26 April 2019 16:18
    where is fuckibg config

  26. turmux
    Real Cheater
    26 April 2019 15:36
    shit cheat and maybe detected 

  27. Flawlessdesigner
    25 April 2019 13:21
    Doesnt't work

  28. KimiSHA
    25 April 2019 13:19
    tvoja mala oce samo kurac

    1. zaklina
      14 May 2019 23:41
      tko je najbolji reper sa balkana...

    2. matic213
      15 May 2019 15:49
      Biće bolje buraz moj oće kurac

  29. Mr.619
    25 April 2019 11:07
    how can use it?

  30. Keef
    25 April 2019 02:43
    how do I inject it

    1. semtexsatan
      25 April 2019 09:27
      You download some injector like: DLLInjector 2018 or CInjector
      You choose the csgo.exe as the program you want to inject something to,
      and you choose your .dll file. Than, when you have already launched CS, you inject the .dll into the CS:GO, and than, if you are on pc, you press the insert button, and if you are on a laptop you press the shift, and the zero on the numpad at once.