Kaidz - Aimbot, Wallhack, SpeedHack

  • Developer: Kaidz
  • Status:
  • Updated: 11.04.19
  • Current version: [11/04/2019]

Every day you ask me to lay out for you another free hack on Apex Legends, but unfortunately to find a really working, and most importantly a free cheat on Apex is very difficult, but today we are happy to provide you with a new completely free, working cheat on the game Apex Legends called Kaidz. This software is able to do everything, you want a great shooting and a quick hit on the enemies? use this hack Kaidz with the function Aimbot, AimLock and others. Or maybe you want to see the enemies through the walls and know about their location much earlier than other players? then feel free to use the hack Kaidz with Wallhack, ESP or RadarHack. The hack also contains in its functionality and other functions, such as: SpedHack, TriggeBot, AntiAim and many other functions.

Cheat is very easy to use if you understand it. The main problem will be its setting, because the menu will be in Chinese or will consist of incomprehensible characters, but by random pressing you can choose the functions you need. Instructions for starting is under the spoiler of this entry. Cheat works exclusively on Windows 10.

Free Download Kaidz - Aimbot, Wallhack, SpeedHack

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  1. jprefect
    28 June 2019 17:00

  2. Ilovehaxxd
    Real Cheater
    27 June 2019 15:33
    pls update the hack try again 

  3. Cryp_tyks
    1 June 2019 02:13

  4. VittoKiller07
    9 May 2019 23:29
    dont know why it is in chinese

  5. opbush
    20 April 2019 16:24
    what did u google?

  6. tlqndi
    19 April 2019 09:33
    Updated 4.17 go google

  7. fewfwefwefwefwefwf
    18 April 2019 18:17
    keep getting a error when i launch now I cant pst links here its like a weird a begging ending with 923 or some shit please help idk why

    1. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      18 April 2019 23:25
      Hack is outdated and detected and can lead to a hwid ban if so. Please be patient for another a update or a new apex hack.  smiley 

  8. tlqndi
    18 April 2019 16:44
    update now 4.17

  9. aegam83120
    18 April 2019 14:46
    Give me Link Other Hax THx So Much

  10. krenex
    14 April 2019 19:23
    update pls anguished 

    1. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      15 April 2019 23:33
      I don't think they are gonna update it ?

  11. ubhamos
    12 April 2019 21:48
    thanks admin first game banned

  12. azores
    12 April 2019 20:59
    Ez ban firt day. 

  13. Kyryl01011
    12 April 2019 20:35
    any new cheatS?

  14. mrmrras
    12 April 2019 15:46
    now detected  !! plz update status

  15. mostafa94
    12 April 2019 15:46
    RIP I hope you guys bring some thing new soon :(

  16. Gxlag
    12 April 2019 14:46

    Can someone help you with what you mean by the settings? :)
    You may have some operating instructions .. or something .. :))


  17. C4talyst
    12 April 2019 06:23
    if you got banned instantly after one or two games that means youre HWID BANNED. Go buy some spoofer and stop crying like a baby. 

    1. itzlit
      Real Cheater
      itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
      13 April 2019 20:41
      didn't he/she gave out a free hwid spoofer? (probably doesnt work after update)

      1. Sonsi
        Real Cheater
        13 April 2019 20:45
        He gave a hwid spoofer is in the description of this post lol :v

  18. opbush
    12 April 2019 05:37
    its detected still LOL

  19. colegiorpa199219922
    12 April 2019 04:29
    got banned instantly

  20. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    12 April 2019 03:34
    got banned instantly

  21. mygunisbiggerthanurs
    Real Cheater
    11 April 2019 15:39
    bout time for engilish

  22. cardillo
    11 April 2019 11:28
    Detected now

    1. bimalmacrock
      11 April 2019 11:45
      yeah don't use now maybe they updating

    2. sweeetthelimit
      11 April 2019 21:54
      may be cause the file showing error

  23. abir6191
    11 April 2019 10:24
    showing error

  24. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    11 April 2019 02:48
    shroud has better aim than this aimbot.

    Alright, which option is to turn off prediction aim

    1. InternalxHD
      Real Cheater
      12 April 2019 23:37
      no ur just bad lmao, last time i check shroud cant get 43 kills in one game

  25. RED_9895960
    10 April 2019 12:37
    Hack is working again as of 4/10/2019

    1. vonvaughn
      Real Cheater
      10 April 2019 14:51
      yes its working but not so long, ban after 12kills at first game.lol

      1. InternalxHD
        Real Cheater
        11 April 2019 00:41
        It has always been ud, ur just really slow on how anti cheat works lmao, do research

        1. vonvaughn
          Real Cheater
          11 April 2019 05:08
          STFU!!! U SCAM!!! Don't be such feel like a genius coz ur not!!! U FAG!!!

  26. criminalscum
    9 April 2019 07:33
    when will the hack get unpatched?

  27. itzlit
    Real Cheater
    itzlit · ITZLIT#6217
    9 April 2019 04:58
    The exploit got patched

  28. Xreoy
    8 April 2019 23:15
    Listen kids I am Xreoy I just used it multiple times if you want the less than 3 min ban Launch it BEFORE you launch the game and click the first blue button it will install then launch your game and it will be there but be warned it will get you banned in less than 4 mins ;)

  29. candra12
    8 April 2019 20:11
    how to use the cheat

  30. Gamerguyx
    8 April 2019 16:13
    virtual box exploit is detected PATCHED NO LONGER WORKING

    1. bimalmacrock
      8 April 2019 16:32
      I think it's outdated