Cheat-Mode Phoenix

  • Developer: Phoenix
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.12.20
  • Current version: v1.6 (fix)
A good cheat Mode Phoenix on the popular online game GTA V. If you want to dominate the game servers using a large number of features, then we suggest you download this free and working cheat for GTA V Online. Easy control of the hack right during the game session, many different functions and a low percentage of the ban.

It has all the necessary features to play in God mode. You can wind up any amount of money and not get banned for it, buy any real estate, weapons and much more. There are also other functions, such as: high jump, fast running, perfect driving, drift mod, play without kick, etc

At the moment, the developer supports this hack and constantly updates it, so stay tuned on our website so as not to miss the latest version of the hack.

Extract the contents of the archive to a convenient location, but not to the game folder.
You need to move the Phoenix folder to C:\Users\PC Name\Documents.
We go to the story mode, minimize the game and run the injector on behalf of the administrator, inject Phoenix.dll. We return to the game without closing the console window.

The Activation Of F8.
Scroll Down/Up Num 2/8.
Select num 5 / Enter functions.
right/Left Num 6/4.
Go back / Close menu Num 0 / Backspace.

Free Download Cheat-Mode Phoenix

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Comments: 120 Views: 24 846


  1. BlockTheCheater
    24 December 2020 01:32
    This mod is the best i cheated my self about 15million and not banned add feature of dropping like a million a sec thx:D

    1. saddani
      24 December 2020 03:29
      you clearly haven't been cheating on GTA very long lmfao...

      1. BlockTheCheater
        24 December 2020 22:14
        Bro on my last acc like a 2 billion cheated and unlock everything and other hacked for like a 2 months then was my first ban... And i was godmode all the time and never wanted and more spawning cars that were not in game soo i think i know how to cheat without the ban :D

        1. ecstasy1337
          25 December 2020 18:13
          I had stoke while trying to read your horrible english

          1. brightimpostor
            26 December 2020 10:53
            I had a stroke and a seizure during the reading of this... fine gentleman, I could say Englishman...

          2. BlockTheCheater
            5 January 2021 23:20
            Im not from english lol :D

  2. oscarchw
    23 December 2020 23:13
    cant turn on pressing f8

  3. muiepoty
    23 December 2020 22:21
    does it have money drop?? pls answer fast

    1. drefkaa
      23 December 2020 23:42
      just watch mod menu preview

  4. alexalboss
    23 December 2020 20:54
    is it safe to money drop myself?

  5. Spectral008
    23 December 2020 20:44
    Works well, only downside is that it has no money feature for online.
    Does anyone have tips on how to gain money the fastest in online with this menu?

    EDIT: it worked the first time but now it keeps crashing every time I inject. Yes I inject in singleplayer more yet it crashes every time

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      23 December 2020 21:38
      it crashes for me too if i turn on some options :/

  6. KrakadilYT
    23 December 2020 15:37
    can i use it for online ?

  7. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    23 December 2020 15:26
    my game crashes some times

  8. gayfag
    23 December 2020 12:00
    Anyone know how to turn it off without crashing the game? Its safe btw , just get a good injector and you should be good to go

  9. Babobibe556
    22 December 2020 23:11
    heres the virustotal test
    8f3df39d3bfcc252dc0bd/detection id say its safe 

  10. gjkghrjeghrkejghuie
    22 December 2020 21:40
    i dont have injector what to do?

    1. Syntec
      22 December 2020 23:58
      You can't use this cheat without injector.

      1. HNitro
        23 December 2020 14:44
        yeah mate you can't with most of the mod menus now just DOWNLOAD a Injector there is many on this site alone mate or if your sceptical look into it and see what one you want to use and Phoenix comes with a Injector you're doing something wrong mate because when i downloaded this it came with one

    2. notspankyy
      23 December 2020 02:48
      i suggest you downloading Xenon Injector, thats what i use for this mod menu and its working fine.

    3. HNitro
      23 December 2020 14:43
      Download a Injector mate there is Injectors on this site

  11. KenankillerYT
    22 December 2020 20:17
    yeah its good gta 5 mod for money 

    1. mrglockster
      23 December 2020 04:52
      how you use it to make money other than the drops?

    2. Lemonater16
      23 December 2020 19:02
      Have you got banned from doing money drops?

      1. BlockTheCheater
        24 December 2020 22:17
        No dropped like 15 million and still not banned

  12. xibaia1337
    22 December 2020 17:40


  13. buxo1202
    22 December 2020 13:37
    every time i load up it in injector it crash

    1. syntexxxx
      22 December 2020 13:42
      is safe? he have virus or something>?

  14. Royal Pegasus
    22 December 2020 12:23
    is this safe ?

    1. kurcho
      23 December 2020 01:18
      it is safe dont worry i tried it

  15. vijimi817
    22 December 2020 11:59
    is super good like too good for a free one (pro)
    is fk crashing my game like idk random (contra)

  16. YOUR DAD
    22 December 2020 11:18
    Anyone tested this and is this really undetected i mean with the new update and so o. I just wanna use Godmode and no clip. Do I have a really huge ban risk when i just use godmode and no clip ?

    1. hack65
      22 December 2020 17:29
      Dont cheat or use free cheats when youre scared of getting banned lol

    2. BlockTheCheater
      24 December 2020 22:19
      Dont use this fuck cheats like gm and noclip you will be banned just do money drops and other and you will be safe