csgo-fake-opening - Fake your openings

  • Developer: Beakers
  • Status:
  • Updated: 23.04.21
  • Current version: 23/04/2021

Are you a novice streamer or do you shoot videos for YouTube? If Yes, then this program is specially for you. Create interesting and relevant content with csgo-fake-opening. With this program, you can open any cases in the game and thus make content out of it.viewers will be interested in how you spend money and open cases in the game, but you make a show out of it and do not pay for cases. You can also prank your friends live and much more.

In General, this program will not affect your game in any way, but you can create interesting content on opening cases in the CSGO game. You will not be able to use skins in the game, and no one will see them in your profile. This program is for entertainment purposes only. Try it yourself by downloading it for free from our website.

- Open any crate/capsule you want
- Support for tournaments crates
- Configure your chance to get items
- In-game configuration with ImGui

  • Inject the resulting library into the game
  • Press Insert to bring up the menu.
  • Create crate/keys you want to open
  • OPEN!

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  1. ganghacker
    29 September 2020 03:00
    lethality dont have case opening NOPE

    the menu dont work for me

  2. Butterfly.
    29 September 2020 02:36
     It would be really epic if it included an skin changer so then you could use what u opened in-game, but well, still a pretty interesting ""cheat""

  3. CagriBeyHD
    Real Cheater
    29 September 2020 01:18
    omg nice thanks man

    1. turkgardaş
      29 September 2020 15:04
      aga hangi injectör ile çalıştırdın

  4. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    28 September 2020 22:26
    Why would you need it? Lethality already has it anyways.

    1. Legolas1338
      28 September 2020 22:50

      1. s11153814
        s11153814 · ANKLEBUSTER3000#6523
        28 September 2020 23:33
        aye lethality aint bad i tried it it not bad for its price menu kinda wack but its good

    2. 5Sc0pe
      Real Cheater
      29 September 2020 12:52
      lethality isnt free. is there even a crack?

      1. NinjaIsaCoder
        Real Cheater
        29 September 2020 15:25
        there was a 48h code for lethality you just miss out free for two days

    3. sadttg
      29 September 2020 17:07
      So people don't have to pay? or maybe they just want the this only?