(crack) - hvh cheat (configs+lua packs)

  • Developer: crack by PinkKing#8199
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.11.22
  • Current version: November 27, 2022 (crack) - hvh cheat (configs+lua packs)

Popular hvh cheat on CSGO pandora. uno you can download for free from our website. This private cheat has been sold on the hack market for a long time, but thanks to the user nelfo, you will be able to use this software for free. Many different unique features for hvh servers. Use this cheat instead of the onetap v3 crack and you will be able to dominate the game servers.

How to use pandora crack:

Step 1. Inject steam_module.dll into steam.exe (use injector for csgo)

Step 2. Open CSGO

Step 3. Inject pandora.dll (use injector for csgo)

Step 4. Enjoy =)

Update November 27, 2022:

Up-to-date and working version of pandora

Free Download (crack) - hvh cheat (configs+lua packs)

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Comments: 285 Views: 95 721


  1. masisork5382
    18 January 2021 13:03
    crashing shit after inject

  2. GigelPower
    18 January 2021 12:43
    Work on windows 7 ?

    1. Therealfiko
      Real Cheater
      18 January 2021 14:35
      no it doesnt look up Cheat works only on Windows 10

  3. appleransom
    18 January 2021 12:35
    those cfg's are trash
    overall if you have a good cfg for this, it's pretty good

  4. King Crab
    18 January 2021 12:13
    Cheat crashes the game when Injecting

  5. Therealfiko
    Real Cheater
    18 January 2021 12:10
    crashes and doesnt load

  6. igockiTmm
    18 January 2021 12:05
    better than otc

  7. darisoctavian
    Real Cheater
    darisoctavian · EndLaser#0001
    18 January 2021 11:23
    better than otc

  8. Crackuser
    18 January 2021 10:59
    nice realse:

    rage 9/10 good scout

    visuals: 10/10 very coustoum

    legit: 6/10 a bit to offensive

    misc: basic as every cheat

    conclusion: better than otc if you make a cfg for you playstyle

  9. zZaxaZz
    18 January 2021 10:15
    bro pls crack nemesis

    1. FrancescoCZE
      18 January 2021 10:19
      Go to

      1. zZaxaZz
        18 January 2021 10:34
        no he can crack memesis crack xd

    2. LilKid₁₃₃₇
      LilKid₁₃₃₇ · LilKid₁₃₃₇#5507
      18 January 2021 12:08
      they won't

  10. OxyGevA
    18 January 2021 09:36
    Desync not working like a trash

  11. asdadsddasdasd
    18 January 2021 09:30
    crash's my game and doesnt load

  12. Alper1234
    18 January 2021 09:16
    Thx good cheat

    18 January 2021 08:51
    Is it any good?

    1. bybyskurwa
      18 January 2021 10:11
      This cheat is dog shit. Don't waste your time with this shit. DT doesn't even work, aa is worse than pp hud.

      1. luka1232
        Real Cheater
        luka1232 · luc3k#9901
        18 January 2021 12:44
        wym, both works fine..

New Comments
zefkun zefkun

And there's another update in the game, and I still can use the cheat 😁

zefkun zefkun

There you go, another update, but this time its the launcher, hope its not gonna detect the cheat  😊 

Barney0101 Barney0101

Thank you 💗

TnyavnTo / Svxy / Sneaky

Falleny Falleny

Z4ee/Pipsi account on GitHub where's updates was uploaded from was deleted. So we might not get an update at all 

rayknife rayknife

Do not use it on Asia servers I got ban twice. I also tried using it with VPN but still got ban.