GTA5 Online Hack | Mod Menu External By CrazyZhang

  • Developer: CrazyZhang
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.05.21
  • Current version: v1.3
gta v online free hacks 2021
Friends! You definitely know and play such a popular online game as GTA5. This is the best game to date with an open world and a lot of game features. You can complete various game missions, steal cars, create whatever you want in the cities, and much more.

But, if you play online mod games GTA5, then most likely you have encountered players who use more game features using various mods, cheats and hacks. We give you this opportunity, we are ready to share with you this great free and working hack Mod Menu External By CrazyZhang for the game GTA 5 Online.

Using this cheat, you will be able to use more game features that are hidden from ordinary players. For example, you can fully control the world, players, use any weapon, be rich, move around the map using a teleport, and much more. All the functionality is controlled using the menu.

  • Cheat for the current version of the game GTA 5 Online 1.54
  • Games need windowed or borderless Windows
  • Tip: Press END to show/hide the menu


  1. Download cheat
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod GTA5_External_Menu.exe
  4. Enjoy!

Free Download GTA5 Online Hack | Mod Menu External By CrazyZhang

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Comments: 34 Views: 21 121


  1. yash1246
    20 July 2021 18:26

    not working pls update


  2. Mihaiyy
    17 July 2021 13:04

    So , i do not recommend using this cheat . I used the vehicle spawner only and got banned . Probably detected

    1. wordfang
      Real Cheater
      17 July 2021 14:42
      i use it for 2 weeks and my account still safe

    2. Black_Head_Cat
      23 July 2021 20:15
      NAA need to use cheats smart And you will have no problems

  3. MABNuma
    16 July 2021 03:13

    Ok Ok so for every 8 y/o kid out there asking if it is "undetected". YES it IS UNDETECTED, ANYWAY it doesn't mean you won't get banned if you fly alround with a car in a public server, or kill a lot of people (with cheats) and someone reports you. 

  4. Nick403
    13 July 2021 15:07

    i can't extart cheat is giving me 0x8004005 error

  5. Axolotl
    8 July 2021 17:42

    How to have money?

  6. phoon356
    1 July 2021 14:53

    1. BoxJuice
      30 July 2021 02:43
      your a god to me

  7. aran fn
    30 June 2021 12:37
    Quote: Kingrrg

    Does it work on Rage MP? 
    Does it work on FiveM?


  8. deusy
    29 June 2021 15:17

    Why half of the virus total says its virus

    1. nicholas dantzler
      30 June 2021 18:56
      its the anti-virus giving a false positive

      its the anti-virus giving a false positive

    2. JakubanSk
      13 July 2021 18:59
      My antivirus says its Trojan

  9. ailovechits111
    25 June 2021 18:08
    Quote: CHUPAPI1631

    its detected my account got permanent


    that doesn't mean it's detected. you just got banned. I mean did you expect not to get banned when ur flying alround with a car?

  10. German Surkov
    23 June 2021 11:52

    does it

    have recovery mode?

  11. Kingrrg
    23 June 2021 00:18

    Does it work on Rage MP? 
    Does it work on FiveM?

  12. CHUPAPI1631
    17 June 2021 13:38

    its detected my account got permanent


  13. rodrigoww121
    9 June 2021 21:55

    I used on 7 days, good cheat, no bans, no detection i recommend this!

    1. Kingrrg
      23 June 2021 00:17
      Does it work on Rage MP?

    2. SHAHFAHAD1201
      5 July 2021 13:32
      i know its wroten by company if you can reply me then i will use the mod

  14. Yiooh
    7 June 2021 23:50



    1. bartisek
      20 June 2021 23:55
      For now? YEAH!

  15. vunhatminh3436
    7 June 2021 23:43

    what is the stat part of the menu


  16. Vojta Bednanarik
    30 May 2021 00:58

    can i drop money from this menu ?




  17. oizinho123
    27 May 2021 17:07

    Is it undetected ?

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      28 May 2021 18:50
      yeah its undetected

  18. kung736
    27 May 2021 15:22

    has anyone been banned?

  19. R3fi
    25 May 2021 16:41

    Is it good?


    1. teamspielkindlp
      27 May 2021 11:05
      ja ist er also schnell spaß haben damit

  20. pr1pheit
    25 May 2021 12:06

    Special thanks to the developer for developing this masterpiece. Big love.

  21. Đờ Tê Vê
    24 May 2021 18:17

    GTA 5 Online 1.50 plsssssssssss 


  22. shehrebtyte
    24 May 2021 17:34

    download link doesnt work for me


    1. shehrebtyte
      24 May 2021 17:48
      nvm it works now

  23. vaskepaas1
    Real Cheater
    vaskepaas1 · Xghost12S#0001
    24 May 2021 13:05

    I try it in GTA V Online its good, perfect working undetected.