AURORA Private Legit,Rage Cheat (crack)

  • Developer: crack by yawi
  • Status:
  • Updated: 21.05.22
  • Current version: May 21, 2021

AURORA Private

Aurora Private is a good CS:GO cheat with a convenient menu and interesting features. We already have a free version of this hack on our site, But now you can download a free private version of this hack Aurora Private. Some features may not work, because this is a crack version of this hack, but everyone can try out the paid cheat for free. The menu is very convenient in terms of settings, there are two main menu languages - English and Russian, which is very convenient for some of our users. You can also make the menu dark or light, depending on your preferences. The functionality here is probably standard, but there are a couple of interesting features that you can't find in other free hacks.

At the moment, the hack has reliable protection from VAC, now you can play safely and You will not be banned, but this is only for the moment, soon a large number of users will download the hack and it will become unreliable, have time to download Aurora Private for free from our site. Do you have any questions or problems during the installation of this hack? Ask in the comments.


To run the hack, you will need any working injector.

The menu opens with the INS/INSERT key

[ info - en ]

1. You can save only 1 slot (It is already available in the Config tab), the rest of the configs are not overwritten

2. There are already 4 configs built in (2 from me, 2 from Nazimus)

3. You can transfer the config from the original aurora, to do this, create a ticket in our discord server

4. Configs are bound to an IP address

5. I advise you to use Vac bypass

Free Download AURORA Private Legit,Rage Cheat (crack)

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Comments: 86 Views: 68 593


  1. jazarialireza
    26 November 2020 17:24

  2. pilanobre
    23 November 2020 02:46

  3. Zufeyy
    13 November 2020 15:27
    is it detected?

    1. jazarialireza
      14 November 2020 13:23
      YES detected  dizzy_face 

      1. HarwotakReal
        Real Cheater
        HarwotakReal · Harwotak#0001
        29 November 2020 17:37
        use vac bybass loader

  4. Error_found
    28 October 2020 05:53
    lmfao im able too make cfgs yall on drugs or some ?

    1. Make82777
      Make82777 · Make8#2777
      31 October 2020 17:04
      How can you ? ;D

  5. dosiapeek
    27 October 2020 12:29
    Stop complaining about a cracked cheat not working lmao

  6. sdfv7shdnfv7sdmfj
    24 October 2020 09:12
    this cheats is bugged, can t create a cfg and crashez, please add last verios (aurora v1 crack,i have it and who want it dm me hvh master⥌ᶜᵏ#8005)

    1. Make82777
      Make82777 · Make8#2777
      31 October 2020 19:00
      You sure ? You littearly blocked me when I asked you for download link ...

      1. Dank bOOgIe
        3 November 2020 00:20
        Make or save?

  7. xgfhgfhgfhfgjhdjg
    21 October 2020 21:09
    bro crash  wrtsf

  8. Denis Putica
    21 October 2020 16:21
    the bad cheat ever

  9. Miau1229
    Real Cheater
    Miau1229 · ianveig29#8181
    21 October 2020 02:08
    Configs and music kits not working

    1. darkmaisteR
      darkmaisteR · DixiEE#5244
      22 October 2020 18:59
      only cfgs not working  smiling_imp 

      1. dosiapeek
        23 October 2020 00:21
        Yes, the inventory changer works perfectly!

      2. Miau1229
        Real Cheater
        Miau1229 · ianveig29#8181
        24 October 2020 02:35
        Only the music kits didn't work for me, they stayed in a loop but the rest of the inventory changer did work for me

        1. harsh3579
          8 July 2021 10:15
          for inv changer use orisis

    20 October 2020 14:24
    config çalışmıyor

    config düzeltilecek mi

  11. Doni23
    Doni23 · Doni the Gamer#3609
    19 October 2020 11:35
    thx but sadly configs dont work maybe they will fix it soon

    1. darkmaisteR
      darkmaisteR · DixiEE#5244
      20 October 2020 22:49
      maybe... thats so sad cuz thats so good legit cheat

  12. czSmoG_
    Real Cheater
    czSmoG_ · czSmoG_#7180
    16 October 2020 14:43
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Configs doesn't work
    Really dude why isnt work

    1. 5Sc0pe
      Real Cheater
      15 June 2021 15:12
      why do have to spam its not funny

  13. Mandah0824
    16 October 2020 06:12
    this is very good cheat thanks

  14. tenag99992
    Real Cheater
    15 October 2020 20:25
    Ok so.
    1.Is zeer cheat(paste actually)
    2.don't say is bad.. is pate tho..

  15. KEvin Hart
    15 October 2020 14:48
    Nice Cheat But sadly config didn't work

  16. Wooziexxz
    15 October 2020 13:44
    work in gamers club?

    1. PintoDaCosta
      15 October 2020 19:32
      of course not

  17. XxMiguelxXBr_YT
    Real Cheater
    15 October 2020 13:29

  18. catalinohanian
    15 October 2020 12:46
    Dont use unlock all achievments is untrusted now

  19. banyedimamq
    14 October 2020 23:25
    AURORA HACK where do i put the cfg

    1. rtkpXZ
      15 October 2020 22:36
      configs don't work...

  20. JebSie10
    14 October 2020 20:25
    when released working config?

  21. oobe23
    Real Cheater
    oobe23 · doovid#1234
    14 October 2020 05:36
    Almost nothing works for me anyone else having issues?

  22. Miau1229
    Real Cheater
    Miau1229 · ianveig29#8181
    14 October 2020 04:27
    good cheat 9/10

  23. rtkpXZ
    13 October 2020 23:14
    Literally a paste of Haunted Project, cracked below. Maybe they're the same cheat, but it's literally the same cheat, same errors, same features, but different menus. Not worth using, as you can't save configs.

    1. Scrubbybtw
      Real Cheater
      14 October 2020 00:17
      Aurora is actually the non paste, Haunted is the paste

      1. rtkpXZ
        15 October 2020 22:37
        Whatever, it's still trash.

  24. czSmoG_
    Real Cheater
    czSmoG_ · czSmoG_#7180
    13 October 2020 20:07
    Shitty Cheat

    1. cheaterSaMo
      13 October 2020 20:47
      Tru xd btw to som ja Sm0

      1. jotakokot8
        15 October 2020 04:32
        to ne ja, to ty

    2. Kerimon60hz
      13 October 2020 20:47
      its a legit cheat kid

  25. batlefront2smurf
    13 October 2020 19:57
    Cagri even being a legit mainly cheat y ripped off lot of heads in hvh. I had lot of fun very nice. Its not cool that u cant load cfg's but just note it in somewere and ready. Really enjoyed it very old-style cheat and easy to config i recommend it a lot :D

  26. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    13 October 2020 19:16
    badd chheattttttttt

  27. wd3EWD4334REWR4Q3
    13 October 2020 19:11
    crash for my

  28. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    13 October 2020 19:10
    ez vacw brosn

    1. XxMiguelxXBr_YT
      Real Cheater
      15 October 2020 13:31
      Don't use unlock achievements

  29. ꧁༒☬Shiny☬༒꧂
    13 October 2020 18:02
    is interesting but no the best recomended :D (like osiris but this is better then osiris)

  30. thanks436723
    Real Cheater
    13 October 2020 15:52
    can i not safe my config? lol