Apex Legends NoRecoil Script - No Ban (Steam/Origin)

  • Developer: mgsweet, PetrosPastor
  • Status:
  • Updated: 07.01.22
  • Current version: v1.2.2

Current and working cheat Apex Legends NoRecoil Script - No Ban (Steam/Origin). Using this simple cheat script, you can adjust your shooting and thereby make it more accurate. You will be able to shoot exactly from any type of weapon, just download this free cheat on Apex Legends.

Apex Legends NoRecoil Script

How to use

Why the script does not work? Why does the script freeze my screen?

If you are trying to run the script in the bin/ folder or src/ folder, make sure the resolution/ and pattern/ folder is on the same path with the script.


Apex Legends Script NoRecoil+Aim assist by PetrosPastor 2022



Free Download Apex Legends NoRecoil Script - No Ban (Steam/Origin)

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Comments: 63 Views: 50 685


  1. dzakir
    12 December 2021 17:00

    nice cheat

  2. ChinskiZnaczek
    12 December 2021 14:25

    How do you use it? When I downloaded it there is no .exe files, only AHK, how do I go about it?

    1. DieuGraisse
      14 December 2021 13:05
      Your antivirus :D

      Your antivirus :D

      Your antivirus :D

      1. PurplyGaming
        Real Cheater
        1 January 2022 18:57
        are you dumb???? dude AHK Files Just Install AutoHotKey And Then Run apexmaster Then Run gui then If You See A Apex-NoRecoil With Just Settings And Resolution Just Get The Sensitivity To 5 And The Only Thing Thats Checked Should Be The auto_fire Then After That Just Click Save and Run! There We Go No Problem Man

  3. Siphon6ix
    8 December 2021 00:21

    what is the password for files?

    1. nailouu
      11 December 2021 14:59
      pass: 123

      pass: 123

      pass: 123

  4. DIzsolvee1
    6 December 2021 04:34

    new link please its blocked for me

    1. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      1 January 2022 18:57

  5. ice zuki
    4 December 2021 03:05

    I used the steam PAD settings to change the L2R2 to mouse clicks, but this is not the way I want to use it as I lose the aim assist and it becomes mouse movement + PAD joystick movement.
    I'd like to get rid of the recoil with the aim assist ON. I hope you can help me. Thank you for your time.  

    I'd like to get rid of the recoil with the aim assist ON with PAD. I hope you can help me. Thank you for your time.

    I'd like to get rid of the recoil with the aim assist ON with PAD.  

    I'd like to get rid of the recoil with the aim assist ON.  

    how to get rid of the recoil with the aim assist ON.

  6. banermihai06
    29 November 2021 00:55

    use 1.5 sens

    1. 69Dzusik69
      1 December 2021 21:16
      in game or cheat?

      in game or cheat?

    2. PurplyGaming
      Real Cheater
      1 January 2022 18:59
      Just Use 5.0 Sensitivity And 3.2 Sensitivity Sooo Basically 5.0 Sensitivity At The Cheat And 3.2 Sensitivity At Game Apex Legends Then If You Want To Adjust Sensitivity DONT RUIN THE SETTINGS ITS ALREADY PERFECT So Just Do Mouse Settings And Change Your Sensitivity At Mouse Settings In Settings On Windows...

  7. netqher
    netqher · Net#0001
    26 November 2021 18:23

    when i download it the program dosent show up

    1. kinna
      10 December 2021 19:52
      yeah same

      yeah same

  8. jack_wettin
    25 November 2021 23:32

    Working, thanks. 

  9. Zeuus25
    23 November 2021 18:31

    Has anyone been banned?

    1. Platzpatrone
      8 December 2021 19:36
      no i play it 40 hours

      1. kinna
        10 December 2021 19:53
        how did you open the program?

        1. edward1998
          27 December 2021 05:13
          do i open the ahk file?

      2. PurplyGaming
        Real Cheater
        1 January 2022 18:59
        played for 1 week