PUBG Lite No Recoil \ No Grass \ No Ballistic by Lafko

  • Developer: Lafko |
  • Status:
  • Updated: 14.07.19
  • Current version: [14/07/2019]
New cheat on PUBG Lite No Recoil by Lafko which you can download for free from our website. Just want to note that this is not a macro, and a simple cheat that does not use the driver. The hack contains at its disposal only one single function - this function NoRecoil - it is responsible for the return of weapons, cheat completely removes the return of weapons, the spread of bullets in any type of weapon, and all you need is just to aim. All you will need is to run a couple of clicks .exe file and configure the cheat as it should, and if you follow the instructions, the probability of getting banned for using this hack is much less.

What is?
Removes all recoil from weapons;
Partially turns Off/On grass;
Completely turns Off/On grass/trees/some textures;
Disables ballistics and bullet speed (so far only for SKS);
Disables anti-cheat (this function is for experienced).

How to use:
Extract the archive into the game folder on the way PUBGLite with a replacement Launcher.exe, LauncherView.dll and Samples64.exe;
If you have Windows 7 then in the settings file Samples64 select the Run with administrative rights
Go to your account via "PUBG LITE" or "Launcher.exe" (run as administrator);
Press START -> Start the game and the console;
Go to the game or in training -> pick up weapons and enter the number in the console corresponding to the selected weapon -> press Enter on the keyboard;
If you have written GOOD against the list of weapons so recoil was removed.

The weapon or function highlighted in red does not work.

ATTENTION!!! Recoil removes only in the current match! If you moved to the next game then scan should be started on new.
Also, do not forget that you need to scan only after picked up the weapon.

Free Download PUBG Lite No Recoil \ No Grass \ No Ballistic by Lafko

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  1. Kamolbek1314
    19 October 2020 21:51
    Бан пшлмв анщщ

  2. Arda Çakır_2
    21 September 2020 00:47
    dont try im BANNED

  3. joaquin mallea
    7 September 2020 23:53
    7:45:12] [1][0][LauncherModule2.dll_64][22]
    [2020-09-07 17:45:12] Campo no encontrado: 'LauncherModel.IniModuleSection.CefUserAgent'.

    7:45:12] [1][0][LauncherModule2.dll_64][22]
    [2020-09-07 17:45:12] Campo no encontrado: 'LauncherModel.IniModuleSection.CefUserAgent'.

    7:45:12] [1][0][LauncherModule2.dll_64][22]
    [2020-09-07 17:45:12] Campo no encontrado: 'LauncherModel.IniModuleSection.CefUserAgent'.

    7:45:12] [1][0][LauncherModule2.dll_64][22]
    [2020-09-07 17:45:12] Campo no encontrado: 'LauncherModel.IniModuleSection.CefUserAgent'.


  4. sidestep
    15 August 2020 06:35
    na use it in training  mode

  5. bhop09
    1 August 2020 10:34
    Please Update!

  6. 03128014702
    14 September 2019 22:59

  7. faah souzah
    13 September 2019 04:12
    Fui banido !!! está detectando sim

  8. barelol
    1 September 2019 18:49
    F for no recoil ;|

  9. Immortality
    31 August 2019 20:34
    Yeah DETECTED  dont use it  i got banned :| 

  10. Glory_hole
    29 August 2019 15:31
    It's now working, maybe you have to update it

  11. mrvericio
    27 August 2019 23:50
    Thanks for the BAN. 

  12. Billy476
    26 August 2019 23:27
    It Dont works the server can detect it u must update  sob 

  13. dhanamerdeka
    24 August 2019 13:52
    this cheat need new update pls update...
    Not work for now

  14. samino
    22 August 2019 12:11
    new update still work


    1. dhanamerdeka
      24 August 2019 13:51
      no work pls update :(

  15. MoeD85
    22 August 2019 11:40
    It's detected.

  16. NIER-715
    20 August 2019 12:08
    thank you detected i am banned

  17. talesssbr
    20 August 2019 08:10
    Not working without getting you to crash the game and force closing it. 
    Will someone help us with another macro as good as this one ? And safe...

  18. samino
    20 August 2019 03:54
    thank you.. work fine

    1. NightKing
      20 August 2019 06:17
      Is hacker working with you, my friend ؟
      and How did you run the hack without coming out of the game

      1. samino
        23 August 2019 05:58
        *edited: banned

  19. Ramos506
    18 August 2019 19:35
    they are detecting it update it please

  20. putraws
    17 August 2019 18:03
    password rar?

    1. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2019 09:54
      Written below description

  21. Immortality
    17 August 2019 16:40
    ITs Works For me in safe mode:| i played 1day no kick :|

    1. uyhfi7
      17 August 2019 17:41
      Are you sure ? because i always got kicked

      1. Immortality
        18 August 2019 01:11
        yeah until now works for me :\

        1. uyhfi7
          18 August 2019 09:49
          safe mode in windows ?

    2. dante4x
      18 August 2019 06:25
      how to enter safe mode

    3. djrms
      19 August 2019 15:52
      still not detected and not banned in safe mode?

    4. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2019 09:53
      stop trolling these guys

      boys the cheats isnt working anymore dont use it

      cuz sometimes after u use and try again and again u will got banned

      try the macro of pubg lite

  22. samino
    16 August 2019 19:32
    its still works in 10min hahah :D

  23. azmibacplk
    16 August 2019 14:02
    Sorry sure, When new update cheat PUBG Lite Again ?

    1. Immortality
      16 August 2019 18:38
      mb 1month 2month God Knows :D

  24. dileywmt
    16 August 2019 04:57
    galerinha não ta ceife mais kkkkk.

    1. Danpha1003
      Real Cheater
      20 August 2019 09:51
      tenta usar o macro que ainda ta indetectavel (ta na mesma aba que esse so que la embaixo)

  25. XxAhmedxX
    15 August 2019 21:37
    HHH its Detected know sorry guys

  26. Immortality
    15 August 2019 12:49
    wait for memoryhackers they make new cheat 

  27. Danpha1003
    Real Cheater
    15 August 2019 09:03
    maybe the new att won't come, the creator of cheat didn't notice it or his site has anything about a pubg lite att .. and it's been 1 month since the last

    sooooooooo goooooooood byeeeeee the best no recoil that i used <3 

    1. izunaandy
      15 August 2019 14:07
      yea, I think lafko never make cheat like this for free/public again, this is the last.
      so sad

  28. FA15A11
    15 August 2019 08:16
    Detected don't use it now.

  29. seby777
    15 August 2019 06:40
    detected, please new version

  30. iman_esfahani
    15 August 2019 06:32
    why i cant cheat new version of pubg in pc ????

    1. Immortality
      15 August 2019 12:44
      Cuz DETECTED:|

New Comments
johnsonmarc johnsonmarc

I find this hard to believe, without the correct setup, yimmenu is detected and you'd need to disable battleeye to use it, easily desync kicked within ten minutes. Yim hasn't truly been working like before since the update...

minervarrxrx minervarrxrx

guys use in powershell with admin rights

pip install keyboard numpy mss pywin32

wNekiRo wNekiRo

yes you can, i used this mod menu a day ago and it worked like a charm but is based on local save so everything you get like money are not kept in their database so is much more like a temporary thing

wNekiRo wNekiRo

It has an battle eye bypass but tbh is just for fun, everything you get like money, level, businesses, cars are saved only on your game saves and that's all, nothing remains and yeah, you can play online with it safely