PUBG Mobile Hack Murp

  • Developer: kailim
  • Status:
  • Updated: 16.08.19
  • Current version: v1.0 [16/08/2019]

A great solution for players who like to play with cheats in the game PING Mobile. This time the hack developer kai lim has released another free cheat (script) on PUB Mobile. This hack is very easy to use, configure and install. All you need is one helper program Cheat Engine with which you run a ready-made hack script on PUBG Mobile. The functionality for the free hack is quite enough, there are such important functions as: Antenna - this function will be over the models of your enemies and thus you will be able to know about their location, the Aimbot function for direct fire, the SpedHack function for fast movement on the map, the JumpHack function to improve the jump, the AutoHeadshot function to ensure that you always fall exclusively into the enemy's head and many other functions, the full list you can see below. Instructions below, if you have questions - ask, we will try to help.

Jump Hack 
Speed Hack (Run) 
Antenna Hack 
FOV Hack 
Through Wall 
Magic Bullet 
Auto Headshot 
Color Hack (Black, White)

1- Download and install Cheat Engine, (Note: I apologize for the quality. Cheat Engine (v6.8.3) is required )
2- Start the emulator. 
3- Double-click the Scrip to open the menu. 
4- Select your emulator. 
5- You can use current cheats.


to use the script. It is recommended to use with bypass. You can eat ban because of risk and Danger Hacks. The risk of ban increases in TDM(new mode 4v4). Do not play TDM. All responsibility lies with you. Safe Hacks: Antenna Hack, Color Hack Risk Hacks: Jump Hack, FOV Hack, Through Wall Danger Hacks: Speed Hack, Aimbot, Magic Bullet, Auto Headshot

If this screen appears after running the cheat, select Always and click the Yes button.

Free Download PUBG Mobile Hack Murp

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  1. ali974444
    8 September 2021 03:49

  2. pepper
    29 September 2020 01:21
    hey man what is the winrar pass :|
    it's not (123)
    tell me the pass pls :(

    and it's not (

  3. Nameees
    8 August 2020 10:36
    Why the fuck u use this on your main etf create a new a acc then hack on that acc

  4. xtiffanyx
    15 October 2019 06:31
    what is the pass key 

    1. mikuzi
      15 October 2019 09:26

  5. lordkaneki
    12 October 2019 12:59
    Uptade plisss men

  6. RkScord1
    23 September 2019 07:47
    kailim   Update  This Hack With good Esp as soon as possible

    1. maxo3v
      9 October 2019 23:36
      Spider-Hack Season 9 /10/8/2019 +GOD View +Magic Bullet +SUPER Aimbot+ ANT BAN +SPEED CAR

  7. rhenata
    19 September 2019 11:21
    plisss update..

  8. Winkie
    15 September 2019 19:00
    can someone tell me why in CS:GO, when you use a skinchanger the butterfly knife only has 1 animation and not 2?

  9. nvix
    14 September 2019 21:22
    Pleas Uptade

  10. AokoTheAoker
    13 September 2019 20:42
    Wtf is this, guys dont be dumb no one use a hack with his main account

    And the damn problem that they curse the creator wtf is this xD

  11. Kasun93
    5 September 2019 12:39
    Motherfucking Hack... Ban my Account Fuck U

    1. mikuzi
      15 October 2019 09:27
      Why do you hack in first place it's not cheats fault that you got banned :/

    2. quanmanss
      19 September 2022 07:50

      go buy 20$ hack stupid skid ("omg i need free hack omg fuck my acocrrcunt got ban")

  12. overdosus
    1 September 2019 16:00
    i watch theese idiots trying a new cheat on their main acount 
    wtf is wrong with you guys ? you know its not a 100% deal its more like 70 you will be catched and 10% that the hack wont even work and 20% that it will work XD

  13. BlackFire555
    1 September 2019 08:03
    this hack is not undedected i have banned for 10 years in 10 seconds 

  14. Prasanna1990
    31 August 2019 16:35
    Fuck this hack. Banned my accoun

    Dont use this this hack detected

    1. quanmanss
      19 September 2022 07:54

      nothing is undetectable

  15. smail012
    27 August 2019 13:42
    الله انعل حمار بوكم اولاد قحاب حساب ديالي اختفى في 6S

  16. khalid17074
    26 August 2019 17:06
    lvl 70 banned for just once try this shit

    1. BryanJMoDz
      14 September 2019 06:37
      You're retarted why would you use you're main you brain dead ape

  17. ilyasBMCD
    25 August 2019 22:40
    ez banned 10 year baybay  hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  fuck your self lvl 78 banned fuck you 

    1. BryanJMoDz
      14 September 2019 06:37
      You're retarted why would you use you're main you brain dead ape

    2. quanmanss
      19 September 2022 07:54

      damn your english bad

  18. jan00627
    25 August 2019 15:55
    My id is banned for 10 years.while i am in lobby not playing game or going in training. How it is possible?....

  19. villan.
    25 August 2019 11:23
    by using this hack my account was banded for 10yrs

  20. ashwani25
    25 August 2019 11:13
    showing courrupt file

  21. akwakw
    24 August 2019 18:40
    instantly my accoumts ws banned by just signning in in madapuhker

  22. flexed
    24 August 2019 01:36
    Working fine even after the latest gamehole/tencent update.

    Install cerberus 1.4.5 into the emulator. By-pass cheat detection in cerberus. Then Run this hack via CheatEngine.

    (May crash on low end systems)

  23. Hackyour
    22 August 2019 20:45
    DBK error

    Please tell me what should i do

  24. SDMAX
    22 August 2019 11:40
    dont use this hack.i have been banned

  25. hansaja
    22 August 2019 09:19
    how can i start the hack with what engine? open with what?

    i banned 4 accounts at the same time with this fucking hack shit

  26. Nobody 149
    21 August 2019 22:47
    What Through Wall hack do

  27. khan001`
    21 August 2019 21:55
    its not working

  28. alocos
    21 August 2019 17:05
    продам чит за 100$ НЕ ОБНАРУЖЕН  100% обновлен 20.08.19 постоянная техническая поддержка. 

    1. alocos
      21 August 2019 17:05

  29. IsuruPrez
    21 August 2019 16:25
    Well, I tried this on a guest account... Instant banned!  laughing

  30. happy0079
    21 August 2019 07:34
    This program creates instant ban my temporary account got banned in minutes