[GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

  • Developer: Kiddion
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.08.24
  • Current version: 1.0.1

Perhaps this is the most popular cheat mod Kiddion's modestexternal for the game GTA 5 Online. Already for a long time, this hack is one of the best among other hacks for the game GTA 5. Low probability of getting a ban, a large number of features, as well as hidden guides of money cheat and much more. Full control over the game and players in GTA Online mode. Installing and configuring this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will be sure to run it without any problems. Any questions? Ask in the comments.

Kiddion's Modest External Menu

Kiddion's Modest External Menu 2024

Version hack v1.0.1 for GTA V Online v1.69

How to make money in GTA 5 Online?

Cheat money through the casino: Online Services -> Casino Settings -> A Get Lucky Wheel Price


  1. Download the menu
  2. Start GTA5 and wait until the game has fully loaded
  3. Start the mod
  4. Read the disclaimer, and press OK

Default keys include:

  • [F5] to show/hide the menu,
  • [Numpad 0] to go back,
  • [Numpad 8] and [Numpad 2] to navigate up/down through the menu options.
  • [Numpad 4] and [Numpad 6] to decrease/increase the current value.
  • [Numpad 5] to activate an option, toggle its value or applying any changed setting.

Unlimited XP With Kiddions! (Safe Way)

This is a tutorial on how to earn unlimited rp with the help of Kiddions!

Step 1. Open Kiddions and go to "Tunables" and put your RP Multiplier to 100 or less.

If you put it to any number higher than 100 you will not get any rp

Step 2. Download the Teleport.json file.

Step 3. Extract the Teleport.json file to your "modest-menu" folder and overwrite the existing file.

You have now installed the file

Step 4. Open Kiddions and go to Teleport > Custom Location and proceed to teleport to "Time Trail".

Step 5. You then want to start the time trail and teleport to "Finish Line"

Now you repeat the steps by teleporting back and forth

Don't forget to start the time trail.

Free Download [GTA ONLINE] Kiddion's Modest External Menu

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Comments: 1 734 Views: 1 051 881

1 734 comments

  1. dudes781
    7 February 2023 02:32

    ainda incompatível ?

  2. _kylecz_
    6 February 2023 22:38

    why is it not working on new version i want to use it in single now :DDD

    and i cant :D bruh

  3. kdpaogjfdiahg
    6 February 2023 17:45

    Kiddion, when will you make a new verison of you mod menu? I´m running out of money :(

  4. dzick
    5 February 2023 03:44

    Cuando la actualizacion o ya no ? digo para usar otro

  5. Saloki
    4 February 2023 03:44

    Update ?

  6. DANIEL_
    3 February 2023 14:30

    ((I'm not sure this is safe so be carefull if you download it!!))  

    I think this is his website and there is the updated version of the mod,    https: //kiddion. net (just remove the spaces if you want to download it, and again I'm not sure if this is a legit site, but looks like it so be carefull) 

  7. zuhu
    zuhu · zuhuinc
    2 February 2023 16:19

    for everyone asking for update why not just be patient and wait for the fix. 

  8. pulanberg111
    2 February 2023 15:44

    pls update guys

  9. janul2001
    2 February 2023 10:41

    pls bro update

  10. oskaaarek
    2 February 2023 00:22

    please update!!!

  11. pointererererer
    1 February 2023 23:47

    need update

  12. DANIEL_
    1 February 2023 23:06

    It needs an update. :(

  13. FetkoGG123
    1 February 2023 18:28

    pls update

  14. Kasna1238
    24 January 2023 05:57

    does it works now?

  15. Absolutefire
    19 January 2023 14:03

    Got banned tho wasn't raging, just some casualty

    1. lohin
      20 January 2023 16:45

      how did you get banned? you use it on public?

    2. csgobuisnez668
      22 January 2023 20:55

      that happened to me bfore when it was undected, that was just a casual ban wave my friend

  16. DatzFrozen
    DatzFrozen · Paper#9338
    19 January 2023 13:31

    Best GTA V cheat ong😏

  17. tomcruize027
    10 January 2023 00:31

    By mistake I set my level RP to 120 which default my level Rp was 56. any help what to do??

  18. Tobias10
    3 January 2023 00:14

    is this website trusted? i just got a new pc and dont want to have a virus on it

    1. JammersGG12345
      8 January 2023 16:20

      super trusted lol

    2. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      14 January 2023 00:49

      Love this website. It's the only one I trust tbh

    3. 比利 van
      19 January 2023 12:43

      No problem, bro

  19. Noel0312212313
    31 December 2022 18:07

    This webbsite has manny viruses be caususe what you dowload 

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      2 January 2023 04:20

      I've been using this site for 2 years now and I've never gotten a virus from it lmao. Why are you bullshitting?

      1. HaithamJB
        15 April 2023 06:27

        I have been using it for a long time and it has never given me any problem. It is incredible compared to other pages, and it also has everything for free.

    2. Absolutefire
      19 January 2023 14:03

      believe windows defender more lmao

  20. lucaspubg
    27 December 2022 07:23

    the program works fine , the only thing , timetrail method for exp is outdated bcoz of the new dlc locations.

  21. nyjahtabs
    26 December 2022 11:10

    why does it error when i start it?

  22. shani41
    Real Cheater
    24 December 2022 22:10

    can i add money through this cheat in online gta?

    1. 123124912941294975
      24 December 2022 22:23

      yeah you can add money

      1. valenca05
        Real Cheater
        26 December 2022 15:53

        the function to modify the profit with the bunker delivery does not work, since when pressing the button rockstar says that there was a problem in the transaction and that you must change session to return everything to normal.

        1. Surmulot
          27 December 2022 23:36

          its easy to make money in a night club, it is also possible to add a product there

    2. Goanga21
      31 December 2022 14:56

      yes, you go to the casino and you go to the online services menu, then to the casino service and you go to the second one while you are playing a game of chance at the casino, you can win $5.6 million in 30 minutes, like this

    3. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      2 January 2023 04:21

      Don't add money just use the casino cheat it gives you a couple million a day

  23. Surmulot
    23 December 2022 00:45

    Yesterday update  v0.9.7.zip (14.98 MB) 👌

    1. mangkanor019
      24 December 2022 17:10

      It does not work on me

  24. cigosz
    22 December 2022 13:48

    Update the Modmenu, because its still Outdated.

    Update it

  25. mistr_jojo
    16 December 2022 21:42

    After the GTA update. Some functions are not working for me. I can't add money through the bunker, choose what reward I want in the lucky wheel, and hacking money through the machines probably doesn't work either because the game always crashes. 

  26. slamhlokifaso
    16 December 2022 10:34

    update plsssss

  27. login9797
    15 December 2022 23:33

    When will it be available?

  28. valenca05
    Real Cheater
    14 December 2022 02:36

    after the update, is there an increased chance of getting banned using the kiddion or is it still as safe as before?

    1. GooseBoiHasKnife
      Real Cheater
      20 December 2022 03:28

      don't use it until it gets updated.

  29. Mert123231
    27 November 2022 01:36

    best mod menu

  30. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    24 November 2022 14:53

    Where do i download teleport.json file from ?

    EDIT : For those who wanna know from where to download teleport.json. You download it from here :  https://www.  thizissam  .in/2021/09/unlimited-xp-with-kiddions-safe-way.html  

    (remove the spaces)