ExtrimHack - CSGO Cheat

  • Developer: KoroJIb
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.06.19
  • Current version: 11.06.2019
This cheats for CS:GO are prohibited program that gives you a big advantage in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This is the most popular CS GO cheat in Russia and CIS. I can prove it: on ezcheats this cheat has more than 75000 comments right now.
This cheat works on the latest version of Steam CS: GO and is not detected by VAC anti-cheat (undetected).

Yay! Injector merged with cheat already. You don't need any other programs!

How to run:

  1. First of all: close CS GO and Steam!
  2. Then run Cheat exe.
  3. Click "Start".
  4. Launch Steam and Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

You will hear a beep sound, it means cheat has been injected.
You just need to configure the functions.
You can minimize the cheat menu using the Insert or SHIFT + F5.

  • AimBot (Legit bot) 
  • WallHack (ESP) 
  • TriggerBot
  • Skin Changer
Are there any viruses or malware? (Miners / Advertising viruses, etc.)
Сoder and the entire huge audience of the cheat hangover on ezcheats. Coder also selling a private paid version of this hack, so he doesn’t need to spoil his reputation by spreading malware. There are no viruses in the cheat. Software is completely safe.

Free Download ExtrimHack - CSGO Cheat

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Comments: 77 Views: 39 786


  1. ZoharDg
    14 June 2019 00:02
    Good Hacks i am cumming Adi lagziel is the best Cat Search in Xnxx.com Short guy and u will see the best porn 

  2. GreekOv3rKiller
    Real Cheater
    13 June 2019 22:16
    Needs some fixes but is good.

    1. fishlab
      14 June 2019 10:36
      epitelous ena s ellhnas alla me foto tou fy

      1. GreekOv3rKiller
        Real Cheater
        14 June 2019 11:42
        Yo how are you my friend? looking for any good cheats? i can help you if you want.

  3. lewdog06
    13 June 2019 20:36
    It has a miner but it's still a half decent cheat

  4. Vojtaaacze
    13 June 2019 18:33
    I think this is the worst legit cheat i ever seen :)

  5. Alexandrunoname11
    13 June 2019 14:06
    In my opinion is the bad cheat, i ever seen . You cant make your cfg , if you make it, for nothing . If you saved at legit , the nearest point , after 1 round is reset for headshot , or in round is reset in head ... No champs , only knife skin changer ... I tested a lot of cheats ... but this , is so fucking bad , sorry guys . Maybe is not undetected , but is so bad .

  6. saorma44
    13 June 2019 12:11
    someone got vac?

    1. Edwardfly
      Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
      13 June 2019 17:56
      Don't inject on main .

  7. maoajsad
    13 June 2019 02:38
    cant play csgo zero star and detected

    1. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      13 June 2019 07:28
      It is Undetected on VAC for 142 days.

      1. Edwardfly
        Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
        13 June 2019 17:57
        injector problem , try using any of these https://cheater.fun/injectors/279-download-free-injectors-pack-for-csgo-gta-5-apex-legends-cs-16-fortnite-rules-of-survial.html
        or dm me on discord Edwardfly#6969 , if u still have problem on getting vac on cs

  8. hajmehdi
    12 June 2019 23:04
    ! Cannot execute "C:\Users\mahdi\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa6224.33613\extrimhack_11.06.2


    1. deyutzaa991
      13 June 2019 04:10
      same here

    2. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      13 June 2019 07:18
      Disable Windows Security and Antivirus then redownload cheat.

  9. GrgurS
    12 June 2019 12:17

    1. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      12 June 2019 12:24
      Status: UNDETECTED

  10. loljuxd
    11 June 2019 21:12
    Skin Changer is broken.

    1. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      12 June 2019 05:26
      Skin Changer works only for Knives in this version.

  11. AAndr
    11 June 2019 20:42
    can instal
    virus decteced

    1. annieeatcrap
      11 June 2019 20:59
      gamehack is seen as virus

    2. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      12 June 2019 05:51
      Your antivirus or Windows Defender swears at the injector inside the cheat. The injector is trying to gain access to a third-party process (CS:GO), so antiviruses consider it suspicious.

  12. summmuf
    11 June 2019 20:27
    This is only one dll how is it work ?

    1. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      12 June 2019 05:32
      You mixed up the topic. Here cheat dll combined with an injector in exe. Run according to the instructions.

  13. RetrO632
    11 June 2019 19:13
    Error 0x8000000d. { :(

    1. ezcheats.com
      Real Cheater
      11 June 2019 19:22
      1. Install https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x86.exe (microsoft domain)
      2. Disable Windows Security and your antivirus.

      1. RetrO632
        13 June 2019 08:11
        I try it not working :(

      2. RetrO632
        13 June 2019 14:58
        Please help :(

  14. genosdisciple18
    11 June 2019 18:18
    perfect  i only use aimbot :) hip fire with no chamz try it .  they wont  suspect :D

  15. wakawan
    11 June 2019 17:57
    works super fine ,thought it was broken because i couldnt hide the menu but is shift f5

New Comments
zefkun zefkun

And there's another update in the game, and I still can use the cheat 😁

zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊 

Barney0101 Barney0101

Thank you 💗

TnyavnTo / Svxy / Sneaky

Falleny Falleny

Z4ee/Pipsi account on GitHub where's updates was uploaded from was deleted. So we might not get an update at all 

rayknife rayknife

Do not use it on Asia servers I got ban twice. I also tried using it with VPN but still got ban.