Apex Legends Cheats - BOX ESP Hack | Free

  • Developer: BaconToaster
  • Status:
  • Updated: 08.05.21
  • Current version: v1.3

A brand new cheat for the game Apex Legends you can download from our website for free. This is a simple but necessary cheat for every player. Thanks to this software, you will be able to see all the opponents through the walls on the map, they will be highlighted in red ESP BOX and thus will be displayed through the textures on the map.

  • it only work in windowed borderless it does not work in fullscreen
  • when Using cheats you need GeForce Experience In game overlay ENABLED

UPD: added non-nvidia graphics card compatibility

Free Download Apex Legends Cheats - BOX ESP Hack | Free

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Comments: 108 Views: 39 513


  1. samino
    15 April 2021 23:12
    get banned again.

    Quote: neca123
    Bruh i got banned if u dont belive me just dont.I played  legit as much as i could i didnt get 20 kills i got like 2-3 kills maybe.I didnt know players location already.I used this cheat and got banned i lost my acc thats level 60 and has around 200 hours ):

  2. jakubmajers1234321
    15 April 2021 10:26
    The cheat works, but it is detectable :/ I already got two bans doing only 3-4 kills :()
    If someone doesn't cheat, they don't have a brain.

  3. neca123
    15 April 2021 08:55
    Bruh i got banned if u dont belive me just dont.I played  legit as much as i could i didnt get 20 kills i got like 2-3 kills maybe.I didnt know players location already.I used this cheat and got banned i lost my acc thats level 60 and has around 200 hours ):

    1. MelagisGG
      Real Cheater
      15 April 2021 21:19
      This is why everyone say to not cheat in main account :D

    2. Infinity Liew
      17 April 2021 18:19
      lol why 200 hours still lv 60 , im lv 400 only 600 hours

  4. daveyygoat
    14 April 2021 19:42
    I need help with this cheat someone add me on discord Shrek.mp4#3794

  5. fakhrijuanda
    fakhrijuanda · Achan#6390
    14 April 2021 17:21
    works for me +rep

  6. yousef_lvl99
    13 April 2021 23:00
    i need help please anyone know add my discord :  ꧁Cate꧂#8366

  7. Gman555
    13 April 2021 19:37
    It doesn't work, fuck you

  8. SSGBruce
    12 April 2021 09:27
    Quote: aalirizoo
    there is a miner inside that 


    1. BradleyPatterson
      12 April 2021 23:13
      no he dosent even know how to figure that out hes just being an idiot ive done the fun stuff of trying figuring that out no there is not

  9. franciscofranco
    11 April 2021 18:57
    how i solucione (failed to hijack the nvidia overlay)

    1. newkillernew1
      13 April 2021 14:41
      You dont have Geforce Experience Installed


      1. newkillernew1
        13 April 2021 14:42
        Downloading This Will remove the issue of failed to Hijack the nvidia overlay

  10. demkatapi4
    11 April 2021 16:28
    Guys i need ur help...
    When i type in cmd kdmapper.exe Driver.sys
    i get this error: \Device\Nal is already in use.
    Can someone tell me what should i do ? 
    Thanks. :)

    1. Daxicu
      11 April 2021 20:33
      Step 1. go to the folder
      Step 2. drag driver sys to kd mapper
      Step 3. open geforce overlay
      Step 4. open usermode
      Step 5. open apex and enjoy

      1. demkatapi4
        11 April 2021 21:06
        Thank, but didn't work...

  11. Einarmk
    Einarmk · Einar#8391
    10 April 2021 17:12
    gg really good man

  12. OnlyCheater
    10 April 2021 15:36
    Need working HWID Spoofer for Apex and all EAC GAMES?

    Add me Discord : OnlyCheater#1111

    or join my Discord Server :  https://discord.gg/jacqknZgKc

    We also help with this Free Cheat!

    1. azeur365
      azeur365 · The azeur365#1486
      10 April 2021 20:29
      use nullspoofer

  13. demkatapi4
    9 April 2021 22:59
    doesn't work for me...

  14. tuka
    9 April 2021 06:29
    -------Official OnlyCheater-------
             :balloon:Since 2014:balloon:

    :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down: What we offer :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

     Hardware ID Spoofers

     Free Hacks
       Payed Hacks

     Free Mods
       Payed Mods

     Free cheat tables

    Support included
    > Undetected and trusted
    > :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down: How to contact us :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:
    > >  Step 1:
    >     -->  Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Q45PtuUSAX
    > >  Step 2:
    >     -->  Open a ticket (see the pic)

    discord server join lets pro hack

    -------Official OnlyCheater-------
             :balloon:Since 2014:balloon:

    :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down: What we offer :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

     Hardware ID Spoofers

     Free Hacks
       Payed Hacks

     Free Mods
       Payed Mods

     Free cheat tables

    Support included
    > Undetected and trusted
    > :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down: How to contact us :arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:
    > >  Step 1:
    >     -->  Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Q45PtuUSAX
    > >  Step 2:
    >     -->  Open a ticket (see the pic)

    1. samino
      9 April 2021 15:24
      bruh... we dont pay for cheat.. good luck

  15. bret2004
    9 April 2021 03:01
    Can someone tell me how to use it I have problem with the instructions 

  16. cacat12333
    8 April 2021 18:56
    Quote: Nando003
    still not detected (8 april)
    add me on discord amd please help me inject 

  17. Nando003
    Nando003 · nandoo#7171
    8 April 2021 17:32
    still not detected (8 april)

  18. OnlyCheater
    8 April 2021 06:49
    Need working HWID Spoofer for Apex and all EAC GAMES?

    Add me Discord : OnlyCheater#1111

    or join my Discord Server :  https://discord.gg/jacqknZgKc

  19. samino
    8 April 2021 05:20
    after mini update, get banned thank you :)

    1. MadRoxx
      Real Cheater
      8 April 2021 14:28
      stop lying kid pfffff no one believe you jealous

      1. samino
        9 April 2021 15:25
        Im get banned MTFkers

  20. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    7 April 2021 20:38
    did anyone tested after the update (4/7/2021 6:38PM) ?

  21. fsynorth
    7 April 2021 15:47
    did all the steps, nothing appears in game.

  22. dzakir
    7 April 2021 15:35
    Why not added aimbot? Its hard?

    1. ssxloka
      8 April 2021 15:09
      more bannable ...

  23. asdfghjklmao
    7 April 2021 14:51
    Can someone help please?;D I can't use it somehow, the usermode thing says "failed to initialize directx on the nvidia overlay"
    if u have any idea why the pls tell me 
    (i have nvidia graphics card)

  24. dark_tlx
    Real Cheater
    7 April 2021 13:35
    Quote: dark_tlx

    Quote: dark_tlx
    Hi friends, I tried this cheat and it works perfectly
    (I'm sorry, my English is not good)

    I have no idea if this thing is detected or undetected 
    (sorry, my English is bad) 


  25. dark_tlx
    Real Cheater
    7 April 2021 01:25
    Hi friends, I tried this cheat and it works perfectly
    (I'm sorry, my English is not good)


    1. samino
      7 April 2021 03:31
      banned brooooooo

  26. MadRoxx
    Real Cheater
    6 April 2021 19:53
    still not detected <3 (6 april) 5:53

    1. tolevver
      7 April 2021 00:06
      i got banned after used 1 days

  27. tolevver
    6 April 2021 17:14
    update version please

  28. neca123
    6 April 2021 12:21
    Bruh,i hope people aint that dumb.Cheat goes detected cuz some retards get banned bcs they go obvius and get 20 kills per a game.And how dumb u gotta be not being able to inject this cheat? Bruh just do what he says and learn english lol

    Bruh i hope people learn english,and it goes detected cuz people dum dumb

  29. saiompattnayak
    6 April 2021 09:32
    i am amd user how can i run this 

  30. BigSpoons
    6 April 2021 01:44
    I get blue screened whenever i drag the driver.sys into the kdmapper file and even when i try doing it the other way too.