Vanety RELOADED External v1.2

  • Developer: xTRiLON
  • Status:
  • Updated: 18.08.21
  • Current version: V1.2 RELOADED

Working External cheat on CSGO called Vanety. There are all the necessary functions for an unobtrusive and protected game. For example, there is such functionality as:

  • Glow
  • Walls
  • TriggerBot
  • BunnyHop
  • Stop/Play Music
  • No Flash
  • Radar System
  • Recoil Control System (RCS)

Thanks to everyone that donated ❤ 
Message me on discord to get your role

Changelog (V1.2 HOTFIX):

[+] Optimizations for new update.

1. Download Vanety.
2. Extract .zip to a folder.
3. Launch "Vanety Launcher.exe"

Please report your problems and say your suggestions at the discord server!

DONATION GOAL: 10 / 50 $
Please donate to keep the project running!

Free Download Vanety RELOADED External v1.2

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Comments: 314 Views: 67 472


  1. Mr Sinha
    Mr Sinha · NipuRox#0001
    6 January 2021 21:30
    nice hack i liked it so much 

  2. emrooX
    4 January 2021 18:03
    The glow keeps glitching is this normal or my pc's problem? Btw nice cheat, still not detected. Guys all the comments saying they got banned probably got ow banned for playing obv. YOU CANT GET VACCED AND THIS IS NOT A KEYLOGGER

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      6 January 2021 15:06
      Glow sometimes is glitching + depends on how many players there are and your cpu usage.

    2. aRT778
      11 January 2021 23:33
      glitches for me aswell its flshing i think its trying to get info on where he is and display it but its just not good i guess

  3. zGxbrii
    2 January 2021 21:46
    i can use in prime?

  4. mrnoise
    2 January 2021 18:34
    create a bypass for this cheat for un vac us plz

  5. zulunc
    Real Cheater
    zulunc · farry#3017
    1 January 2021 17:28
    (downloads: error)
    LOL fix it

  6. TheWoeion
    31 December 2020 21:12
    this hack getting 30-40 fps plz fix

  7. Gabiestesmek1
    30 December 2020 22:49
    what walls mean?

  8. legitchan21
    30 December 2020 14:45
    arkadaşlar ben kullanıyorum ve çok başarılı ve (SECKİN HESAPTA) kullanıyorum external hileler cok zor bulunur bu arada :)

  9. itsXYZ
    30 December 2020 07:25
    it no longer works

  10. Apoctrixx
    29 December 2020 22:25
    Oh well, at least this cheat is good and the developer is replying to idiots. I do respect that.

  11. mihaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilol
    29 December 2020 19:38
    i cant change bind at trigerbot and nice external cheat

  12. Lukas18
    29 December 2020 17:31
    Detected dont use lol

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      29 December 2020 18:33
      what part of it is it detected?

    2. AlexandruTalpaIute
      30 December 2020 18:14
      I use this hack from like a month ago, and I didn't got banned, I have 50+hours played with this cheat.

  13. 1Dragos12
    1Dragos12 · Infection#7299
    29 December 2020 17:19
    On entry game vac ban auto
    Don't use !

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      29 December 2020 18:32
      k, shithead retard

  14. Simpleink
    29 December 2020 17:14
    plz fix the Glow crashes!Thx

  15. debaralover99
    Real Cheater
    debaralover99 · -matz#5969
    29 December 2020 03:46
    Like paste from ez frags, but still undetect XD

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      29 December 2020 18:32
      "paste from ezfrags", this cheat is made on python and you can check all my old versions.

  16. m0nsy_
    29 December 2020 00:15
    This cheat is so good man.Developer is GOOD !!!!!

  17. thelonelydog11
    28 December 2020 11:14
    sry for my english but when i open it it says 
    Loading.. do not press anything!
    Randomizing exes md5..
    Writing Junk Code..
    BYTES WRITTING: ef c9 fa 94 07 0e 4b F7
    Removing Old Files..
    Starting Program..
    yesterday it worked but now idk

  18. jaybee2k30
    28 December 2020 10:30
    dont use this cheat you get Overwatch by using this shit .... 

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      29 December 2020 00:09
      do you have a brain? Do you know what overwatch is? Its you being trash at playing legit with cheats <3

  19. Adrian Ene
    27 December 2020 13:56
    please add aimbot, this cheat has so much potential

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      27 December 2020 19:43
      aimbot is gay

      1. darisoctavian
        Real Cheater
        darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
        27 December 2020 23:53
        i know its not easy,but u should try to make an internal cheat

        1. ZqNiD
          ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
          28 December 2020 02:26

      2. vh1220
        24 January 2021 04:22
        LOLOL it becuaseing you dont know how to make LMAOOOOO

    22 December 2020 17:59
    update please! best cheater!

    1. Cagriselki
      Real Cheater
      28 December 2020 06:20
      nice english u sell?

  21. hafiyancallahan
    20 December 2020 17:57
    Bro, udapte pleaseee... i love this hack so much and ive donated for u

  22. rgplayer3
    19 December 2020 18:53
    update plis bro!!!!!!!!

  23. MArius.exe999
    17 December 2020 06:12
    the best cheat 

    15 December 2020 02:03
    Sorry for the noob Question but how would i know if this cheat is permanently off my pc

    1. ZqNiD
      ZqNiD · TRiLON#0001
      28 December 2020 02:25
      right click, delete

  25. alegunner
    13 December 2020 10:53
    update please

  26. Triq
    Real Cheater
    11 December 2020 11:14
    Plz update this
    Do controlable RCS (sorry for my english)
    And do ragebot XD

    1. mightysloth22
      Real Cheater
      11 December 2020 20:42
      ragebot in an external cheat that doesnt even have aimbot? retard

      1. ladro_xd
        ladro_xd · Ladro#6090
        27 December 2020 22:43
        u have to say retard ? to that guy ? why ? cuz he's n ewbie ? rly ? bruuh !

    2. 0xDiablo
      21 January 2021 22:05
      How u can do ragebot in external cheat LOL are u using a brain?

  27. tatabiche
    9 December 2020 11:13
    Throws me error says that it has not been possible to execute this detected?

  28. namames
    8 December 2020 23:24
    jajajaa update its not undetected i got vac

  29. veljocraft
    7 December 2020 00:29
    Is there a way to change controls?

  30. totallybananas
    6 December 2020 18:41
    Please update the cheat, I am trying to get my ALT account to prime. The only thing is i have made it so close to prime that i don't want it to get VAC banned (detected by VAC). Although I am not sure if it is detected, but it is better to be on the safe side.