RiseChanger - Free Inventory Changer CSGO

  • Developer: rx1337
  • Status:
  • Updated: 24.03.22
  • Current version: March 24, 2022

RiseChanger - Free Inventory Changer CSGO

RiseChanger is a new free Inventory Changer for the CSGO game, which is available to anyone who wants. Do you want to change your game skins in Counter-Strike:GO and not buy them through the Steam trading platform? no problem! Download this free Inventory Changer from our website and add any number of game skins to your inventory.

Inventory Changer CSGO

Any CS:GO skins, agents, cases, music sets and medals are open for you! All youtubers and experts on Inventory Changer for CS:GO is highly rated by this free InventoryChanger. Additionally, the developer added some necessary functions such as: bhop, changing the color of the world, changing the position of the hands, a custom clan tag and much more.

How to use it?

  1. To use this Inventory Changer in the game CSGO you need to register on the official website of the developer - click on me
  2. Afterwards you will be able to log in to Loader and run RiseChanger

Will I get banned for using this cheat?

At the moment, the cheat is completely safe and the probability of getting banned is very low!

Free Download RiseChanger - Free Inventory Changer CSGO

Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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Comments: 108 Views: 86 493


  1. Mr.
    Real Cheater
    13 September 2021 19:24
    Very Good Skin Changer

  2. kubosk2
    11 September 2021 17:17
    I have benn banned for this!!!

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      13 September 2021 19:16
      It's a skinchanger. It's literally just cheating. So yeah duh that you can get banned for it.

    2. dzenoisus
      17 September 2021 12:53
      don't use cheats then

    3. Cheatee.337
      17 September 2021 18:19
      for this just make new account and cheat from there not from ur main

    4. urmomgeilol32
      17 September 2021 18:39
      what stupid chinese

  3. skrtskat
    10 September 2021 07:58
    can you unbox any knives?

    1. Eliasbot123
      27 September 2021 21:01
      i dont think so
      i boxed like 800 and no knifes
      but the odds are definetly influenced SOOO many reds and pinks and purples

  4. 22Spudz
    9 September 2021 14:02
    This was made very well , +REP Works

  5. amonigor
    7 September 2021 14:55
    Hi. Help me please, as well as those who also do not know what to do with the file that is in the download link. I don’t understand how to open it, how do I run this program? I downloaded the zipped file, what should I do next? Can you explain in detail please? If you are from Russia, can you please write directly in Russian?

    Привет. Помогите мне пожалуйста, а также тем кто тоже не знает, что делать с файлом, который в ссылке для скачивания. Я не понимаю как его открыть, как надо запустить эту программу? Я скачал заархивированый файл, что нужно сделать дальше? Можете подробно объяснить пожалуйста?

    1. milodas
      Real Cheater
      milodas · Siyamnd#0248
      12 September 2021 09:30
      It is simple, but it may be complicated for you because you are new in this field
      Anyway, after you decompress, you will find a dll file. To open the dll file, you need an injector. You can find a lot of injectors within the same site. I recommend saz injector. You have to run the game and open the injector after that. The last step is to put the dll file in the injector, select the csgo game, and press inject.enjoy

      Это просто, но может быть сложно для вас, потому что вы новичок в этой области
      В любом случае после распаковки вы найдете файл dll. Чтобы открыть файл dll, нужен инжектор. Вы можете найти множество форсунок на одном сайте. Рекомендую саз инжектор. Вы должны запустить игру и после этого открыть инжектор. Последний шаг - поместить файл dll в инжектор, выбрать игру csgo и нажать inject.

  6. chuuupapppppi
    7 September 2021 07:08
    How to use it

  7. WeZnokX
    WeZnokX · WeZnokX#0001
    6 September 2021 00:59
    Very good inventory changer ! And it's make with Osiris source so Osiris skin cfg also works.

  8. papr
    5 September 2021 22:35
    I cannot delete items some of them.

  9. RelentlessHvH
    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
    5 September 2021 14:48
    really good skinchanger, i like it

  10. urmomgay77
    Real Cheater
    5 September 2021 11:23
    looks epic i got test it

  11. Kadetka
    Real Cheater
    5 September 2021 09:18
    it looks very nice
    tell me, are there custom skins?

  12. Wumpus
    Real Cheater
    5 September 2021 09:17
    it looks great, you need to try it

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.