OneTap Crack V3 - HvH Private Cheat + CFG

  • Developer: crack by es3n1n, randomwise, pindos
  • Status:
  • Updated: 03.02.22
  • Current version: 3.0

Your attention is another crack of the popular hvh hack on CS GO One Tap v3. the Software was kindly provided by the user ES3N1N, who shared this hack for everyone. You can download crack onetap v3 for free from our website and lead the game on hvh servers in the game CS GO. A great solution for those who do not want to buy a private cheat on CS:GO, but use the free version without viruses.

To run Setup Crack V3, you just need to download any working injector and run the cheat by embedding the file in the game. Everything is standard and simple. Use and make beautiful frags on HVH servers.

How to use OneTap v3 (CRACK) 2022:

  1. Download onetap v3 crack from our website
  2. Download any working CSGO injector (Section: CSGO Injectors)
  3. Insert famoza_otc.dll into your CSGO game with the injector
  4. press the INS (INSERT) key to open the menu
  5. Enjoy!


Inject only Loadlibrary with the injector

Free Download OneTap Crack V3 - HvH Private Cheat + CFG

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2 432 comments

  1. Primohitp
    19 October 2020 23:38
    It kinda has a lot of space for a dll.

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 07:57
      Oh yeah 8.7 mb is such a very big file size omg oly shit so big file size

  2. Itsyoyo
    19 October 2020 23:33

    1. darkmaisteR
      darkmaisteR · DixiEE#5244
      20 October 2020 13:05
      bro stop trash talking u re a rat :)
      stupid braindead moron

    2. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 07:55
      Ok then whatever

  3. farhad123321
    19 October 2020 19:05
    this cheat is pretty cool actually and I have a injector suggestion I use the extreme inj it is pretty cool

    1. R1CZ4RD
      19 October 2020 22:53
      ok maybe i'll try it

  4. the_matrix007
    19 October 2020 18:14
    I think the dt is slow

    1. agentexxz
      agentexxz · agentexxz#4253
      19 October 2020 20:57
      get js for the dt, it is very bipolar by default

  5. xdxdxdxd11122
    19 October 2020 15:28
    when i load in a game , it freezes ..

  6. creightonn
    19 October 2020 15:25
    any injector suggestions? im new to all this

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 16:08
      I use csh injector so far undetected

    2. Mp.Online
      Real Cheater
      Mp.Online · Mp.Online#3720
      19 October 2020 16:37

  7. NekoGirl
    19 October 2020 13:56
    Best cheat i have ever used, i love it. Dont have any major problems with it. If you want a free cheat then this is the one. A LOT of cfgs on the internet. jаvascript support. Some movement hacks, etc. And NO it is NOT detected. If you're not aimboting everyone on the map then you cant get banned from nowhere. If you get banned from using this cheat then it was Overwatch and not VAC. Just use a good injector and you'll be safe from VAC.

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 16:08
      You can get everwatch banned but not VAC banned

    2. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      19 October 2020 16:37
      can i get vac banned from using only blatant triggerbot (no aimlock, but aiming at the head) and legit aa?

      1. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        19 October 2020 17:37
        I would say no or chances are very very low (as long cheat is undetected and it is undetected so far) but you can get Overwatch banned

      2. Breque
        19 October 2020 17:56
        You cant be vac banned but can be banned for overwatch

      3. Scrubbybtw
        Real Cheater
        19 October 2020 20:07
        vac is very low, but overwatch is very high

      4. teodorking321
        20 October 2020 13:15
        yes wtf it's still a software

  8. DubyHVH
    19 October 2020 13:34
    Its a CRACKED CHEAT Its gonna be detected

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 13:59
      It will be detected if you go Mad max with it

  9. MhN
    Real Cheater
    MhN · MhN#7376
    19 October 2020 13:29
    Do I get banned when I use skin?

  10. MhN
    Real Cheater
    MhN · MhN#7376
    19 October 2020 13:24
    SazIjnector detected? rly??

  11. MhN
    Real Cheater
    MhN · MhN#7376
    19 October 2020 12:44
    or sazinjector is detected?

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 13:24
      U will have a low chance of getting banned if u dont mess around with the cheat by enabling every option in it

  12. MhN
    Real Cheater
    MhN · MhN#7376
    19 October 2020 12:44
    cheat is detected???!??!

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 13:22
      nope. Maybe your injector is detected

  13. blankk
    19 October 2020 08:48
    can i get the cfgs please? thanks.. Also this works :)

  14. dumbhead
    19 October 2020 08:38
    does anyone have any cfgs for legit & rage. If so please link comment your discord below!
    thanks in advance!

    1. Wowvien1234
      19 October 2020 09:51
      i have a private config for only 2 dollars

      1. dumbhead
        19 October 2020 11:23
        I have no money, sry ;(

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 13:27
      Check out your inbox

  15. manuel telecuache
    Real Cheater
    19 October 2020 00:49
    When I download, I wait for 13 seconds and when I download, the tab stays loading and I get an error. Any other method to download?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 04:32
      Try later again or I can send it to you on discord just dm me

  16. paulygon
    19 October 2020 00:21
    OTCv3 Is a good cheat, but I advise you all never to use this on your main for legit cheating, you do have a chance to get banned via "Client dropped by server" then automatic ban.

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 04:33
      I wouldn't advice to use any cheat on main account at all.

      1. paulygon
        20 October 2020 16:51
        Exactly, just a warning for everyone lol if someone does in case do smth like that.

  17. figueiredu1
    18 October 2020 17:48
    anyone have any config for the hack? otc v3 ?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 18:04
      I have 50+ (about 70) DM me and ill send it to you

      1. Neikinikless
        18 October 2020 19:37
        I addet You on Discord , Neiki... Can you write me pls for a config or scripts :)

        1. doman991
          Real Cheater
          doman991 · doman991#4236
          19 October 2020 04:31
          all done hope you enjoy :)

      2. dumbhead
        19 October 2020 08:18
        sent you a friend request, I request some cfgs.

  18. shadowkiller7441
    18 October 2020 17:36
    when i try to enter a match it crashes help?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 17:37
      download new dll

      1. SOFODABRO
        19 October 2020 01:14
        Where is the new DLL bro wtf

        1. doman991
          Real Cheater
          doman991 · doman991#4236
          19 October 2020 04:24
          Just use "Download" in cheat's description it was updated 2 days ago and many people still uses old not working any more version. If still doesnt work make sure you use newest injector

  19. figueiredu1
    18 October 2020 17:02
    i try to inject but nothing appears same one can help me please ?

    1. Neikinikless
      18 October 2020 17:10
      Try a other Injector , i use the CSGO injector , rename the .dll file to and go in csgo the open the and the cheat injects.

      1. figueiredu1
        18 October 2020 17:35
        okay nice its working now

        what is the key to make the hack disappear and appear?

        1. doman991
          Real Cheater
          doman991 · doman991#4236
          18 October 2020 18:07
          Its one of these keys:
          - Ins (insert)
          - Del
          - Pause
          - Break

  20. Neikinikless
    18 October 2020 15:34
    The cheat is very good , but sometimes in casual when i enable Rage hack and there is a big group of enimes i got very low fps , can somebody tell me a fix? (normal FPS > 180-200 , settings all on medium - low)

    1. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 15:48
      i think its just the problem with optimization, had the same problem in hvh servers

      when i have this problem i just switch the res to 4:3 so i can get overall more fps

      1. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        18 October 2020 16:54
        It is common problem with every advanced cheat that's why some of them allows you to disable some functions of cheat to get better performance. What can i say get better CPU or disable everything you can in background.

        1. Neikinikless
          18 October 2020 17:06
          Okay Thank you , first i thought its a problem with the cheat or the injection , but after i tried diffrent things it getting better , and thanks for your help i had too much things in backround open! And yes my CPU is a little bit old maybe i buy a new one .

  21. NoNameLmao
    Real Cheater
    NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
    18 October 2020 15:28
    Well, a good enough cheat, with a good config it will tap any other cheat out there. (At least for now)
    Over all, a good cheat, undetected, a lot of useful features like it's own JS API, using which you can create your custom scripts that will do some more useful things.

  22. KingosTV
    KingosTV · Filip#9661
    18 October 2020 11:15
    where to put the cfg?

    1. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 15:27
      Go to steam > your library > csgo > see local files (or smth like that, a explorer window will open in csgo folder) > "ot" folder (if it doesnt exist, create it or inject onetap once, it will auto create it) thats where you put the configs.

  23. doman991
    Real Cheater
    doman991 · doman991#4236
    18 October 2020 04:30
    If anybody have some funny / troll working js scripts like blockbot DM me if you want to share it with me. (im also looking for name stealer, chat spam etc all kind of shit)

    1. NarcodEDEN
      18 October 2020 09:11
      Clay#5809 add me i have block bot

    2. alberto
      18 October 2020 13:04
      add me discord pls: Alberto.#1812

  24. JoaoPaoCralhao231222
    18 October 2020 03:31
    How do i get nice configs.?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:12
      serch for it on google or find hvh discord or dm me

  25. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    18 October 2020 03:01
    cfgs at the bottem wont open

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:45
      Make sure you are using leatest version.

  26. alberto
    18 October 2020 02:20
    anyone can give me a good injector pov: no proces hacker he is dosent work

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:18
      dm me here or discord

    2. DredFox
      DredFox · Dred#3705
      18 October 2020 11:08
      sexy very sexy comment

  27. lucikaky
    17 October 2020 23:46
    config from last version why dont working? not showing..

    1. R1CZ4RD
      18 October 2020 00:24

      1. thermality
        18 October 2020 04:12 bro?

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:25
      Configs from V2 doesn't work. If you mean last version of v3 it should work unless you done something to it somehow. Reinstall dll and injector and make sure firewall didn't remove these files.

      1. lucikaky
        18 October 2020 10:50
        i need config from v2.. :( v3 working..

  28. mramboo3222
    17 October 2020 20:52
    Will i get Banned for only using skin changer and radar hack??

    1. TheDumitru
      17 October 2020 23:48
      will be detected

    2. R1CZ4RD
      18 October 2020 00:25
      i don't think so

    3. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:24
      Until cheat its undetected you shouldn't get VAC ban.
      Until injector its undetected you shouldn't get VAC ban.
      Until you won't start cheating you shouldn't get overwatch ban.
      Its crack and cheat nothing 100% sure.

    4. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 15:30
      No, the cheat is fully undetected, using any features within this cheat won't get you banned by VAC (only OW in matchmaking and wingman if you are really blatant)
      (If you get VAC banned using onetap then it is probably your injector being detected)

  29. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    17 October 2020 19:23
    I got a gaming pc 700dollars and if i inject otcv3 my fps drops a lot, can someone help me? Félix#5479

    1. R1CZ4RD
      17 October 2020 19:41
      xd lmaooooo

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 04:28
      Get more ram and better PC and probably better GPU. 700 ain't much ns bait

    3. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 12:41
      Lower ur settings

  30. nikolas2007
    17 October 2020 18:34

    1. R1CZ4RD
      17 October 2020 19:06
      use saz injector, it's good i guess (undetected)

    2. Ghator666
      Real Cheater
      Ghator666 · Iagomoreiravipper#0152
      17 October 2020 19:10
      In the same place you always choose what you want to download and use

New Comments
raka916 raka916

been using this for 4 months. and no ban. but one time i used the auto skip dialogue, i got banned 3 days after.
just dont use anything involed with autoclicker. anything else is safe i guess.

Zikosexa Zikosexa



does this work as of feb 22 2025?