Red Carbon's Valance Menu - GTA V Online Cheat

  • Developer: SpaceTimeRC
  • Status:
  • Updated: 20.08.21
  • Current version: Beta

Another free and working cheat on GTA V Online, which is available for free to every user of our site. A universal menu for the game GTA 5 with which you can dominate the game servers and always surpass other players using their advantages in the game GTA Online.

Red Carbon's Valance Menu - GTA V Online Cheat

Using this cheat, you can use the following functions: setting up the world, setting up for the player, settings for weapons, teleport, getting money through modmenu and much more. Try this hack yourself and leave feedback in the comments.


  1. First you need to download the injector (I recommend Xenos injector)
  2. Download the cheat from our website
  3. Launching Steam
  4. Open the game GTA 5 and go to the online game mode
  5. We inject our cheat with the help of an injector
  6. Open the game and press the INS (Insert) key to open the menu
  7. Enjoy it :)
Settings for Xenos injector:

Free Download Red Carbon's Valance Menu - GTA V Online Cheat

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Comments: 15 Views: 14 616


  1. tamasduro30
    22 December 2021 13:10

    Alwy crashing pls fix it. Thanks.

  2. XhenoxMagie1234
    19 December 2021 16:04

    it s crashing the game when i inject it

  3. invisible1012
    12 November 2021 13:29
    Quote: lkshakur

    recommend other injector? pls

    I have a problem with Xenos, ever ever ever

    Xenos worked great I have used it with all of my menu's and I don't have an issue , just check that you have the right gta name cause i know there are like two at the most but it works great with any mod menu


    18 September 2021 17:36

    anyone got banned? recently they patched money modification, idk if someone got banned using this

  5. KinderGeld5
    31 August 2021 03:33

    Failed to find 0x4EDE34FBADD967A6 native's handler.


    Gun Cheat not Work

    God Mode not Work


    Money Drop Work and TP

  6. Giannakis
    25 August 2021 00:42

    Can you money drop with this menu?


  7. NemenisGaming
    20 August 2021 22:58

    I want to drop money for my friends. this hack only drops money drops for yourself.

  8. lkshakur
    20 August 2021 21:40

    recommend other injector? pls

    I have a problem with Xenos, ever ever ever

  9. Lima4441
    20 August 2021 19:29

    its only steam or work with epic ?


    1. hacico32
      27 August 2021 05:29
      it doesn't matter it's universal

    2. invisible1012
      12 November 2021 13:30
      the injector works for anything steam , epic , rockstar

  10. Yao
    20 August 2021 12:24

    Did anyone get banned yet?


    1. SnapshotMe
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2021 12:42
      still playing not banned yet

      1. Yao
        21 August 2021 18:31
        did you money drop yourself?

  11. SnapshotMe
    Real Cheater
    20 August 2021 12:07

    works nicely thanks 

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work