Cheat-Mode Phoenix

  • Developer: Phoenix
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.12.20
  • Current version: v1.6 (fix)
A good cheat Mode Phoenix on the popular online game GTA V. If you want to dominate the game servers using a large number of features, then we suggest you download this free and working cheat for GTA V Online. Easy control of the hack right during the game session, many different functions and a low percentage of the ban.

It has all the necessary features to play in God mode. You can wind up any amount of money and not get banned for it, buy any real estate, weapons and much more. There are also other functions, such as: high jump, fast running, perfect driving, drift mod, play without kick, etc

At the moment, the developer supports this hack and constantly updates it, so stay tuned on our website so as not to miss the latest version of the hack.

Extract the contents of the archive to a convenient location, but not to the game folder.
You need to move the Phoenix folder to C:\Users\PC Name\Documents.
We go to the story mode, minimize the game and run the injector on behalf of the administrator, inject Phoenix.dll. We return to the game without closing the console window.

The Activation Of F8.
Scroll Down/Up Num 2/8.
Select num 5 / Enter functions.
right/Left Num 6/4.
Go back / Close menu Num 0 / Backspace.

Free Download Cheat-Mode Phoenix

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Comments: 120 Views: 24 844


  1. BlockTheCheater
    5 January 2021 23:15
    Is it a virus? the new version?

  2. nikkarara
    5 January 2021 17:04
    first i could download it and use it now xenos delleted itself and when i wwant tho download it again its says or its a virus and i have my av off and it says download failed pls help

  3. Infinity3558
    4 January 2021 19:53
    ive got detected

    1. nikkarara
      4 January 2021 22:44
      how long was ur ban

  4. kjsagdd
    4 January 2021 15:53
    its detected

  5. valera123
    2 January 2021 16:09
    i used 1 week and still not got ban is very good mod but you need to know what use and what not use 

    1. jesus juice
      3 January 2021 13:40
      so what should i not use?

  6. tommika0102
    31 December 2020 21:18
    Updated and now undected just have to update it by
    It will say 1.7 when its updated

  7. n_b_o_m_e
    31 December 2020 17:29
    Как тут работает Crash player?

    1. goruanru
      4 January 2021 21:16
      Выкидывает с надписью вас отключили от сессии

  8. ihaveglock
    31 December 2020 15:54
    does it have Hide ID?

  9. RaulxDizi
    30 December 2020 22:17
    used this and got banned 1 month ~!

  10. Santhoor
    29 December 2020 21:34
    nice coinminer

  11. Dollan200
    28 December 2020 21:48
    Not undetected anymore, just droppes money SLOWLY 1300ms between drops. And still got banned. Don't download this.

  12. fir3ss
    28 December 2020 21:07
    Very Good Cheat, Let's go to the Vac ban Baby <3

  13. miro_0009
    28 December 2020 20:33
    dont dowload this cheat i used 4 days and got banned for a 
    month. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. goruanru
    28 December 2020 19:39
    Good Cheat. Thx

  15. Chakarchi
    28 December 2020 16:34
    no esta detectado 

  16. darius282006
    28 December 2020 11:39
    its undetected i use it for some days 

  17. miro_0009
    28 December 2020 10:44
    awesome cheat 

  18. kurcho
    28 December 2020 03:49
    I just need to drop my self some money can someone recommend me a free cheat or tell me is that cheat have a stealth option

  19. agozok
    28 December 2020 02:23
    I have been banned for 1 month, luckily it has not been permanent but I have always used the kiddions and I have used this one and the next day they ban, I have not trolled or anything weird, I only used it for teleport and god mode in the hit Cayo Perico

  20. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    27 December 2020 22:06
    anyone used already the updated version? (27-12-2020)

  21. Gaming Studio
    27 December 2020 16:43
    jsou v tom cheatu peníze ?

  22. k0aLa.yxe
    27 December 2020 00:40
    its undetected?

    1. dark_tlx
      Real Cheater
      27 December 2020 03:53
      No cheat is completely undetected. Every cheat has options that should not be used. When the cheat has a UNDETECTED tag, it means that the cheat is UNDETECTED, but you should be careful anyway.🤓

    2. Melon3232322
      27 December 2020 21:51
      its now detected

      1. miro_0009
        28 December 2020 10:45
        no its not detected i usued this cheat and dont get ban

  23. irving4n6314
    26 December 2020 12:29
    literal. este es uno de los mejores mod menu gratis indetectables de gta v online (igual funciona en modo historia)

  24. miro_0009
    26 December 2020 09:43
    awesome cheat thank you so much!!!

  25. apptex
    25 December 2020 21:48
    can u do mod menu where you can moneydrop money like 40000 per sec ors 

  26. Thesofthard_96
    24 December 2020 23:42
    after 3 days of using this mod menu, i got banned on gta 5 i still dont know why. I only used god mode and some other small options  and i only money dropped once to my friend that's all. Got banned for 30 days right now. I recommend I iVritex. Stay safe guys.

    1. ecstasy1337
      25 December 2020 18:12
      Maybe you got banned because its free internal menu?

      1. Thesofthard_96
        26 December 2020 21:33
        That's why im saying you shouldt use this mod menu at all. Just saying dude

        1. Maskamona
          27 December 2020 12:38
          I've used it for about a week and nothing has happened to me :)) its bcz you are bad at knowing what u are doing :))

          1. Thesofthard_96
            28 December 2020 19:37
            Dude, i only used god mode and other small options like spawning vehicles, ur not gonna say what i'm doing wrong you idiot.

            1. valera123
              30 December 2020 12:40
              the ather players gived you reports because cant kill you this is all you got ban for reports

              i using this hack 5 days and all is ok

            2. Dlta_ProG
              1 January 2021 10:39
              U dumb or sth? using god mode and money drop from a free internal mod menu? kiddion's external mod menu is free and it has money drop and stuff. I used it and it works perfectly and still no ban.

    2. miro_0009
      26 December 2020 09:46
      do you use steam version

  27. Chakarchi
    24 December 2020 22:37
    norteo Me Funciona

  28. Syntec
    24 December 2020 18:45
    Hey! After i inject the dll file i and try to open the menu by pressing F8 nothing happens. Can you guys help?

  29. loldemon4EVER
    24 December 2020 17:18
    What type is better for injecting this cheat: Manual Map or Load Library?

    1. Syntec
      24 December 2020 18:46
      Load Library doesn't work for me so I use the Manual Map.

  30. gg_Leic
    24 December 2020 03:23
    can someone tell my if I get ban or a virus ?

    1. RisinghaZe
      24 December 2020 16:56
      i used it gave myself 188 levels and did other stuff and didnt get banned

      1. olabuca
        Real Cheater
        24 December 2020 21:12
        next big update you will get banned for that many levels i think

    2. ChoomperWare
      24 December 2020 18:37
      Its fine, 3 days use so far nothing bad

    3. 3r323
      26 December 2020 03:48
      yes, u get ban

    4. papaqdope
      27 December 2020 23:43
      i used this no ban and no virus down worry just use it smart