[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 884

1 734 comments

    22 November 2020 22:48
    Best gta 5 cheat

      22 November 2020 22:49
      Also had this for like 4 months no ban

  2. miksne
    22 November 2020 18:57
    Hi i recommend to use it i make +500 M with casino method 

    Tutorial for casino:

    1 Enter in the casino
    2Open the menu
    3Online service
    5Increase daily limit
    6Press casino rig
    7Use the egyptian machine and you get +2,5m per play at the machine and you can do that infinite try


    BY: Pizzapizza

    1. deadspot
      Real Cheater
      25 November 2020 18:47
      not good idea. MAX 50millions per lobby. If u dont wanna get banned ofcourse!

      1. qeq
        28 November 2020 08:03
        if i do it like 2 times ya think ill be banned?

        1. Pro_Clubs11
          28 November 2020 23:49
          no you can't lmao...

    2. Pizzapizza
      15 December 2020 15:15
      + Use a vpn and you can + 50 Millions

  3. marcola
    21 November 2020 13:15
    dont work...change my mind

    1. Ryan_6
      Real Cheater
      26 November 2020 14:13
      It works perfectly well:)

      1. NotMordor
        26 November 2020 14:14
        Shut up dude. ur not funny

        1. Ryan_6
          Real Cheater
          26 November 2020 14:14
          Your mother is funny 

          1. NotMordor
            26 November 2020 14:16

  4. Pizzapizza
    18 November 2020 19:13
    Hi i recommend to use it i make +500 M with casino method 

    Tutorial for casino:

    1 Enter in the casino
    2Open the menu
    3Online service
    5Increase daily limit
    6Press casino rig
    7Use the egyptian machine and you get +2,5m per play at the machine and you can do that infinite try

  5. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    17 November 2020 22:34
    The MOD Menu pop's up when i turn it on, but the keybings are not working, anyone else?

    1. shway
      18 November 2020 18:35
      turn num lock on

      1. ZenSXV
        24 November 2020 09:09
        how do u turn on numpad?

  6. numacunosti
    17 November 2020 00:58
    daca nu merge ma sugetz de pwla

  7. danumilea2007
    15 November 2020 17:20
    i don t have a numpad at keyboard how do use without numpad

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      15 November 2020 19:27
      You can change all keybindings in the config.json file

    2. PsychopatDejv
      23 November 2020 11:38
      Just download NumPad 7.exe on youtube.. :)

    3. Ryan_6
      Real Cheater
      26 November 2020 14:13
      Use on screen keyboard:)

  8. peter000f
    15 November 2020 15:25
    How do I fix this feature is not available now when I use the casino method?

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      15 November 2020 19:27
      Press Bypass daily limit

    2. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      17 November 2020 22:33
      if you can't play none of the Casino Machines, it's probably because your country doesn't alow it, you need a VPN

  9. Osman emir
    14 November 2020 19:23

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      14 November 2020 19:40
      have you tryed to restart your computer? sometimes that happens to me, and restarting the computer helps and it start's working

  10. kryptonlol
    14 November 2020 14:11
    does it have teleport?

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      14 November 2020 19:39
      yup! sometimes doesn't work right when you click but iff you click like 2/3 times fast it teleports you to where you want

      1. kryptonlol
        14 November 2020 20:20
        thank you very much!

  11. Gili
    14 November 2020 13:48
    should i try it 14.11?

    1. olabuca
      Real Cheater
      14 November 2020 19:39
      have you tryed it already?

    2. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      15 November 2020 19:28
      If you read the uc post u can see it is still undetected for now. I have been using it for a couple of days and have had no problem with it

  12. berry go go go
    13 November 2020 16:42
    Is godmode detected or just the money hack is detected?

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      15 November 2020 19:29
      I think both are undetected. Maybe money drop is detected but still

  13. Ogge Manno
    13 November 2020 01:12
    i've used this for 2,5 months no ban and i have made much money through the bunker. But the aimbot should be updated, it works really good but resets everytime you die.
    So far best free cheat i'veever used

  14. ufoboi
    12 November 2020 21:38
    Is this real!
    Zun#1880 add me for proof

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      16 November 2020 15:20
      its real why do u not believe it

  15. playboimonei
    12 November 2020 01:45
    why is there no people in lobbies?

    1. Ryan_6
      Real Cheater
      26 November 2020 14:15
      change ur nat type. This is not because of the mod menu but because of your nat type not being open

  16. Bunny05
    11 November 2020 20:02
    cant dowbload

  17. deadspot
    Real Cheater
    11 November 2020 08:34
    Im using it from 1.50v ,this means something like 10.05 since now and still no bans

  18. Angel456mq
    11 November 2020 04:23
    that is best cheat i ve ever saw 

    1. Ogge Manno
      13 November 2020 01:14
      if you want to make money why don't u just use the bunker options? you can make like 50mil in 10min and i have done it no ban for 2 months

      1. svenskithesource
        svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
        15 November 2020 19:30
        why are u explaining how to make money

  19. olabuca
    Real Cheater
    11 November 2020 01:04
    Nice MOD Menu, doesn't need any injector, very simple to use and alot of options to mod, thank you!

  20. playboimonei
    11 November 2020 00:57
    can u unlock everything? including dlc items

  21. Yakoubekk123
    10 November 2020 19:50
    In wich programing language is this writed? (I mean C++, Java, Html, C# and more...)

  22. Peejik
    10 November 2020 10:44
    Undetect 10.11.20?

  23. Scrubbybtw
    Real Cheater
    10 November 2020 03:33
    I've been using kiddion for a long time without bans. Use the casino method and earn 50mil a day, don't recommend trying to bypass that as then you ban chance is increased. Everything worked and still works perfectly. Win 7 may have a bug where the text doesn't show up, but that I cannot confirm

    1. JonnyAK
      10 November 2020 10:34
      just redownloading gta starting from nothing and have never seen or heard of this cheat before can you explain what the casino method is and what still works for this cheat

      1. svenskithesource
        svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
        15 November 2020 19:41
        This is the casino method:

        1) Go to the casino
        2) Sit at one of the slot machines ( Diamond slot machine recommended )
        3) Press Online services --> Casino --> Rig slot machines
        4) Then bet max ( 2500 chips)
        5) You can spin 2-3 times ( Which gives you 5000000-7500000$ )
        6) If you want you can enable "Bypass daily limit" which gives you the ability to spin more
        7) If you do step 6 you will be limited again after 20 spins. I dont recommend bypassing the limit once again because this increases the ban risk

  24. ttt3
    9 November 2020 04:47
    do they ban u or just put you in bad sport?

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      16 November 2020 15:22
      Bad sport is not particularly for cheaters, its for people who kill other players in online lobby too much. And u wont get banned for now if u use this cheat in a smart way

  25. DanielAndAll
    Real Cheater
    DanielAndAll · Jesus Fortnite Christ#1269
    8 November 2020 06:56
    been using this for a hot min

  26. Mikeeeyyy11
    7 November 2020 18:44
    it has a warning sign next to "drop money? is it still safe to drop?

    1. Meemzz
      Real Cheater
      8 November 2020 22:09
      it is but the reason u got the warning is u dropped too much at the same time

  27. Zemtai
    7 November 2020 14:12
    you only get 50 million max from casino
    after that your Ip is ban from using machines
    but thats ok just use VPN to keep making money(You can connect to same country)

  28. girlfriend
    Real Cheater
    girlfriend · @notrealest.
    7 November 2020 01:13
    working very nice

    1. woxty
      7 November 2020 22:19
      -disable AV
      -open as admionstrator


      1. Syntec
        15 November 2020 16:28
        you don't even need to disable av

  29. jiop98
    Real Cheater
    6 November 2020 22:16
    When i starting mod menu. It writing something is blocking the acces GTA 5. Please help.

    1. svenskithesource
      svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
      16 November 2020 15:23
      Did you run as administrator?

  30. Modde121
    6 November 2020 21:31
    When doing a virus scan on it, I got a "Trojan:Win32/CryptInject!ml" warning, is this normal for these files?

    1. cgfhater
      7 November 2020 07:50
      It's a injector

      1. svenskithesource
        svenskithesource · svenskithesource#2815
        16 November 2020 15:24
        It isn't. Its an external cheat so doesnt need to inject