OneTap Crack V3 - HvH Private Cheat + CFG

  • Developer: crack by es3n1n, randomwise, pindos
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.02.22
  • Current version: 3.0

Your attention is another crack of the popular hvh hack on CS GO One Tap v3. the Software was kindly provided by the user ES3N1N, who shared this hack for everyone. You can download crack onetap v3 for free from our website and lead the game on hvh servers in the game CS GO. A great solution for those who do not want to buy a private cheat on CS:GO, but use the free version without viruses.

To run Setup Crack V3, you just need to download any working injector and run the cheat by embedding the file in the game. Everything is standard and simple. Use and make beautiful frags on HVH servers.

How to use OneTap v3 (CRACK) 2022:

  1. Download onetap v3 crack from our website
  2. Download any working CSGO injector (Section: CSGO Injectors)
  3. Insert famoza_otc.dll into your CSGO game with the injector
  4. press the INS (INSERT) key to open the menu
  5. Enjoy!


Inject only Loadlibrary with the injector

Free Download OneTap Crack V3 - HvH Private Cheat + CFG

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2 432 comments

  1. pooty69
    24 October 2020 14:42
    really good on legit / semi rage ( i like that word lmao )
    and decent on HvH
    i should use more cfg's
    big thanks to crackers of otc3 <3

    1. qwassred
      25 October 2020 11:45
      you must be smoking some real good shit if you think ot is good at semiraging

  2. sbzrayen
    Real Cheater
    sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
    24 October 2020 13:06
    the Best hack OneTap V3 i have many Configs for HvH i am from top 3 all times and its safe 

    1. ninjakillerv2
      25 October 2020 01:06
      yo dude, this dll aint working for me, any idea why? (not injector)

  3. ThaSuperSlayer98
    24 October 2020 12:56
    i used a lot of injectors but it still dosent inject, what can i do about it?

  4. l3g3nds
    24 October 2020 02:20
    keeps crashing on join, what injector should I use or did it break

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      24 October 2020 22:23
      use csh injector

      1. ninjakillerv2
        25 October 2020 01:07
        yo doman, this dll aint working, any idea why?

  5. Krambin
    23 October 2020 22:35
    dont download its a rat

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      24 October 2020 00:22
      you are fucking rat

  6. d3m3ntus3
    23 October 2020 21:36
    game crashing every time I go in casual

    1. Shizura
      Real Cheater
      23 October 2020 21:58
      how to fix this please

      1. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        24 October 2020 00:18
        new injector

  7. sjred
    23 October 2020 21:24
    on some configs auto scout and awp dont shoot. everything else shoot though. only thoise three weapons dont. anyone know solution???

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      24 October 2020 00:20
      change config? or edit it?>?

  8. ninjakillerv2
    23 October 2020 19:05
    23/10/2020 18:00 (6:00), doesnt work :D

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      24 October 2020 00:21
      it does work

      1. ninjakillerv2
        25 October 2020 01:08
        maybe only for me, any idea how to fix? i inject, it lags for a second, and then nothing. nothing in the console, nothing when i press insert, nothing. 

        1. R1CZ4RD
          26 October 2020 18:36
          maybe shit injector

  9. thao123
    23 October 2020 15:55
    oh shit after using this cheat playing 61 hour at rank 17 i got VAC ban :((

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      23 October 2020 17:28
      VAC or overwach? send steam ID

  10. salutarecoicoi
    23 October 2020 14:46

    1. shadowkiller744
      23 October 2020 15:01
      no its not don't fucking say that just to scare people :)

  11. kamyab123
    23 October 2020 11:31
    game crashing

    1. MhN
      Real Cheater
      MhN · MhN#7376
      23 October 2020 13:08
      There is no problem with cheat.

  12. tittyfucker69420hahafunny
    22 October 2020 23:17
    i really just did lmao

  13. tittyfucker69420hahafunny
    22 October 2020 20:34
    yep i just got vac'd using this

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 21:53
      no you didnt

    2. PhoeniXTa1
      22 October 2020 22:06
      believe it or not i got vaced too on both my primes (i mean when i was using the version before the fix now its ok)

      1. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        22 October 2020 23:10
        I don't believe because 0/38 of my account were VAC banned and 100+ accounts if you count my friends acc never got VAC using this cheat. only overwatch so i don't believe.

    3. Neji
      23 October 2020 19:35
      Was it your injector?

      1. doman25072
        24 October 2020 04:07
        it was. But he prefer to cy about cheat

  14. gg_Leic
    22 October 2020 20:31
    how I close the cheat ?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 21:54
      Close CSGO there is no other way

  15. AlphaHakcs
    22 October 2020 14:21
    For me it keeps crashing i think its patch :(

  16. Kasparovec
    22 October 2020 13:01
    i got vac banned man ?

  17. FrostyMcToasty
    22 October 2020 12:05
    For some reason it keeps crashing me, is it detected now?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 12:42
      no, make sure you are using good injector. CSGO devs rewriting whole game to make it faster and more secure it might be the reason of crashing because with every update code changes and some cheats or functions might not work or work incoretly.

  18. Off-night
    22 October 2020 09:37
    Best HvH crack cheat!

  19. Sync172
    22 October 2020 01:40
    hey the lucky v3 one the file is fuckeed

  20. tittyfucker69420hahafunny
    21 October 2020 22:34
    ALL the cfgs are damaged and you cant fucking download them

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 01:03
      what are you talking about?

  21. lortak
    21 October 2020 20:01
    working on trusted launch? :x

    1. Ghator666
      Real Cheater
      Ghator666 · Iagomoreiravipper#0152
      22 October 2020 02:08
      No. they put it here just to make the page more beautiful

  22. reziko123123123
    21 October 2020 16:41
     guys i cant open configs it says damaged or formated how can i open it?

      21 October 2020 20:16
      me too :CC______________________________

  23. nrvnzsmbrch
    21 October 2020 14:42
    If it's not injecting, use CSGhost.

  24. gamingmees
    21 October 2020 14:02
    I think it's detected now...

  25. lambda
    Real Cheater
    lambda · soda#0495
    20 October 2020 23:42
    for the people thats saying that the doubletap is bad, try using JS

  26. notaminecrafthacker69
    20 October 2020 20:21
    dt is bad but overall i think the best hvh cheat on this website

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 21:55
      You can use scripts and get better dt

      1. the_matrix007
        21 October 2020 21:11
        but its still slow

  27. idansh
    20 October 2020 17:54
    anyone else cant inject?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 20:11
      Try diffrent injector it works on csh injector

  28. Logerxy
    20 October 2020 13:21
    i cant inject

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 13:22
      Get better injector. I recommend csh injector

  29. darkmaisteR
    darkmaisteR · DixiEE#5244
    20 October 2020 13:06
    If you wount jаvascripts pm me :)

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 13:21
      If you dont find what you looking for i have some as well (50+)

  30. Bruno093
    20 October 2020 00:39
    Alguem me pode explicar uma coisa?
    Eu Injeto o cheat ate ai muito bem mas as configs para mim nao estao a funcionar !
    Instalo mas nao abrem !

    1. MhN
      Real Cheater
      MhN · MhN#7376
      20 October 2020 01:26
      Do you use injectors?

    2. luanghvh
      21 October 2020 07:56
      tem discord manin? se tiver me manda ae

    3. Yasmine17
      21 October 2020 21:59
      tens a dll fudida

    4. Ghator666
      Real Cheater
      Ghator666 · Iagomoreiravipper#0152
      22 October 2020 02:11
      Esquece essa merda ai faz suas próprias CFGs que nem eu que é sucesso

New Comments
zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊 

Barney0101 Barney0101

Thank you 💗

TnyavnTo / Svxy / Sneaky

Falleny Falleny

Z4ee/Pipsi account on GitHub where's updates was uploaded from was deleted. So we might not get an update at all 

rayknife rayknife

Do not use it on Asia servers I got ban twice. I also tried using it with VPN but still got ban.