火柴人 Stickman - ESP (Nick, HP,Distance), Aimbot

  • Developer: 火柴人
  • Status:
  • Updated: 12.03.19
  • Current version: 2.1.1 [12/03/2019]
Your attention is a new working cheat Stickman on Apex. Today it is one of the best free hacks for the new popular online game Apex Legedns. This hack boasts of its simplicity and easy settings that you can change and adjust for yourself. Cheat includes a menu in its functionality with which you can easily enable or disable the functions you need, for example, you want to change the settings of the ESP function and it's all possible through switching to the hack menu.

Let's talk about the functions, because here they are quite enough and they are ideal for your style of play. For example, there is a well-known function Wallhack (ESP) with which you can see your enemies through the walls, as well as through any other obstacles on the map, such as capsules with weapons, because some players like to hide behind them. The cheat will also help you see invisible players because the ESP not only highlights your enemies, but also shows the amount of health, nickname and distance to the enemy. Cheat also has in their settings another popular function Aimbot-this function will make your shooting clear and much faster, and now when shooting your bullets will fly exclusively in the body of the enemy.

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Comments: 57 Views: 9 761


  1. YARAK52
    12 March 2019 18:48
    hey moderator dont working ??!?!?!?!

  2. lemon89023
    12 March 2019 17:37
    the fourth time ok time out what is it???

  3. pika4u
    12 March 2019 17:35
    Cheat is good and working good very good I love it <3

  4. KATE
    KATE · Brother#4367
    12 March 2019 17:06
    F1-Distance / Nicknames/HP
    F5-Armor, knockdown shield, helmet, first aid kit, charging shield
    F6 - Aim On/Off
    F7 - Select part of the body 
    F8 - Select the hot key Aim
    Num + - zoom in and out capturing of aim 
    End output

    1. Anglbss
      12 March 2019 20:17
      The menu is not popping out after injecting the hacks and presing 3 okay :/ dunno why i run it as admin

    2. tokwangfu007
      13 March 2019 07:51
      what resolution?

    3. 1faster
      13 March 2019 13:15
      hack is outdated

  5. Edwardfly
    Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
    12 March 2019 16:52
    How to inject :
    -start origin
    -start cheat as administrator
    -press ok 3 times
    -open apex

    1. AxelPaz
      12 March 2019 16:58
      Dont have aimbot?

    2. leandrolawan69
      12 March 2019 19:41
      Hello sir, why doesn't it work whenever i press home?

  6. mona_liza
    12 March 2019 16:51
    Quote: AxelPaz
    3hs game 0 bans
    what is the key for the aimbot

    there is no aimbot

    1. AxelPaz
      12 March 2019 16:52
      Cheat also has in their settings another popular function Aimbot-this function will make your shooting clear and much faster, and now when shooting your bullets will fly exclusively in the body of the enemy

    2. Edwardfly
      Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
      12 March 2019 17:12
      hold down right click

  7. AxelPaz
    12 March 2019 16:47
    3hs game 0 bans
    what is the key for the aimbot

    1. Edwardfly
      Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
      12 March 2019 17:13
      hold right click for aimbot