[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 889

1 734 comments

  1. yomesh16
    19 March 2021 18:04
    please update!!!! 

  2. DexTTV
    19 March 2021 02:37
    Cheat does work very well i was using it before it got outdated

    1. bussin
      19 March 2021 15:24
      What do you mean by not working very well?

  3. samojesefaf23
    19 March 2021 00:55

  4. Dogers97
    18 March 2021 16:45

  5. JRX
    18 March 2021 01:47
    The client is being updated currently as of March 17th, 2021. Should be back up soon guys we just have to wait.

    1. tommenfx
      18 March 2021 21:04
      yea right, this a free menu, wont be updated in weeks.. espically the new gta crackdowns, doubt it will ever be updated.

      1. JRX
        22 March 2021 01:24
        "wont be updated in weeks" .... three days later.. boom updated, told you c:

  6. TAPLE
    17 March 2021 23:47
    What I read now the menu do not work?​​​​

  7. XChillXisMad
    XChillXisMad · TheNewChillAgain#6466
    17 March 2021 22:20
    Unable to find requiered GTA5 offsets (18) error

    Please help, thank you in advance

    1. chadgamersk
      18 March 2021 15:19
      Client is outdated, u need to wait for update. Its updating as for March 17th 2021.

    2. Zeny ala cu citu
      18 March 2021 18:30
      the cheat is outdated , wait for the update

    3. HatKid
      21 March 2021 11:25
      i got this message too...

  8. El. Pedro
    17 March 2021 17:03
    Did a diagnostic and this mod has a Trojan in it... quite dissapointed

    1. El. Pedro
      17 March 2021 18:38
      Wow xD, told ppl it has a trojan and they got mad cause they don't wanna believe that they got a virus. gg

      1. Fwix
        22 March 2021 05:45
        Everything is a "trojan" according to windows nns

    2. XChillXisMad
      XChillXisMad · TheNewChillAgain#6466
      18 March 2021 13:36
      All cheats are gonna get as trojans, they literally modify the game thats why smh

  9. akhilsharma
    17 March 2021 16:52
    Not injecting, need an update till then mark ot outdated

  10. Hiddenix007
    17 March 2021 13:36
    we need the update pls

  11. animgamer
    17 March 2021 09:35
    hi form yesterday it start not working and saying " cannot find gta v offset 18 " what happend to the cheat? its by far the best gta cheat

    1. aleshandro
      17 March 2021 11:39
      it need to be updated

    2. mrmike510
      17 March 2021 18:13
      there has been a recent gta update that has changed the offsets and so you need to wait for the updated cheat

  12. vishal chouhan
    17 March 2021 08:37
    it is not working today says "cannot find gta v offset 18" please do something

    1. A F
      17 March 2021 14:21
      same bro, maybe need an update:(

  13. Chips_04
    16 March 2021 22:59
    Gta 5 it new update , update hack 

  14. ewqedawdweasdwasdwas
    16 March 2021 22:49
    not wotk :/

    1. Chips_04
      16 March 2021 22:57
      For update gta v

  15. martas124
    16 March 2021 22:41
    potřebujeme aktulizaci

  16. Dawan
    16 March 2021 20:56
    We need update please!

  17. aleshandro
    16 March 2021 19:10
    Update! its not working!

    1. tommenfx
      16 March 2021 21:53
      its free mod menu, there wont be update for weeks, especially the new crackdown, doubt there will even be an update :(

  18. LowIQ
    16 March 2021 19:04
    How long will the update take?

  19. EverLastThink
    EverLastThink · --KeNyéR--#0001
    16 March 2021 18:02
    update please

  20. future1366
    16 March 2021 17:26
    It needs an update please.

  21. Advokatas
    16 March 2021 16:35
    not working

  22. KingosTV
    KingosTV · Filip#9661
    16 March 2021 14:17
    Unable to find required GTA5 offsets (18)

    1. Martinko158
      16 March 2021 15:57
      aj mne to pise neviem preco

    2. hopeone
      16 March 2021 16:02
      They didnt update it for the new version, wait

    3. VIR545
      16 March 2021 22:01
      this is a new update in GTA 5

  23. Tomáš Santner
    15 March 2021 09:27
    proč po mně chce winrar nějaké heslo když to chci extrahovat? 

    1. KingosTV
      KingosTV · Filip#9661
      16 March 2021 13:08
      heslo je 123, nauč sa čitať

    2. SiracinoTCZ2
      16 March 2021 14:19
      heslo je 123

  24. Duende
    13 March 2021 07:17
    Como lo abro?

  25. GODanne
    12 March 2021 18:54

  26. matulkooo
    12 March 2021 12:35
    banned downoload website :/

    1. Martinko158
      12 March 2021 13:16
      presne tiez tomu nechapem

  27. Pepegay
    12 March 2021 10:53
    This mod menu is soo good. i love this. 2 days i use and i dont get ban:)

  28. redypay
    11 March 2021 23:59
    Chci se zeptat když dám stáhnout tak mě to dá na nějakou stránku CORSAIR? co mám dělat?

    1. jiop98
      Real Cheater
      12 March 2021 16:02
      pokud ti to píše banned tak to nejde stáhnout ale pokud ne tak tam musíš mít někde tlačítko download a ještě když chceš aby ti odpověděl někdo tak piš anglicky ne česky

      1. Mykis
        12 March 2021 21:08
        ked tam mam banned tak to nemam ako stiahnut?

        1. jiop98
          Real Cheater
          13 March 2021 14:15
          když to tam máš banned tak to nejde stáhnout

  29. XSteo
    11 March 2021 13:10
    why my gta crashes when open the mod?

    EDIT: i have 2070ti and why?

  30. chater123
    10 March 2021 17:58
    is this still undetected?

    1. thebignezz
      10 March 2021 20:43
      yessir just dont be ovbious