Fakyx - Aimbot, Wallhack free [Apex Legends]

  • Developer: FACE Team
  • Status:
  • Updated: 18.03.19
  • Current version: [18/03/2019]
Cool free hack on Apex Legends which you can download from our website. This software is unique in everything, firstly it contains in its functionality extremely unique, and most importantly working functions that you can configure and use yourself, and secondly the cheat has its own unique menu in English, which will make this hack much easier unlike Chinese hacks. The software has the status UNDETECTED and according to the author of the cheat will work until about 30.03.2019 or until the next update of the game, but the author is going to continue to update this free cheat on Apex.

I would like to tell you more about each function, but I want to provide access to this hack much faster, so that everyone can use it. I can say one thing that the cheat contains two necessary functions for a successful game - it is Aimbot with the possibility of numerous settings and Wallhack (ESP) function that you can also customize to your style of play, somewhere to change the distance, pick up colors, highlight the health of the enemy, and more. Download and follow the instructions to not get banned from Apex soon.

People who run the injector during the running game will receive a BAN.
Run the first hack, and then the game.

Free Download Fakyx - Aimbot, Wallhack free [Apex Legends]

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Comments: 140 Views: 18 339


  1. sever007007007
    20 March 2019 00:55
    cheat is not relevant !! do not load !!!!!  Status: OUTDATED 

  2. kurylenko32
    20 March 2019 00:13
    con la nueva actualizacion del pase de batalla , el hack ya no sirve. 
    the hack is no longer useful, please update.  19/3/2019 18:00hs

  3. sasanlover
    19 March 2019 23:34
    pleas update thanks

  4. mrmrras
    19 March 2019 23:29
    Plz Update cheat thanks

    amoo sibilo doat mikoneh <3

  5. MateuS1489
    19 March 2019 21:55
    I hope they update the cheat

  6. hsynknn
    19 March 2019 21:50
    After update completely outdated and detected

  7. b7kkkk
    19 March 2019 21:14
    thank you   FACE Team  I hope you update that cheat   kissing_heart 

  8. soviet_artyon
    19 March 2019 21:10
    RIP this cheat

  9. nice1233
    19 March 2019 20:56
    Outdated pls Update!

  10. Az_Jailbreak
    19 March 2019 20:53
    Outdated smh, also you can now report players

  11. qahaz
    19 March 2019 20:48
    Sadly yes it is outdated since update

  12. ITZ_Coen
    19 March 2019 20:40
    Hack is outdated since 19-3-2019 i just tried joining and it crashed 2 times in a row

  13. Fernandolos1
    19 March 2019 20:34
      Welcome to Fuckex Legends[Free-Software]

      Successfully logged in!

      @Asmjs            Scamer
      @Scamjs           Scamer
      @ivan2301         Scamer
      @SquareKent       RMS Developer
      @MrDimarik        Rat Developer
      @busy10           Miner Developer
      @zidjey           Guard Unveloper
      @CTOUE_RU         SKAM MAKE IT
      @PsevdoP1dr       Flash Energy Purchaser
      @Mr.Nik           Premium User
      @Silitskiy        Premium User
      @anarh1st47       Big People can ban Scamers on UC
      @repachino        rabotaet na EAC
      @belkajb          kogda 50k vernesh?
      @diana            fuckex injected succesfull
      @VMPSoft          Grechka Compiler
      Start Pepex Legends for Fuck EAC

      EAC Fucked Succesfull
    Then click to open the insert but not nothing

  14. galaev95
    19 March 2019 20:34
    does not work anymore. since apex update!

  15. pxpx
    19 March 2019 19:57
    1.Running the cheat
    2.Starting the game
    the console is written after loading the game import failed

    What to do with it?
     OC win7 x64 max

  16. kazekage159753
    19 March 2019 19:14
    I am getting Load Error using Fakyx . Anyone have idea why ?> All A/V are disabled , and i runned as admin, i tried compability but still Load Error

  17. steven1503
    19 March 2019 18:24
    only aimbot not working very well

    19 March 2019 07:23
    2.You will open the cheat and know once its one when the cheat goes away
    3.The press Insert on your keyboard 
    4. ENJOY!

  19. carlos1987
    19 March 2019 06:24
    faça um vídeo com spoofer

    faça um vídeo com spoofer

    faça um vídeo com make a video with spoofer

  20. RandomPrivateName
    19 March 2019 03:05
    how do you open the settings?

  21. TheChrno
    19 March 2019 01:29
    Cheat it's good only for legit player....very good esp....so much cool loot esp...but...
    1-silent aim bad work (she hit only wen she detect ppl....if half of the enemy behind cover, you will not get into it)
    2-bad aim locking,scrossair always jump on all enemis
    and most nasty....
    3-you can't shoot on the move..any movement throws back the crossair fuck,and if you can't move for fire...all can easy shot you too...uselles...

    Only esp good...and i not reccomended use this on main...always u get ban wen his detect...

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      19 March 2019 10:11
      It's a free cheat and it will update... this is update 2.

      1. TheChrno
        19 March 2019 19:31
        yea,i know it's free...and it's good cheat...but i mean...i preff good aim-lock,and not uselles silent-aim and others.... they need fix only the movement-aim cause rly movement totaly breack aim,on silent mode too

        1. ELKORDY
          20 March 2019 03:01
          aim lock is insane . you have to make fov more then 10 . and disable aim delay

  22. xuxuan
    18 March 2019 22:40
    ta detectando msm n mano?

  23. meupau
    18 March 2019 20:02
    good as I said I wanted to share the fraud with members,I'll leave the link for members to download

    http://dl.free.fr/getfile.pl?file=/xeG3cfAK - (disable windows defender otherwise, the trick will be deleted)

    It's easy to inject. enter the game and activate the cheat

    enjoy as long as it's not detected

    (Sorry for bad English)

    1. FoBLeaH
      18 March 2019 20:07
      Goo*** drive says

      We're sorry. You can't access this item because it is in violation of our Terms of Service.

      medi one works!

      thank you,

      I am going to go try it now.

    2. gomehide
      18 March 2019 20:20
      You need to upload the file to http://dl.free.fr, do not upload google because only you can see it.!

      1. meupau
        18 March 2019 20:23
        Thanks for the information

    3. SadSonic
      18 March 2019 20:30
      mano seu inglês é muito mau kkkk

      1. meupau
        18 March 2019 20:35
        nada os gringo deve ter entendido uns 5% sauhasuhsaush

    4. FoBLeaH
      18 March 2019 20:57
      Why does it say load fail?
      and all menu is in chinese, can't tell what is what....

      1. meupau
        18 March 2019 21:06
        use the google translation app here it is working normally

        1. FoBLeaH
          20 March 2019 01:34
          It worked perfect yesterday without no problem and still have not banned.

          Thank you for the upload.!

    5. mjp1
      19 March 2019 02:42
      Thank you for sharing.
      /// ~3hour not detected.

    6. adamhawa
      19 March 2019 04:15
      how to inject .pl file ?

  24. meupau
    18 March 2019 18:09
    I'm using a hack 1.8 he is excellent I played for 4 to 5 hours without taking a ban 

    cheat print > http://prntscr.com/mzjd2w

    I do not know how to post cheats here,If I had known, I would like to share with members

    (Sorry for bad English)

    1. ogattu
      18 March 2019 18:26
      Hello, I'm currently searching for hacks to use. If you don't mind to give me the hack, you can contact me on my discord: _attu#5627

      Thanks in advance.

      1. meupau
        18 March 2019 18:33
        My discord is giving error on entering,if you have another shipping method, I'll send

        1. exodustt030
          18 March 2019 18:40
          Can i have it as well? Coover#6139

        2. wahyucw
          18 March 2019 18:49
          Maybe you could send it via gdrive or dropbox?

          1. nice1233
            18 March 2019 18:55
            Here is the cheat https://www.alhax.com/2019/03/apex-legends-v19.html

            1. meupau
              18 March 2019 19:40
              This is outdated mine is 1.8 if you use this, you will be banned quickly

              1. FoBLeaH
                18 March 2019 19:52
                can you send one to me too plaase?

              2. RobinTR
                18 March 2019 20:13
                Discord: RobN#4087 Can u send me hack pls

        3. Edwardfly
          Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
          18 March 2019 19:56
          try joining using this link : https://discord.gg/kVzasHD

    2. Edwardfly
      Edwardfly · edwardfly#7997
      18 March 2019 19:56
      you need at least mod to post a cheat for this community ,but if u want to share with us join discord using this link : https://discord.gg/kVzasHD

    3. mjp1
      19 March 2019 09:17
      1.8is very nice hack. But im 6~7hour banned.
      Maybe monitoring report ban.

      Nothing in this world is perfect.
      Thanks to you, I had a great time.

  25. TeroPie
    18 March 2019 15:28
    How to open menu?

    1. sh4ggv
      18 March 2019 16:32
      press 'insert' in game main menu

  26. calebcaleb
    18 March 2019 11:30
    after update aimbot dont work?

    1. mjp1
      18 March 2019 12:45
      aimbot is different from the one we knew. use it in actual battle you know
      'animbot not perfect' >>fifty-fifty.

      ps. im 1~2hour banned

  27. mjp1
    18 March 2019 10:32
    updated good.

  28. daffaaaja
    18 March 2019 09:56
    how to activate this cheat?

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      18 March 2019 10:14
      Above download u se instructions ?

  29. spekbillen
    Real Cheater
    18 March 2019 09:54
    Nice it updated

  30. Lootking
    18 March 2019 09:47
    is there a virus in it?

    1. spekbillen
      Real Cheater
      18 March 2019 09:53
      No there is not