Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

  • Developer: TheCruZ & Cazzaaaaa
  • Status:
  • Updated: 04.02.21
  • Current version: v2.1 (Season 8)
The new updated cheat for Apex Legends is available for free download from our website. Thank you to the developer TheCruZ for this opportunity. Want to play and win beautiful rounds? Use this free cheat on Apex Legends Direct EFI Aimbot and GlowESP with which you will be able to accurately shoot at your opponents in the game, and you will also be able to see players through the textures on the map, they will be highlighted in red and thus you will be able to see them through walls or any other structures. There is a chance to get banned for this cheat, so be careful and use various crawls for Apex Legends. Launching and using this hack is very simple, follow the instructions and you will succeed!

Compatible with: Steam (Origin unknown)

How to use:
1. Put the files from "put on usb" onto a usb drive
2. Restart PC open Boot Manager, Select EUFI USB.
3. A menu should display, type fs0: press enter then load memory.efi press enter then exit
4. If memory.efi is not found try fs1: fs2: etc instead of fs0:
5. If successfully loaded and you get blue screen load up windows
6. Open notepad.exe as Admin then drag new.dll onto INJ.exe once it says waiting for apex launch game. You will see the menu once u load into lobby


REQUIREMENT TO USE: If anyone get banned please tell us if you was using any other app/script/spoofer and your avg stats (play killing everymatch 25 players with 5k+ dmg = ban)

Fix aim prediction
aim key:F12
Aim Bone:head

v2.1 Changelog (More coming soon & will upload later):
- 2x Custom aim key selectors added
- Aim at team toggle added
- Vis check toggle added
- Aim switcher toggle will now switch between the custom key 1 and custom key 2 instead of LMB & RMB
- Previously removed spectator options are now back just before you select aim key. 

For v2.1 use this as a reference as what to input for the aim keys https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes
Input the 0x01 instead of VK_LBUTTON etc

Free Download Apex Legends - Aimbot and Glow hack (Season 8)

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Comments: 699 Views: 119 066


  1. LuckyZoom
    14 October 2020 12:14
    if i want to remove all of this thing from my computer, including what i did with the usb terminal... how should i do?

  2. pewpewgay
    14 October 2020 11:49
    if you need help dm me


  3. KushBTW
    14 October 2020 01:53
    hey y does my notepad close and dont see shit like after i type notpad.exe

    1. Yboih
      14 October 2020 04:59
      me too how to fix this

      1. LuckyZoom
        14 October 2020 12:12
        you just have to open notepad as administrator

    2. DooplerAnn
      20 October 2020 11:27
      you should type notepad.exe not notpad.exe

  4. FOne
    11 October 2020 13:28
    I cant find microsoft in any of my directories i need a direct boot because when i come out of my usb boot menu cmd and press escape to load my windows it pushes me back to the cmd any solution..

  5. andrearoberttua
    11 October 2020 08:17
    what spoofer u guys use?

  6. yessir556
    11 October 2020 03:16
    hey is says dll missing when i try to map it any fix?

  7. FuckAnime
    11 October 2020 02:48
    how do you install

  8. ZarifZxF69
    10 October 2020 22:53
    its need more update like.. when someone damage by bomb its become white and aimbot not work then...and aslo knocked players alos then till red

  9. sprgsm1
    10 October 2020 18:41
    anyone has thecruz discord id?

  10. betrayedlepro
    9 October 2020 22:47
    hello, so when i load the efi i got a black screen. Any fix ?

  11. alexbol74
    9 October 2020 19:52
    It works great! Thank you TheCruZ for a great cheat and for the opportunity to use it for free!

  12. lollo2020
    8 October 2020 00:32
    update pls :D:D:D:D:D

    1. cuentamlxxx7
      8 October 2020 19:03
      I already update it, I just need to approve it

  13. miotys
    7 October 2020 14:51
    Utilisable avec nouvelle maj ?

  14. Microsoft Plus
    7 October 2020 10:57
    please another cheat like that i want that and awesome cheat its okay if they have glow and no aimbot.. thnx

  15. Warlordajender
    6 October 2020 21:55
    anyone need cheap apex hack contact me MR.SARKAR#3961

  16. ZarifZxF69
    6 October 2020 14:18
    need update...its not working at all

  17. drydecade
    6 October 2020 12:50
    not work anymore, new update hitbox 6 october 2020

  18. yeetedhacker
    5 October 2020 22:24
    i dont understand how it works and install

  19. alexbol74
    2 October 2020 12:22
    Banned on the second day!!!

    1. lollo2020
      3 October 2020 12:55
      you played too obvious and you got reported

  20. KpicJx
    1 October 2020 18:20
    Black screen after entering "load memory.efi" command

    1. hihi4321
      3 October 2020 20:01
      motherboard too old sorry man

    2. betrayedlepro
      9 October 2020 22:49
      yeah me too wf

  21. alexbol74
    1 October 2020 15:04
    Very cool cheat. Thank You TheCruZ. For proper installation, you need to watch the video!

  22. OrphanCrippler
    30 September 2020 22:22
    I fucking updated my bios, tried multiple usb drive, disabled secure boot, watched countless videos lmao.. This shit just aint working

  23. OrphanCrippler
    30 September 2020 22:05
    Ok lmao I tried everything shit aint working

  24. OrphanCrippler
    29 September 2020 22:44
    Ok im just confused asf at this point. Apparently I just cant fucking do it lmao. I got the the shell open and i loaded memory.efi but it just freezes right there and I gotta restart to do anything. Which then I tried disabling secure boot and i literally cannot disable it

  25. OrphanCrippler
    29 September 2020 20:42
    When I boot it with the USB it just boots into windows like normal, doesn't even pop up the efi shell. Idk what to do

    1. bokugrg
      30 September 2020 22:30
      same as your bro my one is doesn't pop up the efi

      1. OrphanCrippler
        30 September 2020 22:56
        I got the efi shell popped up but everytime I load the memory.efi my computer freezes and I gotta reboot but how I got the shell to pop up was very simple u just put the efi and memory.efi in the usb instead of putting the usb directory in there

  26. Toby111
    29 September 2020 02:13
    what is the process name!!!

  27. DFB Human
    26 September 2020 16:13
    anyone help me please? i get stuck on black screen after i load memory.efi.... allready loaded windows in uefi mode.... i only get 1 file when i put in LS not so many as on the video?

    1. rudra009
      27 September 2020 18:08
      same here also black screen aftre memory load

    2. Alexandrer
      27 September 2020 19:26
      maybe its not fs0 try other

  28. Alexandrer
    25 September 2020 21:14
    Very cool cheat i got banned only once cuz i was playing like a maniac but I hwid and got a new account and destroyed again xD

  29. miotys
    25 September 2020 09:24
    Marche nickel merci

  30. ricardinmalone
    24 September 2020 10:33
    when I write "load memory.efi" and press enter the screen is locked and I need to restart the computer as I resolve?

    1. OrphanCrippler
      30 September 2020 04:32
      Same shit happens to me lemme know if u found a fix